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1、1,Lesson 39 Dont drop it!,LOGO,2,What are we going to do today?,4,Review Lesson 37,1,2,3,5,The future tense,Learn the new lesson,Keep learning the future tense,Exercises on the lesson,3,Revision part vocabulary,Lesson 37 1 work w:k v.工作 2 hard h:d ad.努力地 3 make meik v.做 4 bookcase buk-keis n.书橱,书架,4

2、,Revision part vocabulary,Lesson 37 5 hammer hm n.锤子 6 paint peint v.上漆,涂 7 pink pik n.& a.粉红色 8 favourite feivrit a.最喜欢的,5,Revision part vocabulary,Lesson 38 1 homework humw:k n.作业 2 listen lisn v.听 3 dish di n.盘子,碟子,6,Revision part vocabulary,Lesson 37 1 _ w:k v.工作 2 hard h:d ad._ 3 努力工作 动词:_ 形容词:

3、_,work hard,hard-working,7,Revision part vocabulary,4 make meik v._ 5 _ buk-keis n.书橱,书架 6 制作书架_ 7 制作桌椅_,Make chairs and tables,8,Revision part vocabulary,8 _ hm n.锤子 9 paint peint v._ n._ 10 pink pik n.& a.粉红色 11 _ 棕色 12 _ 金色,brown,blonde,9,Revision part vocabulary,13 _ humw:k n.作业 14 做作业 _ 15 list

4、en lisn v.听 16 听音乐 _ 15 _ di n.盘子,碟子 17 2个碟子 _,do ones homework,listen to (the) music,two dishes,10,Revision part tense,structure,time,what,Plan to Not happen yet but is ready,Tomorrow In + sometime,be going to do will,The future tense,11,Revision part tense,going to,He/She is,We/They are,I am,You a

5、re,Cherry is going to have a big meal.,12,She is going to show the flowers to her mother. 1.一般疑问句 2.回答 3.否定句 4.划线She 5.划线show the flowers to her mother 6.划线 the flowers,More practice,13,Exercises,1. 我今晚会给你电话。 2. 她会在8点起床。 3. 他们将会煮晚餐。 4. 他将会去银行。,14,Exercises,Im going to call you tonight. She is going

6、to get up at 8. They are going to cook dinner. He is going to the bank.,15,Phonetic symbols Lesson1,元音i: i : ,Phonetic symbols Lesson1,16,Phonetic symbols Lesson 2,元音 : u: u,17,: aw al or oor al:ball wall or:horse or short oor:floor door 根据发音规则,找出发:的单词。 1.tall bird bread poor 2.idea chair sport hare

7、 3.cake bear walk cup 4.drink short bag milk,18, o o: fox coffee dog shop dog doctor long 根据发音规则,找出发:的2个单词。 1.doctor teacher box clothes 2.cold zoo clock dog 3.love boss lot violin 4.watch beach fox girl,19,u: o oo ui o: do who whose oo: food moon too ui: fruit juice u: ruler rude 根据发音规则,找出不发u:的单词。

8、1. juice moon zoo panda 2. tooth broom eye spoon 3. head boot noodles pool 4. noon cool boot watch,20,u o oo u o:woman wolf oo:look good book foot wood u:bull bullet 根据发音规则,选出与其它单词元音发音不相同的单词。 1.mouth book look pull 2.push tape sugar foot 3.wood kind wolf bull 4.bullet wood cook name,21,Exercises,找出下

9、列没有相同发音的词。 ( ) moon food eat fruit ( ) true book wood look ( ) four small walk bird ( ) got clock shop shirt ( ) bus foot push book ( ) lost ball long ox ( ) ruler dog moon cake blue ( ) big ship horse it,22,Lesson 39 Dont drop it!,LOGO,23,New vocabulary,Lesson 39 1 front frnt n.前面 2 in front of 在之前

10、 3 careful keful a.小心的,仔细的 4 vase v:z, veis, veiz n.花瓶 5 drop drp v.掉下 6 flower flau n.花,24,New vocabulary,Lesson 40 1 show u v.给看 2 send send v.送给 3 take teik v.带给,Class activities: numbers/E-C/double numbers,25,in front of the bus,in the front of the bus,Details on the vocabulary,26,Details on the

11、 vocabulary,词的构成:词根+词缀(前缀,后缀) care + ful = careful 仔细的 adj. care + less =careless 粗心的 adj. care + less + ness =carelessness 粗心 n. wonderful/beautiful/helpful/colorful care n. 照料,照顾;v. 关心,顾虑,照顾 take care of =look after 照顾某人 You must take care of (look after) Cherry.,27,Details on the vocabulary,She d

12、ropped her knife and fork and to answer the phone. Tears dropped from her face. He dropped his voice. Yesterday the temperature dropped to 8 below zero. a drop of water n. 滴 v. (使)下降;降低 vt. (失手)落下;掉下;放下 v. (使)滴下;滴水,28,Details on the vocabulary,give Give the hammer to me. Give me the hammer. Show 把你的

13、书给我看下。 Show me your book. Show your book to me. send/take,29,Details on the vocabulary,rose,jasmine,lily,peach blossom,30,What are they talking about?,Listening part,31,Answer the following questions.,What is Penny going to do with the vase? Does Sam want her to do that? So, what is Sam going to do

14、with the vase? Finally, where is the vase?,32,Details on the text,SAM: What are you going to do with that vase, Penny? PENNY: Im going to put it on this table, Sam. SAM: Dont do that. Give it to me. PENNY: What are you going to do with it? SAM: Im going to put it here, in front of the window.,33,Details on the text,PENNY: Be careful! Dont drop it! PENNY: Dont put it there, Sam. Put it here, on this shelf. SAM: There we are! Its a lovely vase. PENNY: Those flowers are lovely, too.,34,Details on the text,What are you going to do with that vase, Penny? do



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