安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 题型专项复习 题型三 完形填空安徽题型专练

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安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 题型专项复习 题型三 完形填空安徽题型专练_第1页
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安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 题型专项复习 题型三 完形填空安徽题型专练_第2页
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《安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 题型专项复习 题型三 完形填空安徽题型专练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《安徽省2019年中考英语总复习 题型专项复习 题型三 完形填空安徽题型专练(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、完形填空安徽题型专练(2018安徽宿州第五中学一模)ARichard is a successful businessman who always helps homeless people. Every weekend during the 1 , he serves hot delicious soup to them.On a snowy day, he visited our school and invited us to visit his “soup kitchen”. We spent most of the day 2 soup to people of all ages,

2、both the old and the young. After the meal, everyone sat down and 3 Richard talking about how some people got a job after living on the street for some time.Richard told us that it made him feel 4 to help the homeless. He wanted to know how we felt about doing it. I said that it made me feel good, t

3、oo, 5 when I knew those people really needed a helping hand. Richard told us that a lot of people thought the 6 people were lazy. However, he thought people chose to live on the street for many different 7 He said that he knew a kid who used to live on the street, but later went back to school and 8

4、 became a successful man. He smiled and asked, “Would you like to meet 9 ?”I said, “Sure!”He took my hand, 10 it and said, “Nice to meet you!”I could hardly believe it. I said, “You mean you.?” I was speechless, really.Im very proud to know Richard. He is not only one successful person, but one pers

5、on who can really make a big difference.1A.spring BsummerCautumn Dwinter2A.selling BservingCshowing Dlending3A.listened to Bchecked outClooked up Dtook off4A.cold BupsetCgood Dbored5A.usually BprobablyCcertainly Despecially6A.rich BhomelessCyoung Dfamous7A.ideas BdreamsCreasons Dmessages8A.hardly Bn

6、earlyCsimply Dfinally9A.me BherChim Dthem10A.shook BliftedCcleaned DwatchedBDo you like to go camping? Have you ever got lost in the wild? Even experienced campers 1 get lost. To avoid getting lost, stay on marked roads. Take a notepad(记事本) and a pencil with you for writing notes. Use a compass(指南针)

7、 so that you can know what 2 you are going.If you do get lost, dont be afraid. Getting into a panic(恐慌) is the 3 thing. People always walk in big circles. They dont 4 this, of course. They make themselves so 5 that they cant get back to the right road.If it is late, and others know you are out alone

8、, stay 6 you are. Someone will come to 7 you soon.If it is early, and you want to try to find your way back, leave marks to show where you have been. Put some stones on the 8 you have taken. If you have a pencil and a notepad in your pack, write a note and put it on a tree. Write down the time, the

9、date, the fact that you are lost and the direction you are now taking.If you are lost at night, build two camp fires close together. Two columns of smoke(烟柱) side by side are a signal for 9 . If other campers see the smoke signal, they will come to find you.At the same time, put on all the clothes f

10、rom your bag to keep 10 . Be patient and wait until help arrives.1A.never BalwaysChardly Dsometimes2A.direction BplaceCtime Dspace3A.best BeasiestCworst Dclosest4A.change BrealizeCthink Dremember5A.bored BexcitedCrelaxed Dtired6A.what BwhereCwhen Dhow7A.wait for Blook forCask for Dpay for8A.road BriverCbridge Dwall9A.fun BquestionCsurprise Dhelp10A.brave BstrongCwarm Dcold参考答案A15 DBACD610 BCDCAB 15 DACBD610 BBADC 4


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