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1、新概念 Book 1 Test 1(Lesson 1-6)一 填入下列单词中所缺的字母(10分)1.m 2.th s 3.p don 4.h ndb g 5. xcuse 6.b k 7.p n 8.c at 9.w tch 10.sk t11.t ck t 12.pl se 13.n mber 14.umbr ll 15.s n16.t cher 17.m t 18.n w 19.m ke 20.g d二 填入下列对话中所缺的单词。(20分)1. me! 2. this your handbag? Yes? ? this your book? Is this your handbag? Ye

2、s, . No, .3.My coat and umbrella . 4. . my ticket. Good morning, Mr. blake. Thank you, sir.5.Sophie, this is Hans, 6. she an English student or an . American student? Nice to meet you, too. She an English student. She is an American student.7.Is this his ? 8.Is your pencil? Yes, It a German car. Yes

3、, it is. very much.9,What is your car? 10.My coat, please. Its Ford. Here you are . This is my coat. , sir.三 用所给单词组成句子。(20分)1.your, is, this, handbag ?2.you, very, thank, much .3.please, umbrella, my .4.watch, here, your, is .5. is, this, teacher, my .6.meet, nice, you, to .7.new , is, he, a, studen

4、t .8.it, car, Italian, isnt, an .9.make, what, it, is .10.is, Japanese, or, he, Korean .四判断正误,在正确的句子后写T, 在错错误的句子后写F,并改正。(10分) 1. Sorry me! Is this your book? ( ) 2. Thank you very much. ( ) 3.It not is my watch. ( ) 4.He is a Chinese. ( ) 5.Is this your car? Yes, it isnt. ( ) 6.It is a Italian car.

5、( ) 7.Here is me ticket. ( ) 8.Nice to meet you. ( ) 9.My name is Hans. ( ) 10.Naoko, she is Lucy. She is French. ( ) 五按要求改写下列句子。(10分) 1 This is my handbag. (变为否定句) 2 This is my shirt. (变为一般疑问句) 3 Is this your umbrella?(做肯定回答) 4 Nice to meet you. (给出回答) 5 It is an American car. It is an English car.

6、(变为选择疑问句) 六选择恰当的选项完成对话。(10分)A. My name is Jim. B. He is a new student.C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Good morning.E. Are you American, too?Mr. Blake: Good morning. Jim: Mr. Blake.Mr. Blake:This is Tom. Jim: Nice to meet you. Tom: Jim:Are you American? Tom:Yes, I am. Jim: No, I am not.七英汉互译。(20分) 1. Excuse me! 2. She isnt French. 3. What make is it? 4. Thank you very much. 5. Is this your son? 6. 打扰一下,这是你的包吗? 7. 很高兴见到你。 8. 这是你的大衣吗,Jack? 9. 这是Sophie。她是新学生。



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