puritanism and american culture

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《puritanism and american culture》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《puritanism and american culture(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Puritanism and American Culture,制作人:李项南 王薇王艳艳 焦艳,Main Contents:,Puritanism American culturePuritanism and American Education Puritanism and American DemocracyPuritanism and American LiteraturePuritanism and American racial problemsPuritanism and American nationality Conclusion,Puritanism:,Puritanism

2、 originated from England and manifested itself in many ways in British North American colonies. Although they formed essential elements of religious norms for behavior, “justification by grace through faith”(因信称义), “the idea of calling”(天职思想), “a city upon a hill”(山巅之城), the core convictions of Puri

3、tanism, dispelled to a large extent the bondage of the tradition of mainstream church on the mind and deed of people. They quickened the process of social secularization, promoted individual emancipation and played an important role in helping to establish modern ideas about labor, occupation and we

4、alth, sketch the goal for the nation to pursue in future with religious ideal. Laying the foundation of the WASP cultural values, they molded the national character of todays America.,“因信称义”: 美国历史学家戴格勒指出:“个人主义是遗留给后代的清教主义的核心,如果说美国人今天是个人主义者,那么清教主义是个人主义的主要根源。”4诞生于英国宗教改革时期的清教主义,受欧洲大陆马丁路德和加尔文的新教思想影响,极具反抗

5、权威、抵制特权的精神和强烈的突出教徒个人、彰显自我的意识。其理论来源是“因信称义”的新教主张 “天职思想”:天主教推崇“出世”修行的灵魂拯救方式,清教的主张则带有明显的“入世”特征。它主张信徒在追求永恒的彼世时不必也无法回避现世,不但视现世为通向彼世的重要桥梁,而且强调现世在教徒个人救赎过程中的功能与作用,突出以现世的实践追求彼世的理想的教义。对于信奉新教的清教徒来说,在另一个世界的拯救在很大程度上取决于个人改变现实世界的成功程度。 “山巅之城“: 他们提倡勤俭清洁的生活,希望在新大陆上建造自己的山巅之城”(an ideal community )。,清教主义起源于英国,在北美殖民地得以实践与

6、发展。其因信称义、天职思想、山颠之城等核心理念,虽然构成宗教行为规范要素,却在很大程度上起到了消解禁锢人们思想与行为的主流教会传统的作用,促进了社会世俗化进程,在早期的美国,推动了个性解放,促成建立现代劳动、职业和财富观,以宗教的理想勾勒出国家未来追求的目标。它们奠定了今日美国主流文化(WASP)价值观念的基础,铸就了美国民族特性。,清教主义:,American culture:,The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals value, the pursue of democracy and free

7、dom, the promotion of deploitation and competition and the need of realistic and practicality. Its core is individualism: self first, personal need first, pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design.,清教主义成为当时人们共同的价值观,他们提倡的思想主要有:虔

8、敬,谦卑,严肃,诚实,勤勉和节俭。在这些价值观下,清教徒不畏陌生艰险的环境,克服种种困难,开拓进取,很快便在蛮荒的土地上收获了繁荣和富足。因此,他们更加坚信自己的清教主义,雄心勃勃地要扩张疆域,而美国历史也的确是一部不断向西的拓展史,清教主义的价值观念也随之拨洒到更广阔的土地上。“在两百多年的沧桑变化中,美国文化像一座大熔炉吸收了世界诸多文明的精华,成为具有鲜明特色的多元化的,开放性的文化体系。它包含了世界上几乎一切种族,民族,宗教,价值思想和学术,但又始终以WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)文化为主流,其核心是崇尚勤奋劳动的清教道德传统”。历史学家巴斯等说

9、:“没有对美国清教思想的了解,就不可能理解美国社会。”清教主义奠定了美国社会的基础,塑造了美国人的性格,从各个方面影响着美国社会。,清教主义与美国文化,Puritanism and American nationality,加尔文主张:“上帝对人的获救有绝对自由权,但人可以通过在尘世职业上的成就以获得受到上帝恩宠的确证.”清教徒普遍接受了这种以职业劳动为唯一内容的天职观,相信努力工作便能取悦上帝,勤劳致富是获得再生的唯一手段。敢于冒险,不断进取人人信奉“自助者天助之”,相信每个人的机会都是均等的,都可以凭借勤奋获得成功。许多美国人正是在这种“美国梦”的激励下,自力更生,摆脱贫困,走上了富裕的道

10、路,实现了梦想。,Todays American citizens :,American citizens emphasize on individuals value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, promotion of competition and the need of realistic and practicality.emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design. emphasize on achievements and respect

11、 heroes. They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and heroes. Success is the pursuit of most Americans on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity.,Puritanism and American Education,最初来到美

12、国的清教徒大多受过古典人文教育,他们相信学校将为人指明方向。因此,他们有一种新的教育思想:要有受过教育的神职人员和识字的公民。新英格兰殖民地为了强调教育的重要性,在1674年颁布了老魔鬼撒旦法,规定凡满50户人家的城镇必须任命一位老师教孩子阅读和写字。凡满100户人家的城镇必须建立一所拉丁文法学校,不执行这一法令的人,将受罚款处罚。清教徒们教育子孙“不学ABC,愚蠢至终生”,American Education,The American effort to educate an entire national population. The goal is to achieve univers

13、al literacy and to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the general public,今天的美国人无疑秉承了清教先祖重教的传统,并将之发扬光大。在今天的美国社会,每个公民都有接受教育的权利和义务,各州都有义务教育的法规,全国的文盲比例极低,约为1%。现在,全美大约有6000万人在不同层次的学校上学,另有900万人上职业学校,还有1300万人通过各种形式接受教育

14、,全美有3500多所大学,已经从大众高等发展为普及高等教育。,Puritanism and American democracy,美国清教始祖们大多是因为在国内遭受了迫害,为了追求自由和民主而移民到北美大陆的。“这些宗教叛逆者的思想要求奠定了美国民主的基础”。 北美的第一批清教徒签署了五月花号公约,公约体现了少数服从多数的原则,实行自治,每一个成员都享有平等自由的民主权利。“清教徒自选牧师,自行管理,反映了资产阶级反对封建专制的要求和要求民主共和的愿望,成为建立美国式民主的基础”。,American democracy,The Constitution opens with a stateme

15、nt ,which make it clear that the government is set up by “we , the people ”and its purpose is to “promote the general welfare and secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” Declaration of Independence states “all men are created equal ,that they are endowed by creator with certai

16、n unalienable right” Bill of Rights guarantees freedom and individual rights and forbid interference with lives of individuals by government,Puritanism and American literature,The Puritans looked even the worst of life in the face with a tremendous amount of optimism. American authors have been the

17、outset conditioned by the puritan heritage to which American authors have been the most communicative heirs. (乐观主义) The American Puritans metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly instrumental in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American. Puritan doctrine and literary practice contributed to no small extent to the development of an indigenous symbolism. (朴素文风) With regard to technique one naturally thinks of the simplicity, which characterizes the Puritan style of writing(象征主义),


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