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1、,外交学概论 第一讲:导言,什么是外交? 外交就是检阅仪仗队?阅兵?,外交是开会国际会议?,外交是国际会议:,外交是发表国际演讲?,外交是握手拥抱?,外交是见媒体?,外交是请客吃饭?,一、外交的概念(Definition of diplomacy ),Diplomacy is the art of lubricating the wheels of international relations (Sisley Huddlestom 1954) Diplomacy is the expression of national strength in terms of gentlemanly di

2、scourse ( Robert McClintock, 1964) If politics is the art of the possible diplomacy is the art of taking the possible beyond its local dimensions (Robert Moore, 1985) Diplomacy is letting someone else have your way (Lester B. Pearson, 1965) In diplomacy, as in the dance, a good performance calls for

3、 sureness of footing (Robert J. Moor, 1985) Diplomacy lies in remembering to celebrate a womens birthday while forgetting to note her age (Proverb),All diplomacy is continuation of war by other means ( 1954) Diplomacy is to say the nastiest thing in the nicest way (Proverb) Diplomacy is “the science

4、 or art of negotiation” (Charles de Martens, 1866) Diplomacy is the peaceable coercion to promote the interests of the state and the nation. Diplomacy is a first class stall seat at the theater of life ( Bernard Von Bulow,),萨道义(Satow)认为:“运用智力和机智处理各独立国家的政府之间的官方关系,有时也推广到独立国家与附庸国之间的关系,或者简单地说,是指用和平手段来调节

5、和处理国与国之间的关系。” Sir Ernest Satow says, “Diplomacy is the application of intelligence and tact to the conduct of relations between the governments of independent states, extending sometimes also to their relations with vassal states; or, more briefly still, the conduct of adjustment and management of i

6、nterstate relations. A guide to Diplomatic Practice, 4th edition, London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1957, p.1),韦伯斯特词典:“驾御国际谈判的艺术” The arts of conducting international negotiation. 维辛斯基外交词典:“外交是各国首脑、政府和专门的涉外机构所进行的正式活动,旨在通过谈判、文书往来和其他手段来实行由统治阶级利益所决定的国家对外政策方面的目标和任务以及捍卫该国在国外的权利和利益。” Andrei Gromyko: “Diploma

7、cy is the pursuit of official activities by heads, governments and diplomatic organs of different countries with a view to achieving aims and tasks with regard to state foreign policy determined by the interests of the ruling classes as well as to protecting their overseas rights and interests, by m

8、eans of negotiation, written communications and others.”,尼科松转引牛津英语词典的解释说:“外交就是用谈判的方式来处理国际关系;是大使和使节用来调整和处理国际关系的方法;是外交官的业务或技术。” (英哈罗德尼科松著:外交学,第2324页。),Sir Harold Nicolson quoted the Oxford English Dictionary as saying: “Diplomacy is the management of international relations by negotiation; the method

9、by which these relations are adjusted by ambassadors and envoys; the business or art of the diplomatist.” (Harold Nicolson, Diplomacy, Oxford University Press, 1950, p.15.),R. P. Barston, Modern Diplomacy: “Diplomacy is concerned with the management of relations between states and between states and

10、 other actors. From a state perspective diplomacy is concerned with advising, shaping and implementing foreign policy. As such it is the means by which states through their formal and other representatives, as well as other actors, articulate, coordinate and secure particular or wider interests, usi

11、ng correspondence, private talks, exchanges of view, lobbying, visits, threats and other related activities.”( R. P. Barston, Modern Diplomacy, p.1. ),这段话被翻译为:“外交涉及处理国家之间和国家与其他行为者之间的关系。从一个国家的角度来看,外交的作用是提出、制定和执行外交政策。外交本身是国家通过正式和非正式的代表以及其他行为者,运用通信、个别的会谈、交换观点、说服、访问、威胁和其他相关的行动来阐明、协调和维护特殊的和更广泛的利益的手段。”( 英

12、R. P. 巴斯顿著:现代外交,第1页。 ),G.R. Berridge says: “Diplomacy is an essentially political activity and, well resourced and skilful, a major ingredient of power. Its chief purpose is to enable states to secure the objectives of their foreign policies without resort to force, propaganda, or law. It follows th

13、at diplomacy consists of communication between officials designed to promote foreign policy either by formal agreement or tacit adjustment.” (Geoff R. Berridge, Diplomacy: theory and practice, p.1),辞海:外交是国家为实行其对外政策、由国家元首、政府首脑、外交部、外交代表机关等进行的诸如访问、谈判、交涉、发出外交文件、缔结条约、参加国际会议和国际组织等对外活动,是国家实现其对外政策的重要手段。 鲁毅、

14、黄金祺等著:外交学概论 :“任何以主权国家为主体、通过和平方式,对国家间关系和国际事务的处理。”,中国大百科全书政治学卷“外交”条:“国家以和平手段对外行使主权的活动。通常指由国家元首、政府首脑、外交部长和外交机关代表国家进行的对外交往活动。” (1992年版。 ),对外交定义的理解可以分为狭义和广义两个方面,狭义的外交可以从其性质、目的、方法、和行为者等方面来考虑。 性质:独立国家通过官方行为对外行使主权; 目的:一国维护本国利益及实施其对外政策的重要手段;,方法:外交使用和平方法,主要是谈判和各种形式的对话,包括参加国际组织和会议 行为者:一国的正式代表,包括外交人员和机构的业务,也包括国

15、家领导人多种方式的参与 此外,外交是和平处理国家关系的科学、艺术和技巧。 以上几个点联系起来就构成了外交的基本概念,二:国际关系、对外政策与外交学,1,联系:广义上,三者有时是可以通用的。 国际关系史也被称为外交史,朗曼现代英语词典认为外交学就是“有关国际关系的科学。” 对外关系或对外政策的总和也称为外交,对外政策有时也被称为外交政策; 一个国家的对外政策是用来增进和保护该国利益的,外交的职能也是进一步发展国家利益。对外政策和外交具有同一职能。,2,三者之间的区别,1,国际关系探讨的是国家间相互(interstate-action)关系的现象,并通过现象把握实质和规律,而外交和对外政策探讨重点

16、是国家对外行为(state action)的规范、特点、本质。前者是宏观的、全局的,后者是单个主题的行为;前者是行为体之间的关系(状况和过程),后者是行为体的行动;前者的行为状况既有和平的也有战争,而后者主要是和平的手段;前者探讨的是国家间关系的规律,后者既要研究规律,也要研究艺术。,2,外交政策与外交的区别,外交政策的研究对象是国际政治中一个行为体处理对其它国家关系过程中的政策,是单元层次的行为,包括国家意图、国家目标、实施目标的手段、政策的制订过程以及影响政策制订的因素等。由于外交政策的不确定性和含糊性,一些学者将外交政策研究的重点转向外交行为。,外交学研究的是一个国家对外实施其外交政策的手段,是行动和对外政策实施的过程,是国家行使主权的行为,目的在于总结其经验、并探讨这些行为的特点。,对外政策与外交学的区别在于:对外政策的首要功能是做出有关对外关系的决定,外交的首要任务则是恰当地、有效地执行它们。 外交不是一种目的,而是一种手段,不是一项宗旨,而是一种方法。外交是落实外交政策的主要手段,但非唯一手


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