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1、,Unit1 What are they doing ?,学习目标:,1、我能听懂会说row 、get on 、lots of 、dragon 、drink等单词。 2、我能初步运用What are they doing?进行问答。,学习指导:,1、根据图片自主理解课文内容。 2、听录音,感知单词发音。并模仿单词发音,跟读单词。 3、先自主练读单词,理解单词意思。然后小对子互读。最后小组长带领学习单词。 4、听课文录音,感悟课文。并跟读课文录音。 5、小对子分角色练读句型。,Theyre doing Taijiquan.,123,They re rowing a dragon boat.,Th

2、eyre playing chess.,Theyre drinking milk.,In the park,doing Taijiquan,rowing a dragon boat,playing chess,drinking milk,Theyre,Lets get on the bus. We can see lots of interesting things.,Theyre,playing basketball,Theyre playing football.,Theyre playing table tennis.,第二课时,学习目标:,1、 我能正确认读单词:draw, jump,

3、 sing, dance 。 2、我能运用Whats the elephant doing? 询问不明白的情景,并进行说明。 3、 乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。,学习指导:,1、自读课文,借助课文插图感知课文内容。 2、再次看课文,听录音,跟读模仿录音。 3、在情景中感知新知,模仿单词的发音,学习新句型。 4、生自读单词,句型,进行操练。 5、开展合作学习,通过同桌、小组内互相问答学习新知,小组长做好督促检查。,Welcome to the zoo!,animal 动物,zoo 动物园,monkey,bird,tiger,elephant,horse,touch game,Conversati

4、on learning,good good study, day day up!,group work,1.What is the elephant doing? Its dancing B. Its running C. Its drawing pictures. 2.What are the tigers doing? A. They are jumping B. Theyre playing football C. Theyre playing chess. 3. The horse is _. A. drinking B. listening to music C. walking,C

5、,C,A,Listening practice,Listen carefully, and order the sentence you heard.,3,2,1,4,5,6,Task,Draw ,ask and answer. A: What are they doing? B: Theyre playing football.,第三课时,Module 3 复习,复习目标: 1能听懂认读:row、 drink、 draw、 jump、 sing、 dance、 boat、 play chess、 lots of等 2能灵活运用句型What are they doing?及其答语。及Whats

6、 the elephant doing? 3让学生注意多观察生活、多尝试使用英语。,复习指导:,1、打开课本P14P19活动内容。自主熟练认读单词。 2、小对子互读互评。 3、大组长带领组员以不同形式(开火车、两人小对子、四人共同体等)熟练练读并运用单词。 4、小组分角色色操练课文,并熟练运用重点句型。 5、Do and say.(以小组为单位,进行我做动作,你说句型。你做动作。我说句型的练习) 6、Draw,ask and answer.(小组各自画一幅画。然后共同用学过的句型描述出他们正在干什么) (15分钟时间比比哪个小组复习效果好),Theyre doing Taijiquan.,123,They re rowing a dragon boat.,Theyre playing chess.,Theyre drinking milk.,monkey,bird,tiger,elephant,horse,


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