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1、比赛,活动通知 基本要素: Para 1; 比赛(活动)名称,举办目的 Para 2: 比赛(活动)的时间,地点,参与人员 具体的内容,要求 Para 3: 报名,联系方式。呼吁积极参与。,Para 1: ( 活动,比赛的名称,举办目的) .This activity / event / contest / competition is meant/ designed / intended to - . Here come the details. . For the purpose of -, we have specially designed / planned a -. The fol

2、lowing are the details of it. . A -, meant/ designed/ intended to -, has been desinged / planned by -. Here are the detailed requirements and contents.,Para 2: (活动,比赛的参与人员和时间,地点,内容,要求) . This activity/contest, which is due to take place +时间+ 地点, consists of -, including -,-and -. All the participant

3、s (参与者) are required to -. Besides, it is requested that -(should) do-. Last but not least, please dont forget to - . It is due to be held +时间+ 地点. Consisting of -, the activity/contest involves/is intended for ( 参与对象). All the participants are requested to - as well as -. In addition, it is also re

4、quired that -(should) do-. . The activity / contest, made up of -, will take place +时间 地点. To begin with, weve planned a-, which-. Next, a - is also arranged to -. Third, we will -,Para 3: ( 活动,比赛的报名,联系方式号召,呼吁) . We sincerely hope that you will take an active part in this -. For further information,

5、 please connect +人/ 地点 at + 电话/ 网址。 . Since this - is meaningful and worthwhile, we do hope that you can show your enthusiasm and take an active part, please sign up by +时间 in/ at + 地点. . All the above is the information of this -. Welcome anyone who is equal to it and interested in it to join in. .

6、 If there is still something confusing you, please dont bother to ask - for help. Welcome you to take part! . Anyone who is willing to enter for(报名参加) it can inform us by +时间. You can contact +sb+ at + 电话/ 网址,Example: 王教授的报告分为三部分: 恐龙灭绝;环境保护;可持续发展。 最为有趣的是第一部分,第二部分关系到我们的切身利益,第三部分是报告的最重要的环节。,Pro. Wangs

7、 lecture consists of three parts, including “ the extinction of the dinasour, environment protection and sustainable development“. The first part is the most interesting of all and the second part is closest to our own benefits. The last part is the most important.,Pro. Wangs lecture, consisting of

8、three parts, includes “ the dying out of the dinasour, environment protection and sustainable development“. The first part will arouse most students interest while the second is closely related to our own welfare. The third part is the focus of his lecture.,Pro. Wangs lecture is made up of three sec

9、tions. “The dying out of the dinasour“ , which is to catch all the students attention, comes first and then follows the second part - “environment protection“, which is close to our own benefits. Last , the most important part “ sustainable development“ is presented.,比赛活动通知必会词汇,句型: 1 活动: activity 比赛

10、: contest/competition/ event 报名参加: enter for- / sign up 参与,参加:join in-; take (an active) part in-; participate in- 2 要求:be expected / supposed/required/requested to do It is required/ requested that-(should) do- Please remember to-/ dont forget to- 3 内容组成: - consists of/is made up of -, including -,

11、-and -. - parts are invloved in this activity/contest. Besides, - is also arranged. - comes first in this activity and- follows.,. For the purpose of -, weve decided to- . With the intention to-, weve designed - . This event /contest/ activity is designed/ intended/meant to-. . It is due to take pla

12、ce +(time) + (place). . All the participants/ the students concerned are required to- . A large variety of activities are expected to be involved, including -,- and - . - is also arranged in order to - . Those intending to enter for it please inform us ahead of time . Whoever plans to have a try ple

13、ase sign up by+ (time). . Thanks for your attention. ( 活动通知必会句型),实战演练: 假如你校学生会为了加强学生的社会责任感并且鼓励广大同学去关爱孤儿,组织同学去“阳光孤儿院”慰问,请你把这次活动的通知拟好: 1 活动参与者:所有交流学生(exchange students) 2 时间:二月四日上午八点到下午三点 3 活动内容:上午捐赠学习用品,做互动游 中午包饺子,共进午餐 下午给孩子表演歌舞节目 开头已给,不列入词数 ( 100-120) Notice The Students Union is to organize a visit

14、 to Yangguang Orphanage. 词,句,文 的衔接,1 加强社会责任感: 2 鼓励某人做- 3 关爱孤儿 4 从二月八日上午八点到下午三点 5 捐赠学习用品 6 包饺子 7 共进午餐 8 表演歌舞节目,strengthen/ build up/ develop our sense of social responsibility,encourage / inspire/ motivate sb to do -,care for / attend to / pay much attention to orphans,from 8 a.m. to 3 a.m. on,donate

15、 / give away/ offer them some learning aids/ supplies,make dumplings,have/ eat lunch together,sing and dance; give performances of singing and dancing,9 做互动游戏:,play interacting games interact with them ; play games,1 This visit is _ to strengthen our sense of social responsibility _ encourage us to care more for orphans. Here come the details about it. 2 On _ in the morning, well _ donate some learning supplies to the orphans, after _ we are to interact with t



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