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1、科林费斯担当主演的英国电影,整部电影以叙述故事的形式,讲述了英国女王伊丽莎白二世的父亲乔治六世国王的故事。高中一年级英语教案教学设计方案高中一年级英语教案教学设计方案 Teaching Aims Lesson 66. the present continuous passive voice.StepRevisionSay “Tell me about the milu deer”. happened in Ming and Qing periods? did the Duke of Bedford do? would people like to do with the milu deer i

2、n some places in England? are the milu deer usually kept in China?5. What is the peoples hope for the milu deer?Step II Lead inSay to the students: Listen carefully. There are a lot of milu deer in England. Some are being sent to China. In China, the deer are being studied by scientists. More and mo

3、re deer are being set free year by year.Say the sentences again and get the students to repeat them.Step III Language focusWrite two of the sentences on the blackboard.1. In China, the deer is being studied by scentists.2. More milu deer are being moved to a new large nature park.Point out the form

4、of the Present Continuous Passive Voice:be + being + Past Participle Explain these sentences are used:A. to be more scientificB. when the doer is not important, or unknownC. when we want to highlight the object of the active sentenceIn sentence 1, we want to highlight the deer. We would say, in Chin

5、a, scientists are studying the deer.In sentence 2, it is unknown or unimportant who are moving the deer to a new large nature park.Step DrillOld drill. Get the students to transform active sentences into passive ones, They are looking after the deer in three centres.They are sending more deer to Chi

6、na.They are setting free many deer.(etc.)Step V PracticeSB Lesson&n: nbsp;enough. sick milu deer is being kept alive at the center (by scientists). new lake is being made&nbs-bsp;67, Part 2. Teach the meaning of report and protect. Do one or two examples with the whole classs., then get the Ss to wo

7、rk alone. Let the Ss check the answers in pairs.Suggested answers: is being collected for the nature project. report is being written about wildlife in China. animals are not being protected well enough. sick milu deer is being kept alive at the center (by scientists). new lake is being made in the

8、park. buildings are being painted at present. wildlife research centers are being built.Step VI PairworkSB Lesson 67, Part 3. Go through the exercise with the whole class and check that they form the questions cor(转载自中国教师站文摘http:/,请保留此标记。)rectly. Pairwork: Student A asks the questions. Student B ans

9、wers. Then change roles. If time is limited, A should ask the first set of questions for B to answer, and then B asks the second set of questions for A to answer.Step V II WorkbookDo Part 2, Part 3 Practice and all the exercises on Page 61Step VIII ExercisesI. 单句改错1. Fifty more milu deers will be br

10、ought to the new nature park next month.2. Since then, the number of pandas was greatly increased in Sichuan Province.3. We hoped each other the best of luck in the examination.4. The boy they are looking for was disappeared.5. The boy grows tall year after year.II. 单词练习1. Some wild animals should b

11、e well._ (保护)2. I told her what I thought of her _(表演). 3. More milu deer are being moved to a new large _(大自然) park and there the life of the milu is being studied.4. He said good-bye to us and then _(消失) in the crowds.5. He was said to work in our company but I didnt see him till _(最近).6. My

12、grandma is more _(活泼) than a lot of young people.7. After the accident, the traffic was _ (完全地) stopped.8. Over nine-tenths of the inhabitants _(属于) to the Han nationality.9. My wife and I have _(相似的) tastes in music.10. Travel will _(增加) ones knowledge of the world.参考答案 deersdeer2. washas3. hopedwished 4. was 去掉5. afterby protected 2. performances 6. lively 7. completely 8. belong 9. similar10. increaseStep Homework影片的故事情节非常简单,取材于真实的历史事件。英国国王乔治六世从小患有严重的口吃,最后,在莱昂纳尔的治疗下,终于克服口齿,发表了振奋人心的演讲


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