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1、18春金融英语作业1试卷总分:100 得分:100一、 单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)1.There are many ways to _ analyze the futures market.A.skillfullyB.craftilyC.methodicallyD.technically正确答案:D2.It is your data on the rising labor costs in Beijing that gave David the idea of _ our unprofitable operation there.A.phasing outB.phasing

2、inC.phrasing outD.phrasing in正确答案:A3.The fuction of futures markets are price _, price risk hedging, and improving market efficiency.A.inventionB.discoveryC.foundingD.reading正确答案:B4.A financial institution which has _ of a shorter reprising period than its assets.A.debtsB.hocksC.liabilitiesshares正确答

3、案:C5.Im recommending a facility of about 200,000 square feet, which will more than double our present _.A.capacityB.capabilityC.abilityD.accomodation正确答案:A6.If the bank has net losses it must collect _ or sell investments.A.leaseB.transactionsC.loansD.exchanges正确答案:C7.Other market participants purch

4、ase options as a way to _ on asset price movements.A.contemplateB.gambleC.conjectureD.speculate正确答案:D8.Futures markets provide a current consensus of knowledgeable opinions about the future price of commodities or financial _.A.instrumentsB.instructionsC.institutionsD.equipment正确答案:A9.In law, the wo

5、rd real, as it relates to property, means _ as distinguished from personal property.A.belongingsB.substanceC.housesD.land正确答案:D10.The _ from the bonds would be made available to us at a very low interest rate to help finance the construction.A.proceedB.proceedsC.procedureD.process正确答案:B11.Why dont y

6、ou bring me _ on this piece of land you wanted me to check out.A.up-to-dateB.up-to-the-dateC.to dateD.on a date正确答案:A12.In the case of loans, the whole amount advanced is at once debited to the customers _.A.time accountB.savings accountC.loan accountD.deposit account正确答案:C13.Overbuying will surely

7、lead to the _ of the market.A.go downB.collapseC.reductionD.falling正确答案:B14.In the case of advances, the customers may be requested to _ the repayment arrangements.A.abideB.observe withC.comply withD.stand by正确答案:C15.If you want to buy a car and may not have money on hand, you can make your _ out of

8、 future income.A.buyB.purchaseC.tradeD.exchange正确答案:B16.You can buy the dollars forward to reduce or eliminate the risk of an _ movement in exchange rates.A.inverseB.adverseC.badD.diverse正确答案:B17.The party granting the right to buy or sell an asset is called the option seller or _ of the option.A.bu

9、yerB.writerC.dealerD.customer正确答案:B18.No actual commodity is physically traded on the futures market. Instead _ are bought and sold.A.futures contractsB.sharesC.stocksD.agreements正确答案:A19.The price of one currency _ another is called the exchange rate.A.in a term ofB.on terms ofC.in terms ofD.in ter

10、ms正确答案:C20.Futures prices are _ for delivering a designated quality and quantity of grain to a specified place and time.A.quotesB.quof grain to a specified place and time.A.quotesB.quotationsC.citesD.citations正确答案:A18春金融英语作业4试卷总分:100 得分:100一、 单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 100 分)1.Do central bank _ and exchange co

11、ntrols affect rates of exchange?A.interventionsB.invasionC.meddlingD.influence正确答案:A2.If the bank has net losses it must collect _ or sell investments.A.leaseB.transactionsC.loansD.exchanges正确答案:C3.I _ every facility in the area, and not one of them was adequate.A.watchedB.inspectedC.checkedD.examin

12、ed正确答案:B4.In the case of loans, the whole amount advanced is at once debited to the customers _.A.time accountB.savings accountC.loan accountD.deposit account正确答案:C5.If this property is as good as you say, weve got to _ fast.A.goB.takeC.moveD.do正确答案:C6.Exchange rate includes _ and forward rate.A.spo

13、tB.occasionalC.immediateD.flexible正确答案:A7.In the case of advances, the customers may be requested to _ the repayment arrangements.A.abideB.observe withC.comply withD.stand by正确答案:C8.Some automated clearing houses will be established in the cities of the future to handle electronic _ .A.transfersB.tr

14、ansformC.changeD.move正确答案:A9.If the checks of a traveller are lost or stolen, you can receive a _ for the total amount.A.refundB.allowanceC.subsidyD.payment正确答案:A10._ are simply IOUs issued by firms and governmentsA.SharesB.DividendsC.BondsD.Futures正确答案:C11.Thrift institutions participation in money creation is limited relative to _.A.print worksB.banksC.vaultsD.factories正确答案:B12.An option must always sell for at least its _ value or there will be arbitrage opportunities.A.intrinsicB.extrinsicC.inhe


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