2018年七年级英语上册 unit 7 how much are these socks单元同步作文课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、七年级上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks?,写作话题:Goods(商品),Learning objectives,1能力目标 (1)学会描述商店的物品种类,颜色及价格。 (2)掌握广告文体的写作方法及技巧,简单描述服装的价格和颜色,并能完成“Big sale! Colors Clothes Store”为题的写作任务。 2情感目标 “Clothes make the man.”,教育学生要注意穿着整齐干净,不穿奇装异服。,Do you like going shopping?,Look at the clothes in my store!,a sweater

2、,a T-shirt,Task 1: Welcome to Marys store,12,20,a bag,a skirt,a hat,Look at the clothes in my store!,32,18,9,trousers,shorts,Look at the clothes in my store!,¥30,¥19,socks,shoes,Look at the clothes in my store!,¥23,¥3,Look at the things in the picture. Fill in the blanks in the ad.,Huaxing Clothes S

3、tore Do you like _? We have _ for only _ yuan. How much are our _? Only _ yuan. And the red _ are _ yuan.,sweaters,sweaters,21,trousers,20,skirts,25,Mr. Cools Clothes Store Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell all our clothes at very good prices. Do you like sweaters? We have green s

4、weaters for only $15! Yellow sweaters are only $12! Do you need trousers? For boys, we have black trousers for only $22. And shorts are only $16! For girls, we have skirts in purple for only $20. How much are our jackets? Only $30! And we have black shoes for only $28. Socks are only $2 for three pa

5、irs! Come to Mr. Cools Clothes Store now!,ending,beginning,Big Sale! Marys clothes store,How to write an ad for the clothes store?,Beginning:_ _ Ending: _ _,Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!,Come and have a look for yourself!,Come to Karys clothes store now!,Come and see for yourself!,clo

6、thes,Color 颜色,Task4: Draw your own mind map,How to write an ad for the clothes store?,price 价格,kind 品种,Do you need / like?/ For boys,we have/ You can buy/ We sell,We havein red/in all colors.,We have/sellat very good prices/We have/sellfor only/How much is/are?Its/Theyre only /are only for three pai

7、rs.,Writing,“卡乐”服饰店(Colors Clothing Store)正在进行大减价,非常优惠。请发挥想象写一则广告以吸引顾客前来惠顾。 要求:1. 以“Big sale! Colors Clothes Store”为题, 词数:60个左右。 2. 行文连贯,要符合广告特色。,写作指导,人称:_ 时态:_ 体裁:_, 按_的顺序叙述。,Outline提纲 :,Beginning:_ _,Main body:,Ending:_ _,一般现在时,第一人称,应用文(广告),逻辑,衣服的种类、颜色、价格,Come and buy your clothes at our great sal

8、e!,Come to our store now!,Come and see for yourself!,Come and have a look for yourself!,语料箱 词块: 短语:at a very good price, bags for sports, football socks, come and see, have a look at., in all colors, for boys 句型: 品种:Do you need/like.? For,we have You can buy We sell 颜色:We havein red/ in all colors.

9、价格:We have/sellat very good prices.We have/sellfor only are only for three pairs. 宣传语:Come and see for yourself! Come to our store now! Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! Come and have a look for yourself! 名言、谚语、警句 : Clothes make the man.人靠衣装马靠鞍 Take care of the pence and the pounds will t

10、ake care of themselves.小财注意, 大财自来。,作文评价标准表,自我赏析与修正 朗读自己的文章,按照习作评价标准表进行自我赏析与修正。,Task 5,自评,同伴互赏 欣赏与修正 请交换习作欣赏,用红笔划出对方的亮点词、句,并运用改错符号标出不足,进行适当修改。 按照习作评价标准表给同伴的习作打分。 点评 由亮点欣赏到不足的修正和提升 (篇章结构分析-细节点评),Task 6,互评,师生共评,Task 7,集体赏析 按照习作评价标准表进行集体赏析,并积累好词好句,进行美化和提升。,重写作文,(根据自评、互评、集体赏析后的修改情况,自我提升、美化文章,进行第二次写作。) “卡

11、乐”服饰店(Colors Clothing Store)正在进行大减价,非常优惠。请发挥想象写一则广告以吸引顾客前来惠顾。 要求:1. 以“Big sale! Colors Clothes Store” 为题,词数:60个左右。 2. 行文连贯,要符合广告特色。 提示:写作时可参考语料箱。,总结与反思:,When we write an ad for the clothes store, what writing strategies(写作策略)can we use?,首尾呼应法写广告,1. 开门见山进行宣传,多为号召性语言。 如:Come and buy your clothes at ou

12、r great sale! Come and look at the clothes for yourself. 2介绍产品物美价廉,有各种样式可供选择,针对不同人群有不同样式,达到激发顾客购买欲望的目的,细节要具体到品种、颜色、价位等句式可有: 品种:Do you need.? / Do you like?/ For,we have/ You can buy/ We sell 颜色:We havein 价位:We haveat very good prices/We haveonly for/We sell.only for. 3画龙点睛,首尾呼应,再次号召:Come to Karys clothes store now!/Come and see for yourself!,


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