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1、How are you going to do during the summer holidays? Go travelling? Stay at home? Play with friends? Study? ,Are you ready for your middle school life? Yes, I am ready! I plan to No, I am not ready! Help me,Some advice on your school life,Always trust yourself! Never give up! No pains no gains!,Part

2、one revision,Lesson 71 1 awful :ful ad.让人讨厌的,坏的 2 telephone telifun v.& n.打电话 3 time taim n.次 (数 ) 4 answer :ns v.接 (电话 ),Part one revision,5 last l:st a.最后的,前一次的 6 phone fun n.电话(=telephone) 7 again gein ad.又一次地 8 say sei v.说,Words and Phrases,awful answer answer the phone the answer to. last the l

3、ast one again say-said-said say to sb. time,让人讨厌的,坏的 接(电话),回答 接电话 的答案 最后的,前一次的 最后一个 又一次 说(原形-过去式-过去分词) 对.说 次数,时间,What happened in the story?,Reorder the pictures!,Lesson 73-74,New Concept English 1,New words and expressions,1 week wi:k n.周 2 London lndn n.伦敦 3 suddenly sdnli ad.突然地 4 bus stop bstp 公

4、共汽车车站 5 smile smail v.微笑 6 pleasantly plezntli ad.愉快地,New words and expressions,7 understand ndstnd v.懂,明白 8 speak spi:k v.讲,说 9 hand hnd n.手 10 pocket pkit n.衣袋 11 phrasebook n.短语手册,常用语手册 12 phrase freiz n.短语 13 slowly sluli ad.缓慢地,New words and expressions,Lesson 74 1 hurriedly hridli ad.匆忙地 2 cut

5、 kt v.割,切 3 thirstily :stili ad.口渴地 4 go gu v.走 5 greet gri:t v.问候,找招呼,Put these words into different box,n. ad. v.,week London hand pocket phrase phrasebook,suddenly pleasantly slowly hurriedly thirstily,smile speak understand go cut greet,Some about ad.,Structures: 形容词+ly 时间+ly Usages: 修饰动词(在动词后)

6、修饰句子(在句子末尾),He shaved hurriedly this morning and cut himself badly. 先找动词再找副词 找出副词修饰哪个动词 翻译句子 shave (shaved) vt. 刮胡子 hurriedly adv. 匆忙地,Lesson 74,I gave him a glass of milk and he drank it thirstily. drink (drank) v.喝 thirstily adv. 口渴地,The bus went slowly yesterday afternoon and we arrived late. go

7、(went) v. 去,出发 arrive (arrived) v.到达 slowly adv. 缓慢地 late adv.迟地,晚地,We enjoyed ourselves very much last night. enjoy (enjoyed) v.享受 very much adv.非常,Example: She smiled _ . (pleasant) She smiled pleasantly. Complete these sentences. 1 He read the phrase _ . (slow) 2 He worked _ . (lazy) 3 He cut him

8、self _ . (bad) 4 He worked _ . (careful) 5 The door opened _ . (sudden),carefully,suddenly,slowly,lazily,badly,形容词变副词的规则: 1.一般情况下在形容词词尾直接加-ly。 real-really; helpful-helpfully; careful-carefully; hopeful-hopefully; slow-slowly; quick-quickly; quiet-quietly ; quick-quickly,2. 以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词要变y为i,然后再加-ly

9、 busy busily angry angrily easy easily happy happily,3.某些以辅音字母加不发音的字母e结尾和以-ue结尾的形容词要先去掉e,然后再加-y或-ly terrible terribly true truly,London n.伦敦 London is the capital of _. Beijing is the captal of_. Do you know the totally name of Britain? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北

10、爱尔兰联合王国(UK),Britain,China,hand n.手;指针 1、second hand _ 2、v. 传递;交出 hand in 上交 hand out 发放(传单、讲义等),秒针,pocket n.衣袋 pocket money _ He has something in his pocket. _ phrase n.短语 phrasebook n.短语手册,常用语手册,这家伙有点水平/他胸有成竹。,零花钱, smile v. 笑 smile at smiling adj.露出微笑的 smile n. a sweet smile,have a warm smile 拥有一个温

11、馨微笑 have a big smile 开怀大笑 have a happy smile 有幸福笑容,speak(spoke) v.讲,说 The baby is learning to speak. I can speak English very well. speak up 有话直说 speak louder 说的大声一点 speak out 大点声说,直说,lose v. (使)迷路,遗失,失去 lose ones way lose ones job lose heart 失去信心,泄气,suddenly adv.突然地 sudden adj.突然的 a sudden rain,ple

12、asantly adv.愉快地 我们在很愉快的交谈。 We are talking pleasantly. pleasant 愉快的 adj. slowly adv.缓慢地 slow adj.慢慢的 v.放慢 slow down 减速,放慢速度,hurriedly adv.匆忙地 = in a hurry hurry n.匆忙 我们不得不匆忙的说再见。 We have to say goodbye in a hurry/hurriedly.,cut (cut)v.割,切 翘课 cut class Cut it out. 打住,停住吧! = shut up haircut,Word Testin

13、g,n.周 n.伦敦 adv.突然地 n.公共汽车站 v.微笑 adv.愉快地 v.懂,明白 v.讲,说 n.手 n.衣袋 n.短语手册,常用语手册 n.短语 adv.缓慢地,week London suddenly bus stop smile pleasantly understand speak hand pocket phrasebook phrase slowly,hurriedly adv.匆忙地 cut (cut) v.割,切 thirstily adv.口渴地 go (went) v.走 greet v.问候,打招呼,Word Testing,Notes on the text

14、,The way to King Street,1. and并列句 2. does一般现在时 lose-lost一般过去时 lose ones way,see-saw ask the way 问路 say-said say to oneself 反身代词: myself, yourself, ourselves, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves,tell sb. the way to sp. 告诉某人去的路 你可以告诉我你的地址吗? Can you tell me your address, please? 你能告诉我去左海公园

15、的路吗? Can you tell me the way to the Zuohai Park, please?,smile-smiled understand-understood speak-spoke is/am-was are-were,put-put(动词和过去式同形) putinto 把放进里 take-took take out 拿出,取出 takeout 快餐店的外卖,find-found read-read(过去式和原形一样) say-said,Find out adverbs from the passage: 1.suddenly 突然地 2.pleasantly 愉快地 3.slowly 慢慢地 Find out the past tense verbs from the passage.,The way to King Street Last week Mrs. Mills went to London. She does not know London very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly, she saw a man near



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