Open Innovation and Strategy

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《Open Innovation and Strategy》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Open Innovation and Strategy(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Portland State UniversityPDXScholarBusiness Administration Faculty Publications andPresentations Business AdministrationFall 2007Open Innovation and StrategyHenry W. ChesbroughUniversity of California - BerkeleyMelissa M. AppleyardPortland State University, melissaasba.pdx.eduFollow this and additio

2、nal works at:http:/ of theBusiness Administration, Management, and Operations CommonsThis Article is brought to you for free and open access. It has been accepted for inclusion in Business Administration Faculty Publications andPresentations by an authorize

3、d administrator of PDXScholar. For more information, please CitationChesbrough, H. W., & Appleyard, M. M. (2007). Open Innovation and Strategy. California Management Review, 50(1), 57-76.Chesbrough received support from the Center for Open Innovation at the Haas

4、School of Businessand the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Appleyard received support from the National Science Foundationunder Grant No. 0438736. Jon Perr and Patrick Sullivan ably assisted with the interviews of OpenSource Software leaders. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations exp

5、ressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the above fundingsources or any other individuals or organizations.Open Innovation andStrategyHenry W. ChesbroughMelissa M. Appleyard57CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW VOL. 50, NO. 1 FALL 2007Anew breed of innova

6、tionopen innovationis forcing firms toreassess their leadership positions, which reflect the performanceoutcomes of their business strategies. It is timely to juxtaposesome new phenomena in innovation with the traditional acade-mic view of business strategy. More specifically, we wish to examine the

7、 increas-ing adoption of more open approaches to innovation, and see how well thisadoption can be explained with theories of business strategy. In our view, openinnovation is creating new empirical phenomena that exist uneasily with well-established theories of business strategy. Traditional busines

8、s strategy has guidedfirms to develop defensible positions against the forces of competition and powerin the value chain, implying the importance of constructing barriers to competi-tion, rather than promoting openness. Recently, however, firms and even wholeindustries, such as the software industry

9、, are experimenting with novel businessmodels based on harnessing collective creativity through open innovation. Theapparent success of some of these experiments challenges prevailing views ofstrategy.At the same time, recent developments indicate that many of these exper-imenters now are grappling

10、with issues related to value capture and sustainabil-ity of their business models, as well as issues of corporate influence and thepotential co-option of open initiatives. In our view, the implications of theseissues bring us back to traditional business strategy, which can inform the questfor susta

11、inable business models. If we are to make strategic sense of innovationcommunities, ecosystems, networks, and their implications for competitiveadvantage, we need a new approach to strategywhat we call “open strategy.”Open strategy balances the tenets of traditional business strategy with thepromise

12、 of open innovation. It embraces the benefits of openness as a means ofexpanding value creation for organizations. It places certain limits on traditionalbusiness models when those limits are necessary to foster greater adoption of aninnovation approach. Open strategy also introduces new business mo

13、dels basedon invention and coordination undertaken within a community of innovators.At the same time, though, open strategy is realistic about the need to sustainopen innovation approaches over time. Sustaining a business model requires ameans to capture a portion of the value created from innovatio

14、n. Effective openstrategy will balance value capture and value creation, instead of losing sight ofvalue capture during the pursuit of innovation. Open strategy is an importantapproach for those who wish to lead through innovation.The Insights and Limits of Traditional Business StrategyBusiness stra

15、tegy is a wide and diverse field. The origins of the concepthearken back to Alfred Chandlers seminal Strategy and Structure, where he pre-sented the first systematic and comparative account of growth and change in the modern industrial corporation.1He showed how the challenges of diversityimplicit i

16、n a strategy of growth called for imaginative responses in administra-tion of the enterprise. In his subsequent work, Chandler showed how scale andscope economies provided new growth opportunities for the corporation duringthe second industrial revolution.2Igor Ansoff built upon ideas from Strategy and Structure and applied themto emerging concepts of corporate strategy.3Strategy came to be seen as a con-scious plan to align the firm with opportunities and threats posed by its e


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