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1、学生会的老师就像这个大家庭里的家长,他(她)们慈爱而又严厉,老师们教会我们做人,教会我们学习,教会我们工作。老师对我们的关心与疼爱我们始终看在眼里,记在心里如何修身养性的书籍想要达到修身养性的结果,看书也是个不错的选择,那么有哪些书可以修身养性呢?下面是小编为大家分享的有关修身养性的书籍,请看看吧。如何修身养性的书籍伊迪丝皮尔曼的蜜露Pearlman writes quiet stories about the blips of tumult . Shes been writing short stories - and only short stories - for decades, ch

2、ronicling the lives of earnest blue collar workers and whimsical academics. Most of the stories are set in her native Massachusetts; all of them reveal something tender and universal about everyday life.皮尔曼安安静静的笔调下有些许动荡和喧嚣。她一直就在写短篇小说,而且数十年来只写短篇小说,记录着热忱勤勉的蓝领工人还有异想天开的学者们的生活。大部分的故事背景都设置在她的故土马萨诸塞州,每一则故事

3、都展现了日常生活细小而普遍的一面。琼西尔珀的傻瓜Each story in Fools confronts the question: What makes an action foolish, as opposed to brave? And when is it better to be foolish, as opposed to steadfast in our established beliefs?傻瓜中每一则故事都面临这样一个问题:比之勇敢,怎样的行为才算愚昧?与我们深信不疑的信念相对,何时做个傻瓜才是更好的选择?凯瑟琳海尼的单身、随性、成熟Katherine Heiny wri

4、tes stories that quietly highlight the dramas of dating life, from teenagehood through adulthood. Heiny writes about both lovers growing estranged through social media, and young girls learning about the power of their own sexualities, with wry humor.凯瑟琳海尼的故事不动声色地突出了约会的戏剧色彩,从豆蔻年华到成年时期,不一而足。海尼不单单写因社交

5、媒体而逐渐疏离的情侣,也写年轻女孩认识到其声色的威力,笔调不乏揶揄嘲讽。玛丽莲罗宾逊小时候,我读书Marilynne In When I Was a Child I Read Books, Robinson fluidly contemplates significance of community and the power of the individual. You dont have to be a religious thinker to find beauty in Robinsons poetic musings.小时候,我读书一书中,罗宾逊行文流畅,深思社区的重要性和个体的力量

6、。读者即便不信奉宗教,也能发现罗宾逊富有诗意的哲思之美。莉莉塔克莉莲的双重生活Lily Tucks latest novel isnt exactly a memoir, but it sits somewhere between novel and autobiography, blurring the lines between related memory and imagined possible scenarios. Like Tuck, heroine Lilianes parents divorced when she was young, wreaking personal h

7、avoc that mirrored the tragedies unfolding in Europe at the same time.莉莉塔克的最新小说确切说来不是回忆录,介于小说和自传间,模糊了记忆和想象场景的界限。和莉莉塔克小时候一样,女主人翁莉莲年少父母离异,深受重创, 也映照出同期欧洲的悲剧。拉瑞德亨特不归Hunt tells his story about a woman disguised as a male solider through letters. The story is loosely based on a bundle of letters Hunt stum

8、bled upon written by a real undercover female soldier and is a smart work of historical fiction that encourages contemplation.亨特通过书信形式讲述了一个女子伪装成男军人的故事。亨特偶然间撞见一捆信件,是一个真实的卧底女军人所写的,亨特的历史小说稍稍以此为参照,引人深思,是部智慧的作品。凯思琳奥尔科特无限的家园Protagonist Edith has built a happy family of her own among her tenants - until sh

9、e gets slammed with potential eviction as her mind begins to worsen. The unsteady state of their home and their landlady forges an even closer bond between the housemates in this lyrical meditation on what really makes up a family.主人公伊蒂丝与其房客们建立了一个幸福的家庭,然而,随着记性变差,她或将被驱逐。家庭不稳定,女房东与房客们的关系更紧密了。这部抒情的沉思录引

10、人思考究竟何为组成家庭的要素。里查德麦奎尔这儿This book is a heartwarming time capsule, and fluid look at the way our interior lives have evolved, and how theyve remained the same.这本书是温暖人心的时空胶囊,以温婉的视角看我们的内心演变以及又如何初心不变。海蒂朱拉薇姿折叠的时钟The Folded Clock is a Diary, a collection of musings written offhandedly each day by its autho

11、r. Its been scrubbed of identifying details, but otherwise remains a deeply personal collection of thoughts about motherhood, language, and what success really means.折叠的时钟是部日记,是作者每日随手写就的遐思集。书中隐去了透露身份的信息,但仍是身为人母的感想、对语言的思考和阐述成功之道的个人思想集。莉迪娅戴维斯不行与不能Davis stories are quick, dreamy snapshots of a mood or

12、a sentiment, and they take the shape of the idle thoughts that make up most of our s spare language is comforting and digestible, but leaves ample room for contemplation and imagination, too.戴维斯的故事轻松宜人、直击人心。故事取材于我们日常生活七零八碎的心思想法。戴维斯平实简练的语言安抚人心、易于理解,但有给读者足够想象和沉思的空间。 时间如白驹过隙,弹指间,我已在学生会工作了一年。这其中有酸有甜有苦也有辣,然而这就是生活,过于平淡倒显得无味,酸甜苦辣俱全方能体现出人生的多彩,方能值得回味,方能使人进步!


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