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1、Welcome to Alex Pengs After Class Training Centre,欢迎来到彭老师家教中心,主讲教师简介: 英语教育专业毕业 英语专业八级水平 高级中学教师资格 曾任李阳疯狂英语 广州总部讲师,Alex 彭,For the College Entrance Exam Only,高 考 专 用,请做好课前听写准备! Wifi: HUAWEI-d52f 密码:19861023,2016.4.30 lining n.衬里,里子;组织,膜 短语:the stomach lining 胃粘膜 习语:every cloud has a silver lining 黑暗中总有

2、一丝光明 eg. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining, We have learned our lessons. 正如他们所说,黑暗中总有一丝光明,我们已经吸取了教训。,2. be meant to do sth. 有意要做;注定是; eg. We are meant to be together. 我们注定要在一起的。 易混:mean doing sth. 意味着做某事 mean to do sth. 计划做某事,enthusiastic adj.热情的;热心的 短语:be enthusiastic about/over 对充满热情 变形

3、:enthusiasm n.热情;热心 eg. The proposal arose little enthusiasm in the group. 建议在这些人中未引起多大兴趣。,misguide v.误导;引入歧途 短语:be misguided by sb. 被某人带入歧途 变形:misguided adj.受误导的 eg. His untidy clothes gave us a misguided impression of him. 他衣冠不整,往往给人一种假象。,It may rain, but I shall go out anyhow.,天将下雨,但不管怎样我也要出去。,We

4、 must find money for the rent somehow.,我们无论如何也要找到租金。,I am somewhat tired of this book,It may rain, but I shall go out anyhow.,天将下雨,但不管怎样我也要出去。,We must find money for the rent somehow.,我们无论如何也要找到租金。,I am somewhat tired of this book,obtain v.获得;得到 短语:obtain a record of the pop singer 得到流行歌手的一张唱片 变形:ob

5、tainable adj.能得到的;可获得的 (同义:available adj.) eg. Where can I obtain a copy of her latest book? 在哪里能买到她最新出版的书?,6. confirm v.确认;认可;使确信 短语:confirm the rumor 证实这个传言 confirm ones book 确认某人的预定 变形:confirmation n.证实,证明 eg. When asked, she confirmed that she was going to retire. 有人问她时,她确认了她将会退休。,7. suspect v.怀

6、疑,不相信; n.嫌疑犯 adj.可疑的,不可靠的的 短语:suspect ones motives 怀疑某人的动机 eg. I suspect the truth of her statement. 我对她陈述的真实性感到怀疑。,8. defensive adj.防御性的;隐藏缺点的 短语:defensive measures 防御措施 a defensive weapon 防御性武器 eg. When asked to explain her behavior, she gave a very defensive answer. 当问及她的行为时,她极力为自己辩解。,9. urge v.催

7、促;督促 n.强烈冲动或欲望 短语:urge caution 提醒小心谨慎 urge sb. on sth. 在某事上敦促某人 eg. The manager urged the staff on greater efforts. 经理督促员工们更加努力。 变形:urgent adj.紧急的,迫切的,It may rain, but I shall go out anyhow.,天将下雨,但不管怎样我也要出去。,We must find money for the rent somehow.,我们无论如何也要找到租金。,I am somewhat tired of this book,It may rain, but I shall go out anyhow.,天将下雨,但不管怎样我也要出去。,We must find money for the rent somehow.,我们无论如何也要找到租金。,I am somewhat tired of this book,Thanks for your coming!,HW: 1.背笔记,下次听写。 2.每天抽十分钟看笔记。,



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