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1、从本学科出发,应着重选对国民经济具有一定实用价值和理论意义的课题。课题具有先进性,便于研究生提出新见解,特别是博士生必须有创新性的成果留学文书写作中存在的通病(1)留学文书写作中存在的通病在之前的文章里,笔者已经多次提醒申请者不要在留学文书中写“I am eager to learn knowledge”之类的句子,主要原因是单词learn本身已经包含了knowledge的含义。在Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary中,learn的第一条释义为“to gain knowledge or skill by studying, from experience, f

2、rom bEing taught, etc”。由此可见,在learn后接上knowledge纯属画蛇添足,不是地道的英文搭配。不建议写此类句子的另一个原因是很多人有些过度使用learn knowledge这种表达。在我们所接触的申请者中,有90%的人都会在自己的文书里用learn knowledge这个表达,有的甚至在同一篇文章中用十来次,似乎留学文书除了表达“学习知识”之外就没有其他内容可写了。我们可以把此类现象归纳为中国申请者在留学文书写作中的通病。本文为大家总结了三种最为突出、最具代表性的通病,并提出有效的“治病方案”。金玉其外,败絮其中不少人在备考托福、SAT、GRE、雅思等语言考试的


4、物专业的本科。例1:My hometown is familiar to most Chinese people as “the city of heroes,” for which, however, is not a pride because it indicates the egregious problem of pollution in which the “heroic people” live. In the monumental air and water pollution, my hometown is also widely known for the signific

5、ant food safety incident of “tainted milk.”The shame of the incident has made me particularly concerned about food safety issues.评析:划线部分存在语法和用词两方面的问题。两个定语从句which前的介词使用错误,其与从句所修饰的名词毫无关系。单词egregious 和monumental 属于前文提到的“华丽的辞藻”,前者一般用于形容错误和失误,后者是个褒义词,一般用来描述建筑、艺术作品、重大历史事件和具有纪念意义的事物。可见,这两个词用来形容pollution和ai

6、r都不合适。Shame 是人的一种情绪或心态,无法和incident 搭配使用。修改后:My hometown, Shijiazhuang, is familiar to most Chinese people as “the city of heroes.” However, there is nothing much to be proud of when the “heroic people” are clueless as to how to combat the appalling air and water pollution that is plaguing the city.

7、To make matters worse, the town has been brought into the public eye over the significant food safety incident of “tainted milk.”As a concerned citizen, I feel ashamed.评析:修改后的句子短小精悍,先说石家庄的别名是“英雄之城”,后又提到居住在“英雄之城”的市民面对城市的环境污染问题却束手无策,传达出一种讽刺的效果。最后一句的“I feel ashamed”不仅改正了原文中的用词错误,同时也很好地引出了“我”学生物学的动机。例2:

8、As per my findings from intensive research on rhodopseudomonas palustris , production was actually simple in spite of the fact of two problems: unstable quality and failure in mass production. The key here was just a piece of culture apparatus effective in moving the bacteria from the inside wall of

9、 the apparatus and thus enhancing the per-unit production and keeping the quality stable.评析:本段中的语言矫揉造作:“as per my findings from”应简化为“I found that .”或“my research showed that ”。最后一句中的the key表义不清,应进行详细解释,可改为“the solution of the problem should be ”或“what is lacking is ”,这样读者才知道问题的症结和解决方案是什么。同时语法也有问题:in

10、 spite of the fact后面应该跟that从句,而不是名词。修改后:My research on rhodopseudomonas palustris showed that production was actually simple in spite of two problems: unstable quality and failure in mass production. What was lacking here was just a piece of culture apparatus effective in moving the bacteria from th

11、e inside wall of the apparatus and thus enhancing the per-unit production and keeping the quality stable.评析:高中生参与到科研中,能做一些简单的研究已经不错了,但修改前的句子把它说成是intensive research,显然是言过其实,该形容词在修改后的句子中消失了。另外,修改后的逻辑非常清晰:提出问题,并提出了解决问题的方法。例3:All the time, I dream of improving peoples lives through biological sciences,

12、and I hope sincerely to start doing so by studying at your esteemed and extinguished university, with its powerful support in technology and resources, and its source of inspiration!评析:这段话是文章的结尾段,主要存在三个问题。第一,即使抛开辞藻华丽这一点,仅从文字表达的意思上看,这段话依然不合逻辑:大学怎么支持科技、资源和灵感?第二,我们在之前的文章中已经多次告诫申请者不要突然引入第二人称your esteeme

13、d university,这里却出现了这个问题。第三,extinguished 用来修饰大学是极其严重的用词错误,申请者想要表达的应是distinguished。不过,就算写对了,也没多大用处,因为esteemed和distinguished之类虚假的恭维是英美人士不喜欢听的。修改后:I am hopeful that my UPenn education in biology will help me in my rather ambitious cause to change the image of my hometown so that it truly lives up to its

14、 good name as the city of heroes.评析:原文“All the time, I dream of improving peoples lives through biological sciences”有为全人类的解放事业奋斗终生的口气,但是不可信。修改后“全人类”变成了“石家庄”,申请者希望通过学习生物来改善家乡的环境问题,使the city of heroes这个美名更名符其实,这样的说法就更让人信服了。语义模糊,弄虚作假由于留学申请者越来越倾向于低龄化,有些申请者的英语写作水平较低,因此写出的文书里存在大量语法问题以及由此导致的语义不清,这都可以算作是无心之

15、过。但还有一些申请者,由于自己经历有限,并没有很多值得一书的“好人好事”,于是便通过“移花接木”或“偷天换日”的伎俩,故意把文章的时态模糊化处理,比如把自己要做的事或是做了一半的事写成过去时、现在完成时,从而使读者产生错觉,以为这是已经发生过的事。还有申请者故意把一个团队合作完成的项目写成是自己独自完成的,但是写着写着就露馅了,因为文章里会突然出现we、our、team member、my friend之类的词。此类问题比起单纯的语法和用词错误更为严重,甚至可以说是恶劣。例1:With two feet tied on stilted blades, I struggled to stand

16、on. Falling over any time not enough care was paid, a small step seemed impossible.评析:在例1中,申请者描述了自己试穿残疾人假肢,一不小心就跌倒的经历。但是划线部分主谓不清,被动语态误用,句子结构也有问题,让读者看不明白这是要表达什么内容。修改后:With two feet tied on stilted blades, I struggled to stand on my feet. I fell down numerous times when I was not paying attention and even when I was paying attention.评析:在描述自己的亲身经历和所见所闻时,一定要多用简单明了的主谓结构和主动语态,以表明文书的主人公是“我”。


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