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1、Unit 2 Giving Thanks and Expressing Regrets,Session 2 Section III Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage I,Passage I,Different Attitudes to Gift -Giving,What do you know about the American peoples habits of gift-giving?,Warm-up questions,Different Attitudes to Gift-Giving,Reading of the passage,Summarize t

2、he different attitudes held by Japanese and Americans towards gift-giving by completing the table below.,Reading comprehension,1. Gifts are usually offered to _ _.,2. Gifts tend to be _.,3. Cards are not usually _.,1. People are _ likely to give _ _.,2. Cards are often made by _ _.,3. The courteous

3、words on the cards _ _.,people who are leaving or are helpful,substantial and expensive,attached to the gifts,more cards than gifts to express their thanks,the givers themselves and are not expensive,are the most important,a. vary from to:,饮食文化因国而异。,the food culture,The food culture varies from coun

4、try to country.,Useful words and expressions,become to be different,b. illustrate:,A good teacher often illustrates his ideas with examples.,explain through pictures, examples, etc.,e.g.,Useful words and expressions,c. a gift giving country:,a tradition-observing country,a sports-loving person,The f

5、orm “n. + V-ing” can be used as an adjective modifying a noun.,e.g.,Useful words and expressions,join one thing to another,Instructions are always attached to this kind of products.,这种产品都附有说明书。,instructions,d. attach to:,Useful words and expressions,be likely to do,Young people tend to like pop song

6、s, while old people prefer traditional opera.,年轻人一般都喜欢流行歌曲,而老年人则偏爱戏剧。,traditional opera,e. tend to do:,Useful words and expressions,f. all the more:,The pictures make the book all the more useful.,even more,e.g.,Useful words and expressions,1. Recite the first paragraph of Passage I. 2. Preview Passage II and the exercises.,Assignments,


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