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1、Unit 4 Making the news,基础知识自测,1._ vt.to tell the truth 2._ vt.获得;学到 3._ vt.评定;估价 4._ vt.帮助;促进 5._ vt.需要;查询 6._ adj.欣喜的;高兴的,delighted,inform,acquire,assess,assist,demand,7._ vt.集中;聚集 8._ vt.指责;控告 9._ v.赞成;认可;批准 10._ vt.加工;过程 11.journalist n. _ 12.photographer n. _ 13.admirable adj. _,值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的,conc

2、entrate,accuse,approve,process,记者;新闻工作者,摄影师,14.profession n. _ 15.amateur n. _ 16.update vt. _ 17.deliberately adv. _ 18.department n. _ 19.appointment n. _ 20.accurate adj. _,精确的;正确的,职业;专业,业余爱好者,更新;使现代化,故意地,部门;部;系,约会;任命,1.admire v. 佩服;羡慕;赞美_n. 钦佩_n. 崇拜者;爱慕者_adj.令人钦佩的;值得赞扬的,admirable,admiration,admi

3、rer, His bravery is_ (admire). He came up with an _ (admire) idea.,admirable,admirable, The pop star has many _ (admire). She speaks English so well that her friends are filled with_ (admire).,admirers,admiration,2.eager adj. 热切的;渴望的;热心的_adv. 热切地_ n.渴望;热心_搭配渴望干某事,be eager to do sth.,eagerly,eagernes

4、s, He is eager_knowledge about the party construction because he is eager_ (join) the party. These young people show great _ (eager) for new knowledge. The children were_ (eager) looking forward to the party,for,to join,eagerness,eagerly,3.gifted adj.有天赋的_n.礼物;天赋_搭配在有天赋,be gifted in或have a gift/tale

5、nt for,gift, It is known that he was gifted _ painting when he was young.When he grew up,he turned _(gift) artist. He has a gift _ music.,for,in,gifted,4.appointment n.约会;任命_vt.任命;委派_ 搭配与某人约会,make/fix an appointment with sb,appoint,Tom made an_ (appoint) with Kate to meet under that tree.Kate promis

6、ed she _ (keep) an appointment,_at last she broke the appointment.,appointment,would keep,but,5.assist vt.帮助;协助_n.助理;助手 _n.帮助;援助,assistance,assistant, The _ (assist) asked the boss for _ so that he could assist the workers _ improving the efficiency. Would you like to assist me_my English?,with,assi

7、stant,assistance,in,1.全神贯注于 _ 2.指控或控告 _ 3.为了(做) _ 4.把事情弄清楚 _ 5.对非常敏感 _ 6.拍照 _ 7.诀窍 _,a trick of the trade,concentrate on,accuse.of,so as to,get sth.straight,have a nose for,take a photograph,8.提前 _ 9.最后 _ 10.渴望做 _ 11.take a course _ 12.get absorbed in _ 13.set to work _ 14.cover/go on a story_,去采访,a

8、head of time,last of all,be eager to do,上课,专心于,开始工作,15.depend on _ 16.tell the truth _ 17.look forward to _ 18.make an appointment_ 19.work experience _ 20.arrange an interview _,安排采访,依靠;取决于,说出真相,期待,约会,工作经验,1.The reporter was covering the accident while the photographer_ _.2.The driver_ killing two

9、persons in the road accident.,was takingphotographs,was accused of,3.Concerned about the coming exam,Tom couldnt _what the teacher said though_ .4.My teacher says I_ good math materials and I have the_ _ to solving the problems.,concentrate on,taking a course,have a nose for,trick of thetrade,5._,le

10、t me draw a conclusion of the activity.6.The manager asked the assistant _ _ and report it to him.,Last of all,to get the facts straight,7.The fans _ see their idol and waited long in front of the stadium.8.She regarded Tom the sort of person _ in all her life,so she _ him.,were eager to,to depend o

11、n,made an appointment with,9.The new reporter without_ (工作经验)_ (期待) _ (采访) by himself.10.They_ (开始工作) early _finish the work_.,ahead of time,working experience,looks forward to,covering a story,set to work,so as to,ZhouYang will never forget his first assignment 1_ a reporter in China Daily. At the

12、office his talk with his new boss influenced his life strongly. His boss told him not to go out to cover an event 2 _ a professional photographer.,as,without,During the interviews,he had to listen to a lot of facts in detail 3 _ getting well prepared for the next question based on 4 _ the person said.If the person 5_ (interview) agreed,he should use a recorder to record what the interviewee said.,



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