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1、U nit 3 Is this your pencil?,Section B 2b 3b,Review,Challenge (考考你的眼力),baseball watch computer game card ID card notebook ring bag,棒球 手表 电脑;计算机 游戏;运动;比赛 卡片 学生卡;身份证 笔记本 环;戒指 包;袋, Whats this? Its a . How do you spell it? B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L.,watch,Presentation,Lost and Found case,1b,Chant,This is a watch.

2、 Watch, Watch, W-A-T-C-H, watch. That is a ring. Ring, ring, R-I-N-G, ring. ,Ask and answer,A: Excuse me. I lost my watch. 我丢了我的手表。 B: Is this/that your watch? A: Yes, it is. Its mine. B: Here you are.(给你) A: Thank you. (或Thanks) B: Youre welcome.,Pariwork,Lost and Found case,1e,翻译下列对话.,- 这是什么? - 这是

3、表。 - 你怎么拼写它?,Whats this? Its a watch. How do you spell it?,翻译,A:打扰一下,我丢了我的字典。 B: 这是你的字典吗? A: 不,它不是。它是Linda的。 B: 那是你的字典吗? A: 是的,它是。它是我的。 B: 给你。 A: 谢谢你的帮助。 B: 不用谢。再见。,Excuse me, I lost my dictionary.,Is this your dictionary?,No, it isnt. Its Lindas.,Is that your dictionary?,Yes, it is. Its mine.,Here

4、you are.,Thank you for your help.,Youre welcome. Bye!,翻译,A:打扰一下,我丢了两把钥匙。 B: 这些是你的钥匙吗? A: 不,它们不是。它们是Linda的。 B: 那些是你的钥匙吗? A: 是的,它们是。它们是我的。 B: 给你。 A: 谢谢你的帮助。 B: 不用谢。再见。,Excuse me, I lost two keys.,Are these your keys,No, they arent. Theyre Lindas.,Are those your keys?,Yes, they are. Theyre mine.,Here y

5、ou are.,Thank you for your help.,Youre welcome. Bye!,A: _ (请原谅), Mary. Is this your_ (书)? B: Yes, it is. Its _ (我的)book. Its _(我的). A: Mary, is this your_ (铅笔)? B: No, it isnt. Its _ (她的) pencil. Its _(她的). A: Whats this_(用英语)? B: Its _ _(橡皮). A: How do you _(拼写) it? B: E-R-A-S-E-R.,in English,根据汉语提

6、示补全对话。,Excuse me,book,pencil,eraser,spell,an,mine,my,her,hers,in the school library,ask the teacher for it,call me at 685-6034,e-mail me,in Classroom 7E,译短语,在学校的图书馆里,在7E教室里,问教师要它,用6856034打电话给我,发电子邮件给我,发电子邮件给我到,e-mail me at,Section B 2b-3b,设问导读,丢了东西哪里找?捡到东西又如何奉还? Lost and found 帮助你。,Reading,Read the

7、notices on the board and circle the lost things. 阅读公告牌上的布告。圈出丢失的物品。,Read the notices again and work down the items. Then check( ) lost or Found.,computer game,keys,watch,school ID Card,2C,Read 2b again and fill in the chart.,a computer game,in the school library,Ask the teacher for it,some keys,in C

8、lassroom 7E,E-mail Mary at ,a watch,Call John at 495 -3539,school ID card,Call Tom at 685 -6034,Task4,How to write a found notice and a lost notice? 如何写寻物启事和招领启事,3a.,name yours found 284-5486 lost call,_: My notebook My _ is David. Please _me at 6798871.,_: A set of keys Are these _? Call Jenny at _

9、.,Lost,name,call,Found,yours,284-5486,(寻物启事),(招领启事),=Are these _ keys.,your,a set of keys 一串钥匙,我的钥匙 一把钥匙 两把钥匙 一些钥匙 一串钥匙,my key a key two keys some keys a set of keys,Found 招领启事,如果你拾到别人的东西,你该怎样归还给失主呢? 你需要写Found, 分五部分: 1. 标题(Found) 2. 拾到的东西 3. 询问某物是不是失主的 4. 联系人 5. 联系电话,Found: A watch. Is this yours? P

10、lease call Mike at 648-5012.,=Is this _ watch?,your,李超拾到一本英语书,请帮他写一则招领启事,电话是6883997。,试一试,Found: An English book. Is this yours? Please call Li Chao at 6883997.,=Is this _ English book?,your,李明拾到两本字典,请帮他写一则招领启事,电话是67343556,试一试,Found: Two dictionaries. Are these yours? Please call Li Ming at 67343556.

11、,=Are these _ dictionaries?,your,Lost 寻物启事,你知道如何写寻物启事吗? 寻物启事共包括四部分: 1. 标题(Lost) 2. 丢失的东西 3. 失者的姓名 4. 联系电话,Lost: My ID card. My name is Helen. Please call me at 532-7138.,Tom丢失了一把钥匙,请帮他写一则寻物启事,电话是6117668.,试一试,Lost: A key. My name is Tom. Please call me at 6117668.,Lin Hai, A computer game is in the s

12、chool library. Is it yours? Ask the teacher for it. Mike,课文解释,in + the+ 名词 在里面 例如: 在学校里 在教室里 在文具盒里 在中国 注意:国家等专有名词的前面一般不加定冠词the,in the school,in the classroom,in the pencil box,in China,Is it yours? = Is it _ computer game?,your,ask v.问; 询问, ask sb. for sth. 向某人请求某物,I ask Gina for a book.,I ask my ma

13、th teacher for a red apple., ask for sth./sb. 要求得到某物; 要求与某人见面,找某人,They ask for a pen.,They ask for English teacher., ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事,My parents ask me to help Gina.,Found: Some keys are in Classroom 7E. Are they yours? E-mail me at .,招领启事,found,招领启事,some “一些”,后面跟可数名词复数,例如: 一些笔 一些学生 一些字典 一些

14、男孩 一些手表,some pens,some students,some dictionaries,some boys,some watches,Are they yours? = Are they _keys?,your,e-mail v. 发邮件 e-mail +sb. 给某人发邮件 e-mail +sb.+ at+邮件地址: 给某人发邮件到 例如:Please e-mail Tom at T,Is this your watch? My phone number is 495-3539. Call me. John,call v. 打电话 call +sb. 给某人打电话 例如:请给我打

15、电话 call +sb.+ at +电话号码 拨打找某人 例如:Please call me at 120. call +电话号码 拨打 例如: Call 120.,Please call me.,Lost: I lost my school ID card, I must find it. Call me at 685-6034. Thanks. Tom,lost n. 寻物启事 lost v. 遗失,丢失 例如:我丢了我的红色书包 I lost my red schoolbag. lost adj . 丢失的;迷路的 例如:一把丢失的钥匙 一个迷路的男孩,a lost key,a lost boy,must 必须 find v. 发现,找到 Thanks=Thank _.,you,用代词填空。,you,your,she,her,his,his,人称代词宾格置于动词后 例如: 给我打电话 帮我 给我



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