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1、Lesson125,Tea for two,Key wordsexpressions,water w:t v. 浇水 terribly teribli adv. 非常 dry drai adj. 干燥的,干的 nuisance nju:sns n. 讨厌的东西或人 mean mi:n (meant,meant) v. 意味着,意思是 surprise spraiz n. 惊奇,意外的事 immediately imi:ditli adv. 立即地,Key wordsexpressions,1. water vt. 供以水;给浇水 浇花 water the flower 当我进来的时候,我的爷爷

2、正在花园里给花浇水。 My grandpa was watering the flowers in the garden when I came in. make ones mouth water 令人流口水 这美味的饭菜让我直流口水。 The delicious dishes made my mouth water.,Key wordsexpressions,1. water n. 水;海水;雨水;海域,大片的水 Give me a glass of water. 用船运by water = by ship =by sea 邮递员用船运送包裹。 Postmen send the packag

3、es by water. 花钱如流水 spend money like water 我的姐姐总是花钱如流水。 My sister spends her money like water.,Key wordsexpressions,淡水;饮用水;糖水,热水;开水;困境,水质,污水,废水,sweet water,hot water,water quality,waste water,Key wordsexpressions,2. terribly adv. 非常 今年冬天很冷。 Its terribly cold this winter. 我今天感到很不舒服。 I feel terribly il

4、l today. 今天很热。 It is terribly hot. 我十分地抱歉。 Im very / really / terribly / extremely sorry. 我非常想念妈妈。 I miss my mother terribly.,Key wordsexpressions,2. terribly adv. 非常 terrible adj. 糟糕的,极坏的 -How is the weather? -It is _. 我刚刚有了一个很糟糕的想法。 Ive just had a terrible thought. -你怎么样?-很糟。 How are you? Terrible

5、.,terrible,Key wordsexpressions,3. dry adj. 干的(反义词wet 湿的) 干燥的空气 dry air 这种杯子可以使糖不变干。 This glass can keep the sugar dry. v. 把.弄干 弄干头发 dry the hair 擦干眼泪 dry ones eyes/tears 她用毛巾弄干头发。 He dried his hair with a towel. vi. 变干 衣服在冬天不容易变干。 Clothes dont dry easily in winter. (4) hair dryer 吹风机,Key wordsexpre

6、ssions,4. nuisance n. 讨厌的东西或人 What a nuisance! 真讨厌! You are a real nuisance to me. 惹人讨厌 make a nuisance of oneself = make oneself a nuisance Dont make yourself a nuisance to others.,不要做一个令人讨厌的人。,你真是太讨厌了!,Key wordsexpressions,5.mean (meant ; meant) v. 意思是 What do you mean by saying that? 你那么说是什么意思? 这

7、个单词什么意思? What does the word mean? = Whats the _ of the word? 红灯意味着“停车”。 The red light means “stop”.,meaning,meaning n. 意义、含义,Key wordsexpressions,5.mean (meant ; meant) v. 意思是 mean to do 打算做. 我打算一个人喝茶。 I mean to have tea by myself. 我并不打算伤害你。 I didnt mean to hurt you. mean doing 意味着 这个标志意味着停止。 The pi

8、cture means stopping. adj. 吝啬的 be mean about sth. 吝啬 他是个吝啬鬼。 He is mean about money. adj.卑鄙的 Its mean of sb to do sth 某人做.真卑鄙 偷穷人的钱,你真是太卑鄙了。 It is mean of you to steal the poors money.,Key wordsexpressions,6. surprise n. 惊喜;惊讶;意外的事 a big surprise 大惊喜,大吃一惊 to ones surprise = to the surprise of sb 令某人

9、惊讶的是 令我惊讶的是,她是两个孩子的妈妈。 To my surprise, she is the mother of two children. in surprise 吃惊地,惊慌地 每个人都惊讶地看着他。 Everyone looked at him in surprise. v. 使.惊讶 surprise sb. 这个消息真是令我惊讶。 The news really surprised me.,to the surprise of me,Key wordsexpressions,6. surprise (3) adj. surprised 感到惊讶的 Im _ to see him

10、 on the street. be surprised to do sth. 惊讶做 be surprised at sth. 对感到惊讶 他很惊讶的听到这个糟糕的消息。 Hes surprised at the terrible news. be surprised that 从句 他对父亲已卖掉农场一事感到惊讶. He was surprised that his father had sold the farm. surprising adj. 令人感到惊讶的 I found the results _.我觉得研究结果出人意料。 小孩子识字的速度不同,这不足为奇。 It is not

11、surprising that children learn to read at different rates. _, he enjoyed telling strange stories. 令人惊讶地是,他喜欢讲奇怪的故事。 surprisingly adv. 令人惊讶地,surprised,surprising,Surprisingly,Questions on the text,1. Does Susan have tea by herself?,video,2. Can Peter come in and have tea?,Language points,1. Cant you

12、come in and have tea now, Peter? 这是否定疑问句,表示邀请。 cant you . 表示说话人希望听话人做某事的强烈意愿和看法。 否定疑问句 可以表示说话者惊讶、责难的口吻或赞 扬,也可以表示说话者某种建议、邀请、请求或者看法. 难道你不能等会儿吗? Cant you wait a moment? 难道你不能来帮帮我吗? Cant you come and help me? 回答,用Yes, I can. / No, I cant. 分别译为: 不,我能。/ 是的,我不能。 come in and have tea 进来喝杯茶 go out and have a

13、 look at the car,2. Not yet. I must water the garden first. yet 用在否定句中,表示“还” 你去过北京吗? Have you been to Beijing? Not yet. 衣服还没有干。 The clothes are not dry yet.,3. Do you have to water it now? have to 不得不,必须(客观条件约束) Do I have to wait for him? Yes, you have to. / No, you dont (have to). Must I hand in ho

14、mework now? (must是主观态度) Yes, you must. / No, you neednt./No, you dont have to.,4. Im afraid I must, Look at it! Its terribly dry. Im afraid 后面跟从句做宾语 译为:恐怕 恐怕我不能做这件事情。 Im afraid I cant do this. 恐怕我会考试失败。 Im afraid Ill fail the exam.,4. Im afraid I must, Look at it! Its terribly dry.,4. Im afraid I mu

15、st, Look at it! Its terribly dry. look at和see区别 listen to和 hear 区别 look for和 find 区别 terribly dry,5.What a nuisance! 这是对Peter所说的“Its terribly dry”这句话的评价,6. Last summer it was very dry, too. Dont you remember? I had to water it every day. last summer / week / year this spring / week next year / month had to 是have to 的过去式,说明过去不得不做的事情 我昨天早晨必须早起来赶班车。 I had to get up early yesterday morning to catch the bus. Dont you remember? 否定疑问句,Language points,7. Well, Ill have tea by myself. well语气词,那么,那就 by oneself 独自地,独自地,相当



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