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1、形容词的比较级和最高级,Compare two famous people,Birth: 1954,04,07 Height: 1.73m Weight: 63kg,Birth: 1961,09,27 Height: 1.74m Weight: 64kg,taller shorter heavier thinner older younger more athletic ,形容词比较级、最高级的构成,A: cheap short quick thick light cool warm quiet wild calm,最高级: the - est,比较级: 直接加er,B: heavy easy

2、 tidy dry busy happy healthy hungry early,最高级: y - i- est,比较级: y -i- er,C: large late nice,最高级: adj. + st,D: big red,hot,thin “双写”最后的辅音字母加er/est,wet,fat,比较级: adj.+ r,sad,slim,delicious dangerous interesting popular beautiful careful outgoing,比较级 : more+ adj.,最高级: the most+ adj.,多音节形容词和部分双音节形容词:,不规则形

3、容词的比较级、最高级,better,best,more,most,less,least,worse,worst,farther/further,farthest/furthest,older/elder,oldest/eldest,规则变化,你可以讲讲吗?,单音节词在词尾加-er(比较级)或-est(最高级)以字母e接尾的词加-r或-st,以重读闭音节结尾的词末尾只有一个辅音字母应双写辅音字母再加er或est,以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y为i再加-er,或-est,多音节词和多数双音节词在其前面加more 和 most,can you?,形容词和副词有三个等级:,原级,比较级,最高级, 程度副词

4、very, too, so, quite等修饰形容词的原级 如:very tall、 too hot、 so cold,The car is quite/very cute.,The flood is very/so serious., as+adj.+as 和.一样 as funny as as big as as happy as as smart as,这个故事和那个故事一样有趣。,The story is as interesting as that one.,否定形式: not as/so +adj.(原级)+as 和 不一样,这个问题不如那个问题难。,The question is

5、 not as difficult as that one.,too to 中间用原级 so that 中间用原级,形容词比较级的常用句型,This cake is more delicious than that one,(两者之间),这个蛋糕比那个蛋糕好吃。,这座花园是那座花园的5倍大。,This garden is 5 times larger than that one.,He is,taller than any other boy.,He is taller than the other boys.,He is the tallest among them.,Amy is the

6、shorter of the two.,Davide is the taller of the two.,吃的越多, 会变得越胖,you eat, you will be.,The more , the better.,Eg: Which is easier, math or English? Eg: This city is much more beautiful than that one. Today is even hotter than yesterday. Eg:Now it is colder and colder. 现在越来越冷。, Which/Who is + 比较级, A

7、or B ?,可以修饰比较级的副词及短语:much(的多)、 a lot(的多)、even(更)、still(更)、a bit(一点儿),比较级+ and + 比较级, “越来越”,形容词最高级的常用句型,(三者或三者以上),我认为玫瑰花在所有的花中是最漂亮的。,I think roses are the most beautiful of all the flowers.,上海是中国最大的城市.,Shanghai is the largest city in China.,她是他们当中年纪最大的。,She is the eldest among them.,最重要的语言之一是英语。,One

8、of the most important languages is English.,One of+the+最高级+名词复数 “最的之一”,云南是中国最美的城市之一。,Yunnan is one of the most beatiful cities in China.,the+序数词+最高级+单数名词+in短语 “在中是第几个”,eg:黄河是中国第二长河。,The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.,中国是世界上第三大国家。,China is the third largest country in the world.,

9、Which/Who is + the 最高级, A ,B or C ?,1.What is the longest wall in the world?,The Great Wall.,2. Which is the heaviest animal on the land?,The elephants.,3. Who is the tallest professional basketball player in China?,Yao Ming.,Quiz,4. Which is the warmest province (省)in China in winter?,Hainan.,5. Wh

10、ich is the coldest province in China in winter?,Heilongjiang.,6.Which is the biggest city in China?,Shanghai .,7.Which is the biggest salt water lake of China?,Qinghai Lake.,8.Which is the smallest province in China?,Macao.,注:,older 一般指年龄大小,用于比较级中,My father is older than my mother.,elder指长幼关系(一般修饰名词

11、作定语),My elder brother is a cook.,farther指(距离或时间)上“更远的,较远的”,I want to study English further.,further指程度上更进一步的,比较抽像的,His lives farther .,further education 继续教育 further discussion进一步探讨 further explanation进一步解释,Activity,1,2,3,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,11,12,13,14,back,The Changjiang River is longer than _ in Ameri

12、ca. A. any other river B. any river C. the other rivres D. other river,Winter is _ season of a year.,the coldest,back,The bee is flying fast.,The bird is flying faster.,The plane is flying the fastest.,back,Liu Xiang _ in the Olympic Games.,ran fastest,back,The Changjiang River is _ than any other r

13、iver in China. A.shorter B. longer C. shortest D. longest,back,_ she is, _ she feels. A.The more busy, the more happy B. The busy, the happy C. Busier, happier D.The busier, the happier,back,Which is_ season in Beijing? I think its autumn. A.good B.better C.best D.the best,back,- In our city its in

14、July ,but it is even _in August . A. hotter; hottest B. hot; hot C. hotter; hot D. hot; hotter,D,- The bread is _ than these cakes A. very delicious B. much delicious C. more delicious D. as delicious,C,back,- An elephant is than a tiger. A. Heavy B. very heavy C. the heaviest D. heavier,- Which sub

15、ject is _ , physics or chemistry ? A. interesting B. most interesting C. more interesting D. the most interesting,D,C,back,改错,- Sue is one of the tall girls in her class.,tallest ,back,1. Bob is _ ( young ) than Fred but_ (tall) than Fred.,2. Yingtian is not as _ (tall) asYongxian.,back,-I study English as_as my brother.,-Which is _ , a bicycle or a computer? A.hard B. harder C. hardest,A. expensive B.more expensive C.the most expensive,back,Her English is gooder than I .,He is



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