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1、第一课时,第一PPT模板网-WWW.1PPT.COM,PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: have a new pen.,I have a new book.,What do you have?,Lets talk,What do we have?,Whats in our classroom?,Where is it?,Listen and answer,We have a new classroom.,

2、My picture is in my classroom.,Its near the window.,We have a new classroom.,My picture is in my classroom.,Its near the window.,Lets talk,Lets learn,classroom,picture,Lets learn,window,Lets learn,Lets talk,Lets talk,Lets talk,Lets talk,Lets practise,Lets practise,Lets chant,A for apple. B for boy.

3、C for cat and D for dog. E for egg and F for fish. G for girl and H for hand.I for ice-cream. J for Jet. K for kite and L for lamp.M for man and N for nose.,Lets chant,O for orange and P for pen. Q for queen and R for rain. S for sugar and T for train. U for umbrella. V for van. W for water. X for X

4、-mas.Y for yellow. Z for zoo.,Lets practise,I see a “p”.Where is it? Its near the window. What is it?Its a picture.,Lets practise,picture,on,Lets practise,picture,big,Lets practise,classroom,new,Lets practise,window,near,picture,Lets practise,We have a new classroom. It is so big. I see many new thi

5、ngs in it. I see a picture. It is big and beautiful. It is near the window. I see some desks. They are new. I like our new classroom.,Homework,1.让学生回家观察自己家中的物品及它们的位置,试着回答问题:Whats near the window? Where is your picture?2.让学生尝试用自己的语言为父母介绍一下自己的教室。,PPT模板下载: 行业PPT模板: 节日PPT模板: PPT素材下载: PPT图表下载: 优秀PPT下载: PPT教程: Word教程: Excel教程: 资料下载: PPT课件下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载:


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