大学英语精读修订版第四册课件Book4 Unit One

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1、2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,1,Unit One,Big Bucks the Easy Way,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,2,Teaching Procedure,1. Introduction 2. New Words, Phrases & Expressions 3. Explanation Of The Text 4. Study & Practice 5. Preview & Review Exercises,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,3,Int

2、roduction,Summary of the Text Anyone who wants to become successful has to rely mainly on his own efforts, with family background or personal influence playing a much less important role than in many other societies. Thats why many American parents encourage their children to do part-time jobs while

3、 studying, even in high school. This will be of great benefit to the young people not only financially but also in the development and formation of character, and will enable them to learn a lot of things which are impossible to learn in the textbooks. This text tells us how the two college sons qui

4、ckly,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,4,learn cooperation, efficiency, business ethics and team work in order to get their work done and meet the deadline. Written in a humorous style, the text also tells us there is no easy way to earn a lot of money in America. You have to learn quickly and wo

5、rk hard before you can earn your share of money.,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,5,New Words, Phrases & Expressions,I. New Words 1. plastic n. pl. 塑料,塑料制品; 信用卡 a. 塑料的;可塑的,易受影响的,易变化的 - Many items in daily use are made of plastic. - The mind of a young child is quite plastic. Cf plasticity U 可塑性

6、2. leisure n. 空闲时间,闲暇; 悠闲,安逸 - They have been working all week without a moments leisure. Phr. at leisure 有空,闲暇时;从容不迫地,不慌不忙地 at ones leisure 有空时;方便时,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,6,Cf leisurely a. vt. 使痛苦 Phr. be at pains to do sth. 费劲苦心,努力做某事 for ones pains 作为辛劳的报酬 take (great) pains with/ov

7、er/to do sth. 小心谨慎地做某事 - She takes great pains with her work. 她工作兢兢业业。,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,7,4. delivery n. 1)投递,送交;2)投递的邮件,发送的货物;3)分娩;4)讲话的方式,演讲风格 - Please pay on delivery. Phr. cash on delivery 货到付现金 take delivery (of sth.) 收到某物 delivery note 货单 5. inquire v. 打听,询问 - You can inqui

8、re at the information desk. Phr. inquire about sb. /sth. 打听消息 inquire after 问起(某人情况),问候 inquire into sth. 调查,探究 Cf inquiry, enquiry, inquirer, inquiring usu. attrib,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,8,6. super a. = excellent, splendid - We had a super meal last night. Cf supermarket, superabundan

9、t, supernatural superb a. 极好的;卓越的,杰出的 a superb view 7. company n. 1)公司,商号;2)陪伴,交往;3)同伴(们),朋友(们),客人(们) - I enjoy your company. Phr. the company one keeps 经常与之为伍的人;伙伴 get into /keep bad company 与坏人交往 in company 当着别人的面 in company with sb. 与某人在一起 keep sb. company 陪伴某人,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Mirand

10、a,9,8. echo n.回音,回声,共鸣 vi.发出回声,产生回响 vt. 模仿,重复,附和 - They echoed their leaders every word. - He has no original opinion; he is just his brothers echo. Phr. echo sth. (back) (指地方)传回回声 echo to/ with sth. (指地方)产生回声 - The valley echoed (back) his song. - The hills echoed to the sound of their laughter. 9.

11、 inform vt. 通知,报告 vi. 检举,告发 - He informed the police that some money was missing.,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,10,Phr. inform sb. (of / about sth.) 通知或报告某人 inform against/ on sb. 告发,检举某人 Cf informant, informer, informed 10. walk n. vi. vt. Phr. walk away /off with sth. 轻而易举地赢得(奖品);偷走某物 walk

12、away from sb./sth. 在比赛中轻松击败对手 - She walked away with two first prizes. 11. grocery n. Cf grocer - the grocers = a grocery store,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,11,12. cram vt. vi. - The restaurant was crammed with people. Phr. cram sth. into / in sth. cram sth. with sth. cram for sth. 突击性学习(为应考

13、) 13. stack n. vt. - Please stack your chairs before you leave. - stacks of work Phr. stack sth. up 将某物堆起 stack sth. (with sth. ),2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,12,14. band n. 1)管乐队;2)群,伙;3)带,箍;4)条纹;5)波段,频带 vt. 用带捆扎 - He organized his own band at the age of 18. Phr. band together 联合 - band tog

14、ether against a common enemy 15. range n. vi. vt. - He has a wide range of interest. Phr. range between A and B 在A和B之间变化 range over / through sth. 漫游某地,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,13,16. sour a. - The fruit is still green and eats sour. - sour grapes - a sour face - The milk has turned sour

15、. Cf acid & sour 1)sour 和acid都有酸的意思,但 sour指由 acid产生的独特的味道,acid本身更直接指这种酸味。 2)在指人的面貌、心情、语言、态度时, sour 几乎指情绪和性质,表示悲观、乖戾、令人不悦的心境。 - He always wears a sour expression. acid表示讽刺、刻薄或严厉的批评。 - an acid remark - I read an acid comment on the political situation.,2018/11/14,Book4 Unit One By Miranda,14,17. harm n. vt. Phr. do more harm than good 弊大于利 Pattern: there is no harm (sbs) doing sth. =it does no harm (for sb.) to do sth. 做某事并无害处 18. cash n. vt. - Can you cash a check for me? Phr. be in (out of ) cash 有(无)现款 cash in 兑现,收到货款 Cf cashier n. 19. competitive a. Cf co


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