高中英语复习 unit 4 astronomy the science of the stars课件 新人教版必修3

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1、Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars,知识清单,1. _ n. 系统; 体系; 制度 2. _ n. 学说; 理论 3. _ n. 大气层; 气氛 4. _ prep. 不同; 不像 5. _ n. 链子; 连锁; 锁链,system,theory,atmosphere,unlike,chain,(一) 基本单词,单词,6. _ n. 气候 7. _ vi. (使)漂浮 n. 漂浮物,climate,crash,pull,float,10. _ adj. 猛烈的; 激烈的; 强暴的 _ n. 暴力 11. _ adj. 有害的 _ n. 伤害;

2、害处 12. _ vi. 存在; 生存 _ n. 存在; 生存,violent,violence,(二) 派生单词,harmful,harm,exist,existence,13. _ n. 谜; 难题 vt. (使)为难 _ adj. 令人迷惑的 _ adj. 迷惑的,puzzle,puzzling,puzzled,1. 及时; 终于 2. 下蛋 3. 产生; 分娩 4. 轮到某人; 接着 5. 阻止; 制止,in time,lay eggs,give birth to,in ones turn,prevent from,短语,6. 感到高兴; 感到振奋 7. 既然 8. 突发; 爆发 9.

3、 密切注视; 当心; 提防 10. 挡住(光线),cheer up,now that,break out,watch out for,block out,1. No one knows exactly how the earth began, as it happened so long ago. 没有人确切知道地球是怎样开始形成的, 因为在很早以前它就形成了。 as引导的从句表示原因。,句式,2. What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust sett

4、led into a solid globe. 随后它会变成什么没人能知道, 直到38-45亿年前, 这团尘埃才慢慢地形成一个固体的球状物。 what引导主语从句。,3. This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop. 这就产生了一系列的反应, 使得生命就有可能开始发展了。 make it adj./n. for sb./sth. to do sth.,4. ., I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over

5、. , 我发觉我被送出去很远, 步子的跨度竟是在地球上的两倍, 因而我摔倒了。 times as.as. 是的几倍,核心要点,1. violent adj. 猛烈的; 激烈的; 强暴的 (课文原句) The earth became so violent that is was not clear whether the shape would last or not. 翻译:地球(开始)变得激烈动荡,不知道这个固体形状是否会继续存在下去。,单词,【归纳】 violent crime 暴力犯罪 【拓展】 violently adv. 猛烈地; 激烈地 violence n. 暴力; 暴行,2.

6、 harmful adj. 有害的 harm n. 伤害, 损害 (课文原句) What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. 翻译:很多科学家相信,由于地球上长期有水存在,使地球得以把有害气体和酸性特质溶解在海洋里。,【归纳】 be harmful to 对有害 do harm to 损害 There is no harm in doing st

7、h./ It does no harm to do sth. 做某事没有什么坏处。,3. exist vi. 存在; 生存 (课文原句) They laid eggs too and existed on the earth for more than 140 million years. 翻译:它们也生蛋,在地球上生存了一亿四千多万年。,【归纳】 exist on 靠为生 exist by 以方式为生 exist in 存在于之中 There exists/existed. 某地有; 存在 【拓展】 existing adj. 现有的,现存的 existence n. 存在; 生存 come

8、 into existence 产生; 成立; 开始存在 in existence 存在,4. puzzle vt. 使迷惑; 使为难; 使窘困; 感到 迷惑 n. (游戏的)猜谜; 难题; 谜 (课文原句) How life began on earth is one of the biggest puzzles that scientists found hard to solve. (P27) 翻译:地球上的生命是如何开始的,科学家发现很难解释这个最大的难题。,【归纳】 puzzle over/about sth. 苦苦思索; 仔细琢磨 puzzle sth. out 琢磨出的答案 【拓

9、展】 puzzled adj. 迷惑不解的(常用来修饰人) puzzling adj. 令人迷惑不解的(常用来修饰 事物),5. crash vt. & vi. 碰撞;坠落 (课文原句) that a comet crashed into the earth long ago and caused the disappearance (P29) 翻译:一颗彗星很久以前撞上了地球,导致了它的消失,【归纳】 crash作名词时,意为:坠毁,猛撞;碰撞声,破裂声;暴跌,倒闭,失败;(计算机系统的)崩溃。如: More than one hundred people were killed in th

10、e plane crash. The vase landed on the floor with a crash. When the market crashed, they assumed the deal would be cancelled. A computer crash is very costly.,crash作动词时,意为:碰撞,撞击(常与介词into连用);(使)猛撞;暴跌,倒闭,失败;崩溃。如: Kevin was drunk when he crashed the car. A truck went out of control and crashed into the

11、back of a bus. We watched the waves crashing against the rocks. The company crashed with debts of $20 million. The system crashed and I lost three hours worth of work.,6. pull n. 牵引力 (课文原句) As the rocket rose into the air, we were pushed back into our seats because we were trying to escape the pull

12、of the earths gravity. 翻译:随着火箭的升空,由于我们在努力挣脱地球的引力,我们被向后推在座位上。,【归纳】 pull apart 拆卸; 拆散 pull away (车辆等) 开走 pull down 拆毁; 摧毁 (建筑物) pull in (车辆) 进站; 停靠 pull out 驶出; 退出 pull through 康复, 痊愈 pull up 停车,1. in time 及时; 终于; 总有一天 (课文原句) They were in time to produce carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapour and othe

13、r gases, which were to make the earths atmosphere. 翻译:它(地球)猛烈的爆炸喷出了烈火与岩石,最终产生了二氧化碳、氮气、水蒸气和其他多种气体,从而形成了地球的大气层。,短语,【拓展】 in no time 立刻; 马上 ahead of time 提前 at a time 每次; 逐一 at times 有时; 间或 all the time 一直, 始终 from time to time 有时; 偶尔 many a time 多次; 常常 time after time 一次又一次; 总是, Thank God youre safe! I

14、 stepped back, just _ to avoid the racing car. A. in time B. in case C. in need D. in vain,2. in ones turn 轮到某人; 接着 (课文原句) Thus they have, in their turn, become the most important animals on the planet. 翻译:于是,他们接着成为了这个行星上最重要的动物。,【拓展】 in turn 轮流; 依次; 逐个 take ones turn 依次; 轮流 take turns to do sth. 轮流做

15、某事 Its ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事,3. cheer up 感到高兴; 感到振奋 (课文原句) I cheered up immediately and floated weightlessly around in our spaceship cabin watching the earth become smaller and the moon larger. 翻译:我立刻感到很高兴,由于失重我在太空舱里飘来飘去,我望着(身后的)地球越来越小,而(前方的)月球越来越大。,【拓展】 cheer sb. on (赛跑/比赛等中)以喝彩声 鼓励, 为(某人)加油 cheer for. 为欢呼 Cheers! (用于祝酒)干杯!,4. block out 挡住(光线) (课文原句) As a result of this event, a great dust cloud formed in the sky blocking out the sunlight. 翻译:这个事件的结果就是,天空形成了一团团的灰尘,遮蔽了阳光。,【归纳】block out意为:挡住,遮住(光线或声音);忘掉,抹去(不愉快的事);草拟(大纲等


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