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1、ISSN 1000-0054CN 11-2223/Nbv(1S)J T singhua Univ ( Sci & Tech) ,2006M46102006, Vol. 46, No.1037/401784-1787,1792Web服务语义标注方法许斌,李涓子,王克宏(bv9S/,100084)l: 2005-10-05:SE1S( 60443002)Te:( 1973-) ,3(q) ,Z2,=bY:0,q,E-mail: ljz keg. cs. tsinghua.edu. cnK1: 为了对 Web服务语义信息进行描述,提出了一种Web服务语义标注方法。以现有的 Web 服务描述语言( W

2、SDL)文件为基础,充分利用WSDL 中XML schema的语义信息与本体实体的相似性,从WSDL 文件中抽取语义信息,并利用实体之间的名称相似度与结构相似度进行语义标注,生成基于OWL-S的Web服务语义描述。用该方法对多个领域的 Web 服务进行了语义标注, 标注正确率在92.5%以上,较好地解决了Web服务的语义标注问题。1oM: Web服务; 语义标注; WSDLms|: T P 311DSM: AcI|: 1000-0054(2006) 10-1784-04Web service semantic annotationXU Bin, LI Juanzi, WANG Kehong(

3、Department of Computer Science and Technology,Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)Abstract: The current Web service description standard, Webservice description language ( WSDL) , lacks semantic descriptionseven though semantic Web services can improve the discovery andcomposition accuracy of

4、 Web services. Web service semanticannotations add semantic information to the service description. Anannotation method was developed to first extract semanticinformation from the WSDL file according to thesimilarities betweenthe XM L schema and the ontology entity. T hen, the extractedinformation i

5、s annotated using the name similarities and structuralsimilarities between ontology entities. Finally, a semanticdescription of the Web service is generated in OWL -S format. Testsannotating dozens of Web services in various domains had anaccurate rate of 92. 5%.Key words: Web services; semantic ann

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