圣诞节节日介绍小报手抄报电子小报word小报 (2)

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圣诞节节日介绍小报手抄报电子小报word小报 (2)_第1页
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1、I am Santa Claus.I live in a big factory in North Pole.I have a wife,Mrs.Claus and a lot of elves living with me.Everyday,I work on the good kid list and the bad kid list and make the good kids Christmas presents.My favorite color is red.Santa ClausChristmas customsOn this day, many go to church, wh

2、ere they take part in special religious services. During the Christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and Christmas trees.Christmas Day is the 25th of December,when Christmas is celebrated. Christmas is one of the most beautiful holidays of all time. It is the day when Gods son was born on earth.Christmas dayChristmas greetings and best wishes!Hope all your Christmas dreams come true!Christmas greetings中


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