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1、学生会的老师就像这个大家庭里的家长,他(她)们慈爱而又严厉,老师们教会我们做人,教会我们学习,教会我们工作。老师对我们的关心与疼爱我们始终看在眼里,记在心里哈弗毕业典礼致辞哈弗毕业典礼致辞蜘蛛轶事 何江当我在上中学的时候,一次被一只有毒的蜘蛛咬了一口,我哭着跑向母亲求助。然而母亲并没有领着我去看医生,相反,她点燃了我的手。她将我的手用浸过白酒的棉布摩擦包扎之后,在我的嘴巴里塞进一支筷子让我咬着,然后就点着了棉布。热量快速地穿过棉布直击我的皮肤,烘烤着我的手背。这种撕心裂肺的疼痛让我想要尖叫,但是却叫不出声,因为嘴里还咬着筷子。我所能做的只有盯着我的手看,一分钟,两分钟,直到母亲吹灭了火。你可以




5、的知识给需要的人有多么重要。有了科学,我们可以将成千上万像我故乡一样的地区拉进这个我们已经习以为常的世界,这,是我们每个人都可以做的一件事。但问题是,我们是否愿意为此努力?改变世界不代表每个人都要去发现什么伟大的东西,简单地成为一个传递者,把我们已有的知识带给这个地球村里无数像我母亲一样的人,就已经很好。我们的社会应该消灭知识鸿沟,这是人类进步不可或缺的一步,需要我们来实现。如果我们行动了,兴许再有来自中国偏远地区的小男孩,当他被蜘蛛咬的时候,他会知道去看医生,而不是用火烧他的手。谢谢!Commencement SpeechbyJIANG HEWhen I was in middle scho

6、ol, a poisonous spider bit my right hand. I ran to my mom for help, but instead of taking to a doctor, my Mom set my hand on fire. After rubbing my hand with several mares of cotton then soaked in wine,she put a chopstick into my mouth and ignited the cotton。Heat quickly penetrated the cotton and be

7、gan to roast my hand. The searing pain made me want to scream but the chopstick prevented it. All I could do was watch my hand bone, one minute, then two minutes, until my mom put off the fire。You see the Public China I grew up in was a rural village, and at that time, pre industrial. When I was bor

8、n, my village had no cars, no telephones, no electricity, not even running water and we certainly didnt had access to the modern medical resources。There was no doctor my mother could bring me to see about this spider bite. For those who study Biology, you may have brought the science behind my moms

9、cure: heat deactivates proteins and the spider venom is full of protein. Its cool how could this folk remedy incorporate with the base of biochemistry, isnt it?But I am astudent in Biochemistry study at Harvard, I now know a better, less painful and less risky treatment existed. So, I cant help but

10、ask myself, why I didt receive one at that time?Fifteen years have passed since that incident, I am happy to report that my hand is fine. But this question lingers and I continued to be troubled by the unequal distribution of scientific knowledge throughout the world。We have learn to edit the human

11、geneal and uncover many secrets of how cancer progressing. We can manipulate neuron activity literally with the switch of light. Each year with more advances in Biomedical research, exciting transformative accomplishment。Yet despite the knowledge we had on that, we havent be so successful deploying

12、it to where need it most. According to the World Bank, 12% of world population lives on less than 2 dollars a day。Malnutrition kills more than 3 millions children annually. Three hundred million people are afflicted by Malaria globally. All over the world, we constantly see the problem of poverty, i

13、llness and lack of resources impeding the flow scientific information。Life-saving knowledge took for granted in our modern world is over-unavailable in the underdeveloped regions. And so, in far to many places, people are still essentially trying to cure a spider bite with fire。While studying at Har

14、vard, I saw how scientific knowledge can help others in simple, in profound ways. The burst through pandemic in XX took my village like a spell cast by demons。Our folk medicine didnt even have half-mattress offer. Whats more, farmers did not know the difference between the common cold and flu. They

15、did not understand that the flu is much more lethal than common cold. Most of all are also unaware that the virus are transmitted by animal species。So when I realize that simple hygiene practices like separate different animal species could help contain this kind of disease and that I could help thi

16、s kind of knowledge available to my village。That was my first aha moment as a bioscientist. But it was more than that: it was also a vital inflection point of my own ethical development, my own self-understanding as a member of global community。Harvard dares us to dream big, to aspire, to change the world. Here on this Commencement Day, we are appropriate the


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