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1、更多资料登陆淘宝网址 绿色柠檬 英语六级 2013 年 6 月真题及答案Part I Writing2013 年 6 月六级作文范文一It is not exaggerating to say that habits determine how much a person can achieve. This is due to the magical power that habits have. It can redouble the effort of our daily behavior.Take this for example: if you recite one word eve

2、ry day, you will add 365 words to your vocabulary by one year, and 700 words by two years, and 1400 words before graduation which is by far beyond the curricular of CET-6. While if you spend two hours on playing computer gameswhich is far less than how much time is spent in reality for college you

3、will probably get addicted to it and fail your study. This phenomenon can be easily found in the college that it is high time for us to be aware of the importance of habits. We should cultivate good habits and get rid of the bad habits such as staying up late, being addicted to games, consuming extr

4、avagantly, etc as soon as possible.Rome was not built in one day. We can accumulate a great fortune by the tiny efforts we made every day. From now on say good bye to the bad habits and stick to the good ones, we will enjoy a profitable return in the future.2013 年 6 月六级作文范文二Good habit resultGood hab

5、its are a valuable thing and a bridge reaching desirable results. Evidently, good habits include teamwork, optimistic attitude, confidence and so on. It is well known that teamwork always leaves us less mean-spirited and more inclusive. Again, optimistic attitude and confidence can encourage us to n

6、ever give up and find silver linings in desperate situations.Why should we actively cultivate good habits? For one thing, good habits can jump our trains of thought onto correct tracks, in turn, we can bypass the wrong path. For another thing, persisting what we are good at and doing even more of i

7、t creates excellence. This is where developing good habits comes in.As a result, we should take some effective steps to cultivate our good habits. For instance, we can frequently inform young people that opportunities for errors abound, so we must develop good habits to cope with them. To sum up, we

8、 cannot deny it that good habits do carry a positive connotation.2013 年 6 月六级英语考试作文参考范文三A smile is the shortest distance between two peopleMark Twain once said, “The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.”A smile will unconsciously pull short distance between hearts, which

9、 is the charm of a smile. So never stop smiling, even when you are sad, for someone might fall in love with your smile.Undoubtedly, it is smile that keeps us continually shortening the distance among people. When you fall down, a smile from others will bring you the power to stand up. Besides, smile

10、 is a name card which will make the people around you feel comfortable and pave the way for you to make good friends. When you feel disappointed with the life and get heartbroken with the love, just smile, its a good medicine for your hurt soul. Were there no smile, never would we taste a happy and

11、 healthy life.Consequently, from what has been discussed above, it can be safely concluded that a smile is beneficial for us bridge gaps of social interaction and sweep disorders of human communication.Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)更多资料登陆淘宝网址 绿色柠檬 Directions: In this part, you w

12、ill have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Obamas success isnt all good

13、news for black Americans As Erin White watched the election results head towards victory for Barack Obama, she felt a burden lifting from her shoulders. In that one second, it was a validation for my whole race, she recalls. Ive always been an achiever, says White, who is studying for an MBA at Vand

14、erbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. But there had always been these things in the back of my mind questioning whether I really can be who I want. It was like a shadow, following me around saying you can only go so far. Now its like a barrier has been let down. Whites experience is what many p

15、sychologists had expected - that Obama would prove to be a powerful role model for African Americans. Some hoped his rise to prominence would have a big impact on white Americans, too, challenging those who still harbour racist sentiments. The traits that characterise him are very contradictory to t

16、he racial stereotypes that black people are aggressive and uneducated, says Ashby Plant of Florida State University. Hes very intelligent and eloquent. Sting in the tail Ashby Plant is one of a number of psychologists who seized on Obamas candidacy to test hypotheses about the power of role models. Their work is already starting to reveal how


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