冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Let’s Go同步练习测试题共16套有讲解

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《冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Let’s Go同步练习测试题共16套有讲解》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Let’s Go同步练习测试题共16套有讲解(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、冀教版七年级英语上册冀教版七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Lets Go 同步练习测同步练习测试题共试题共 16 套有讲解套有讲解基础回眸六.单词卡片名词 女士_ 交通_ 运气_ 噪声_ 狮子_森林_ 过程_ 乡村_ 博物馆_ 大厅_战争_ 历史_ 区域_ 礼物_ 电影_戏院_ 价格_ 英雄_ 飞机场_ 旅馆_动词 骑_ 跟随_ 数_ 做梦_ 想念_ 喂_采摘_ 学习_ 解救_ 打架_数词 四十_ 五十_ 六十_ 七十_ 八十_九十_ 百_形容词 直的_ 新鲜的_ 孤独的_ 友好的_ 著名的_无聊的_ 神奇的_副词 离开_ 直地 _ 迅速 _.短语归纳1乘坐 42 路公共汽车_2骑自行车 _3离

2、很远;远离 _4下车;从下来 _5去动物园 _6在农场 _7在去的路上 _8寻找 _9紧邻;挨着 _10看一场电影 _11迷路 _12吵闹 _13当然 _14祝你好运! _15到达 _.句型在线1打扰一下,我怎样到达书店?Excuse me. How can I _ _ the bookstore?2在我上学的路上,我经常看见一只可爱的小狗。_ _ _ _ _, I often see a lovely dog.3在交通信号灯处右转。_ _ at the traffic lights.4沿着这条路直走。_ straight _ this road.5他经常骑自行车去超市。He often go

3、es to the supermarket _ _6我家紧挨着我们学校。My home _ _ _ our school.7你在找什么?What are you _ _?8他在农场工作。He works _ _ _9我们可以更多得了解这场战争。We can _ more _ the war.10不要弄出声响。 Dont _ _11让我们一起找出答案吧!Lets _ _ the answer!12我当然知道这件事儿啦!_ _ I know it!13当公共汽车正行驶时,不要下车。Dont _ _ the bus when it is moving.14不要说得那么快!_ speak so_!15

4、沿着这条街直走,经过一个公园,你会在你的右边看到博物馆。Go straight down the street, _ a park, and you will see the museum _ _ _.16她经常在城市里迷路。She often _ _ in the city.17咱们乘公共汽车吧!Lets _ _ _!18我想从我的老师那里得到帮助。I want to _ help _ my teacher.19我们怎样到那儿呢?_ can we _ there? 20警察是我们的英雄。The policemen _ our _教师详解详析.名词: lady; traffic; luck;

5、noise; lion; forest; course; countryside; museum; hall; war; history; area; gift; movie; theatre; price; hero; airport; hotel动词: ride; follow; count; dream; miss; feed; pick; learn; save; fight数词: forty; fifty; sixty; seventy; eighty; ninety; hundred形容词: straight; fresh; lonely; friendly; famous; bo

6、ring; magic副词: off; straight; quickly.1.take Bus 422by bike/take a bike/ride a bike3far (away) from 4.get off5go to the zoo 6.on the farm7on the way to 8.look for9next to 10.watch a movie11get lost 12.make noises13of course 14.Good luck! 15get to.1.get to 2.On my/the way to school3Turn right 4.Go; d

7、own/along5by bike 6.is next to 7.looking for8on the/a farm 9.learn; about10make noises 11.find out12Of course 13.get off14Dont; quickly15pass; on your right 16.gets lost17take the/a bus 18.get; from19How; get 20.are; heroes Unit 6 Lets Go单元语法聚焦六祈使句用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫作祈使句。祈使句的说话对象是第二人称,常被省略。祈使句的谓

8、语动词用动词原形。下面介绍祈使句的几种句型结构:一、肯定句式:1行为动词原形其他成分!Watch the movie! 看电影!Stand up, please! 请起立!2系动词 be表语!Be quiet, please! 请安静!Be careful!小心!二、否定句式:1Dont行为动词原形其他成分!Dont do that again! 别再那样做了!Please dont worry about me!请不要为我担心!2Dont系动词 be其他成分!Dont be late! 别迟到!Dont be too early! 别太早!3let 引导的祈使句的否定形式(1)Dontlet

9、宾语宾语补足语Dont let him watch TV. 别让他看电视了。Dont let me do that again.别再让我做那件事了。(2)Let宾语not动词原形Lets not talk about that.咱们别谈论那件事情了。Let her not write again.别再让她写了。.单项选择( )1.2017白银 Boys and girls, _ learning and have fun.Akeep Bto keepCkeeping Dkept( )2.2017长沙改编_ carefully, please! Look at the road sign. Th

10、ere is a school ahead.ADrive BTo driveCDriving DDrives( )3._ call(叫) me Wangwang. Its my dogs name.ANot BNo CDont DAny( )4._ hard and youll succeed(成功) sooner or later(迟早)AStudy BTo study CStudying DStudied( )5._ quick, please! AIs BAreCAm DBe( )6.Dont copy others homework anymore! _, Miss Smith.A.

11、OK, I will B. Sorry, I wontC. OK, I dont D. Yes, I wont( )7.2017永州改编 David, _ make trouble at school.Acant BdontCdoesnt Dwont( )8.2017 长春_ for me at the bus station across from the post office. I can find you easily.AWait BTo waitCWaiting DWaits( )9.2017重庆_ throwing those stones, please.AStop BStops

12、CStopping DStopped( )10._ run in the hallways, Mike.Sorry, Ms. Clark.ADont BPleaseCNo DDo.根据汉语意思完成句子1请快点儿走。 _ _ quickly.2请起立。Please _ _3这个故事很有趣,让我们一起来读一读吧。The story is very interesting. _ read it together.4请保持安静。Please _ _5别站在外面。外面很冷。_ _ outside. Its very cold outside.教师详解详析语法精练.1.A 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.B8A 考查动词词形辨析。由句意判断,此句为肯定祈使句,应以动词原形开头,故选 A。9A 10.A.1.Please go 2stand up 3.Lets4be/keep quiet5Dont stand


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