贵州省习水县七年级英语下册 unit 6 i’m watching tv section b(3a-3b)& self check导学案 (新版)人教新目标版

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贵州省习水县七年级英语下册 unit 6 i’m watching tv section b(3a-3b)& self check导学案 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《贵州省习水县七年级英语下册 unit 6 i’m watching tv section b(3a-3b)& self check导学案 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《贵州省习水县七年级英语下册 unit 6 i’m watching tv section b(3a-3b)& self check导学案 (新版)人教新目标版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Im watching TV.第四课时 Section B (3a3c )& self check学习目标:1、重点单词picture (n.)照片,图画2、重点词组 living room客厅 talk on the phone通电话 study for a test为考试而学习 living room客厅3、重点句式1. Here is a picture of my family. 这是一张我的全家福。2. We are all at home now. 我们现在都在家。3. Im doing my homework. 我正在做作业。4. My parents are wa

2、tching TV in the living room. 我的父母正在客厅看电视。重点难点: 1. 能够准确描述照片的人物正在做什么。2. 能够正确写出动词的现在分词。导学设计:1. Here is a picture of my family.这是我的一张全家福。【归纳】(1)of短语表示“ ”,与名词所有格一样,表示物品的归属。This is a map of China.这是一张中国地图。(2)picture意为“ ”,同义词有photo“照片”、painting“绘画”。Look at the picture on Page 5.请看第五页上的图画。2. Im doing my ho

3、mework. 我正在做作业。【归纳】do ones homework 意为“ ”,ones表示“某人的”,要与句子的主语或宾语保持一致。例如:He is doing his homework at home.他正在家做作业。3.My parents are watching TV in the living room.我的父母正在客厅看电视。【归纳】living room 意为“ ”。含room的单词或短语有: bedroom卧室 bathroom 浴室 restroom公共厕所washing room盥洗室 art room 美术室4. We are all at home now. 我们

4、现在都在家。【归纳】home意为“家”,在此处是名词。home还可作 ,前面不接介词,可与动词直接连用。例如:This is the way to my home. 这是一条通向我家的路。He goes home late. 他经常回家很晚。5.辨析supermarket,store与shop(1)supermarket意为“ ”,指自选市场,往往比store和shop都大,经营时间比较长。The supermarket is so near my house.这家超市离我家如此近。(2)store和shop都有“商店、商场”的意思。store还可作动词,意为“储存,储藏”。shop还可以做动

5、词,意为“购物”Mr. Black often shops in the nearby stores. 布莱克先生经常是在附近的商店里购物。知识巩固:. 根据句意和首字母提示写单词1. Nancy is r a magazine in the library.2. Zongzi is a kind of d food in China.3. Listen! The c are singing in the next room. 4. My mother likes s at the mall.5. Today is Friday. T is Saturday. 单项选择1. -What are

6、 the boys doing in the river?-They .A. are swimming B. are swimming C. swimming D. are swim2. The food in that restaurant is so . I like it very much.A. boring B. difficult C. funny D. delicious3. He has two brothers. One is a teacher, is a doctor.A. the other B. another C. others D. the others4. My

7、 parents wish me a happy girl.A. be B. being C. to be D. am5. Look! He is a soccer game TV.A. looking; on B. watching; in C. watching; on D. looking at; on. 句型转换,每空一词。1. They are flying kites over there. (对画线提问)_ are they _ over there?2. Im doing my homework. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _your homework?3. Linda

8、is writing an e-mail to her pen pal. (改为否定句) Linda_ _an e-mail to her pen pal. 4. Ann plays the piano in the room. (用now 改写) Ann _ _ the piano in the room now.5. Are they having lunch at school now? (用every day 代替now) they lunch at school every day ?. 情景交际 A. do you want to go to the movies?B. When

9、do you want to goC. How are you, Lily? D. Im just studying math.E. Do you like swimming?A: Hello, May speak to Kitty?B: Hello! This is Kitty 1 A: Im fine. What are you doing?B: Not much. 2 What about you?A: Im cleaning my room.B: Hey, 3 A: That sounds boring.B: I just called Lucy. She is swimming. 4

10、 A: Sure. We can swim in the schools swimming pool. 5 B:Lets go to the swimming pool now. A: Great!参考答案导学设计1. (1)某人的 (2) 图画,照片 2. 做作业 3. 客厅,起居室 4. 副词 5. 超市知识巩固.1. reading 2. delicious 3. children 4. shopping 5. Tomorrow. 1-5 BDACC. 1. What, doing 2. Are, doing 3. isnt writing 4. is playing 5. Do, have.1-5CDAEB4



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