2018年秋八年级英语上册 unit 9 can you come to my party教案 (新版)人教新目标版

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《2018年秋八年级英语上册 unit 9 can you come to my party教案 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年秋八年级英语上册 unit 9 can you come to my party教案 (新版)人教新目标版(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9Can you come to my party?单元教材分析类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题1.Make,accept and decline invitations;2Talk about obligations.单元语法can表示“请求”的用法。语言技能听指导学生听懂发出邀请、接受邀请或谢绝邀请的材料并完成相关的简单听力任务。说教会学生运用情态动词can或cant向别人发出邀请、接受或谢绝别人的邀请并阐述接受或谢绝的理由。读指导学生读懂邀请信、接受邀请信和谢绝邀请信,正确回答文章后所提问题,并用信中的有关信息补全短文。写指导学生利用课堂上所获取的知识分别写一封邀请信和一封谢

2、绝别人邀请的信,并给出谢绝的正当理由。学习策略培养学生用情态动词can主动向别人发出“请求”的习惯和意识。情感态度指导学生运用所学语言与他人得体地进行交际。文化意识了解西方国家各式各样的“晚会”。课时教学设计第一课时Section A (1a2d)1通过看图说话、师生问答、听录音、角色扮演等形式,使学生掌握本课时的单词prepare,exam,flu,available,until,hang,catch,以及短语hang out,another time,prepare for;让学生学会发出邀请、接受邀请和拒绝邀请。2通过师生问答、角色扮演、调查采访、做游戏等形式,使学生学会“Can you

3、 come to my party on Saturday afternoon?”“Sure,Id love to.”“Can you go to the movies on Saturday?”“Im afraid not.I have the flu.”等句子;学会谈论自己的计划和安排,同时巩固情态动词can和have to的用法及现在进行时态表将来的用法。重点掌握邀请他人参加活动、接受或拒绝他人邀请的句型。难点情态动词can和have to的用法;现在进行时态表将来的用法。Step 1情景导入通过自由交际进行复习热身。For example:T:Im very glad to see y

4、ou again.Boys and girls! My birthday is coming. I am having a paty.Do you like parties?Ss:Yes.T:What can you do at a party?S1:I can dance.S2:I can sing.S3:I can play games.S4:I can meet some new friends.S5:I can talk with my friends.T:I am glad you can do so many things.Can you help me prepare for i

5、t?Ss:Of course.T:Thank you.Can you come to my party?You can say,“Sure,Id love to.”If you cant come,you can say,“Im sorry,I cant.I have to do”or “Im sorry,I cant.Im doing”Ss:Yes.(设计意图:通过师生自由交际复习热身并导入新课,谈论如何发出邀请、接受邀请和拒绝邀请,激发学生的学习兴趣。)Step 2完成教材1a1c的任务1利用多媒体图片学习新短语。教师利用多媒体图片呈现本课时所要学习的have the flu,go to

6、the doctor,prepare for an exam等短语。For example:T:Lets see the following pictures.Whats the matter with you?S1:I have the flu.T:Can you come to my party?S2:Sorry,I cant.I have to go to the doctor.have the flu go to the doctorprepare for an exam help my parents meet my friend(设计意图:教师在黑板上板书句型“Can you co

7、me to my party?”“Sorry,I cant.I have to go to the doctor.”并领读。然后,教师用同样的方式教授其他短语并领读,通过机械操练巩固新句型。)2教师教读65页的新词组,学生领读1a 中的词组,两人一组背诵并互相提问。3教师抽查学生的背诵情况,之后让学生认真观察图片中人物的活动并把短语和图片匹配,集体核对答案,完成1a。4请学生大声朗读1a图片中的对话,了解大意,为听力做好铺垫。5听录音,根据录音内容,把1b中的人物名字写在1a图片中相应的学生旁边,集体核对答案。6再听一遍录音,并大声地跟读对话。7利用1a中的短语,仿照1c中的形式小组内练习发出

8、、接受或拒绝邀请的对话,邀请几组学生来展示对话。8小结训练。(D)(1)I usually watch TV with parents _ Saturday evening.Ain Bat Cfor Don(C)(2)What is your mother doing?She is preparing _ dinner for us.Ain Bat Cfor Dto(B)(3)Can you come to my birthday party?_AYes,Id love BSorry,I cantCNo,Id love to DSorry,I dont(C)(4)Why didnt he co

9、me to school yesterday?Because he _ and went to the doctor.Ahelped his motherBprepared the examChad the fluDmet his friend(A)(5)It was too dark so he _ turn on the light.Ahas to Bmust Cmay Dhave toStep 3完成教材2a2c的任务1认真阅读2a中的句子,为听力做好准备。2认真听录音,根据听力内容圈出can 或cant。3认真听一遍录音,写出谁不能参加聚会及其原因,完成2b中的表格。4再听一遍录音订正

10、2a和2b的答案。5认真阅读2b表格中的原因,再添加更多的原因,然后两人一组仿照2c对话形式来练习对话,并邀请几组学生表演对话。A:Hey,Dave.Can you go to the movies on Saturday?B:Im sorry.Im not available.I have too much homework this weekend.A:Thats too bad.Maybe another time.B:Sure,Joe.Thanks for asking.6小结训练。(C)(1)Would you like to play basketball with us?Yes,

11、Id love to. _ Im afraid I have no time.ASo BOr CBut DAnd(B)(2)Today is my birthday.Can you come to my party tonight?_ADont worry BSure,Id love toCThats too bad DNo,I dont know(B)(3)Tony cant come to the party,because he will _ help his sister with the housework.Amust Bhave toChas to Dneeds to(D)(4)W

12、ould you like another cake?_AId love to BYes,Id love toCId like DYes,please(C)(5)Thank you very much for _ me to your birthday party.You are welcome.Aask Bto ask Casking Dasked(A)(6)I dont like the red dress.Could you please show me _ one?Aanother BothersCthe other DotherStep 4完成教材2d的任务1播放2d的对话录音,让学

13、生跟读,模仿并理解大意。2大声朗读2d对话,读熟后与同伴结对练习,分角色表演对话。3邀请三组学生来表演对话。Step 5布置作业完成探究在线高效课堂本课时练习。第二课时Section A (Grammar Focus3c)1通过看图说话、师生问答、调查报告、角色扮演等形式,使学生掌握本课时的单词invite,accept,refuse;学会向他人发出邀请以及学会合理安排自己的生活,学会与他人相处。2通过师生问答、角色扮演、调查采访、做游戏等形式,使学生学会“What are you going to do on Saturday?”“Im not sure.I might visit my g

14、randparents.”“When is it?”“Next week,on Thursday night.”等句子;学会合理安排自己未来的活动。重点学会“What are you going to do on Saturday?”“Im not sure.I might visit my grandparents.”“When is it?”“Next week,on Thursday night.”等句子;学会描述自己的计划和安排。难点合理安排自己的活动日程;根据日程表邀请他人参加活动。Step 1情景导入通过自由交际,师生谈论与参加聚会有关的事情,复习上节课所学过的内容。For example:T:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?S1:Sure,Id love to.T:Can he/she come to my party?S2:Yes,hed/shed love to.T:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?S3:Sorry,I cant.


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