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1、节俭英文演讲稿节俭英文演讲稿篇一:英文演讲稿范文:倡导节约英文演讲稿范文:倡导节约下面一篇英文演讲稿范文:倡导节约,为大家奉上,望您在欣赏中得到一些启发,一起分享吧 dear colleagues: hello, i share with you the topic is: corporate social responsibility. corporate social responsibility ( corporatesocialresponsibility, csr) refers to the enterprises to create profits for shareholder

2、s, bear legal responsibility at the same time, also undertake to employees, customers, community and environmental responsibility. corporate social responsibility requires the enterprises to go beyond the profit as the only goal of the traditional philosophy, emphasis on the production process of th

3、e value of human attention, emphasis on consumer, environmental, contribution to society. remember that we have just moved into the building, regardless of the weekend, or at 10: 00 to the company, you will find our this building always lights, as bright as day. i think at that time, the premier for

4、 his annual unit gdp energy consumption reduced by 4% goals; and our late night nobody when lighted, why cant we do some contribution for the premier goal i think back and forth to oneself, toss and turn restlessly, then president gao ruibin wrote an email, attached the photo, suggested, we should f

5、ind better energy-saving measures to reduce energy consumption for countries to make our contribution. high total in his busy schedule to see my messages, promptly forwarded to an associated organization and colleagues. we think, in which after what has changed so long, i see every night 9: 00, 10:

6、00, in our building will be the property of staff to inspect each floor, power off. to this year july 10th, our office at 7 : 30 after lighting will be automatically closed. see the satisfactory change, i gave a high total wrote an email, attached 2 photos, one is at 11 : 00 then we motorola mansion

7、; it shows our lighting power supply have been almost completely closed, with the last picture really is my not. another photo of our neighbors, a canadian companys mansion; displayed above their lighting like we were building a year ago that way, as clear as daylight . .high total gave me the reply

8、 that the name is corporatesocialresponsibility csr, corporate social responsibility, not just the company, as well as each employee s responsibility. only we work together, we will continue to uphold the company of equality, open, inclusive, innovative spirit, innovation in science and technology c

9、ontinue to forge ahead on the road; our society will be more harmonious. so what i am going to do, is to nortel ceo write, tell them to the attention of section pass reduction. in the hope that this time next year, in this place, to report my progress. thank you very much! 篇二:节约用水英语演讲稿演讲:节约用水老师们,同学们

10、,大家早上好。good morning, dear teachers and schoolmates. 众所周知,水是人类生命的源泉。as we all know, water is the source of peoples life. 没有水,人无法生存,万物将不能生长,世界将不会如此多姿多彩。without water, people cant survive, things willnot grow, and the world will not be so colorful. 因此,要珍惜水、爱护水、节约水,从我做起。so we should cherish water, love

11、water and save water. lets start from ourselves.每个人都知道,水在我们的生活中至关重要。everyone knows that water plays animportant role in our life.我们每天都需要喝水,我们所吃的食物里也含有水分。 we need to drink water everyday and the food we eat needs water, too. 而且现在我们也面临着水污染,所以我们应该关注水资源。we should face that wateris badly polluted. we nee

12、d to pay attention that water is wasted seriously. 我们应该节约用水,保护水资源。so, what we should do now is saving water andprotecting the water.哪里有水,哪里就有生命。where there is water, there is life. 如果没有水,我们就无法生活。if there is no water one day, we cant live. 所以节约能源,人人有责。 so saving energy is everyones duty. 节约用水就是珍爱生命。

13、节约水资源,是我们的责任。 to save water is to cherish life. to save water is our responsibility.请珍惜每一滴水。请珍惜、爱护每一滴生命的源泉。please cherish every drop of water. please cherish every drop of our life. 作为中学生,我们能做什么呢?as middle school students, what are we able to do 当我们刷牙时,可以用杯子接水而不是让水龙头一直开着。when we brush our teeth, we

14、can get the water in a cup,not from the flowing water. 当我们淋浴时,我们应该及时关掉水的开关。and when we takea shower, we should turn off the water in time. 亲爱的同学们,节约用水,迫在眉睫。节约用水,从我做起。dearschoolmates, we should save water at once. we should save water from ourselves.亲爱的同学们,让我们尽心竭力使我们的世界越来越美好。dear friends, lets do our

15、 best to make our world more beautiful!篇二:小学生节约用水演讲稿小学生节约用水演讲稿小学生节约用水演讲稿 . 1 篇一:小学生节约用水演讲稿 . 2 篇二:小学生节约用水演讲稿 . 2 篇三:小学生节约用水演讲稿 . 3 篇一:小学生节约用水演讲稿 各位领导、老师、同学们:大家好!今天我演讲的题目是:保护水资源,做环保小公民。 水是一切生命之源,人体重量的 60%是水,血液中的 90%是水,我们每人每天需要两公斤的水才能维持生命。水又是生产中的首要资源:生产一吨稻谷需要水 1400 立方米,炼一吨钢需要水 200 立方米,造一吨纸需要水 500 立方米。

16、可以说,如果没有水,人类将无法生存 同学们,烈日炎炎的夏天,当你拧开水龙头,舒舒服服地冲着凉水澡时,你们知道吗?你洗澡所用的水是缺水地区几十人的日用水量;当你冲洗马桶时,你一次用水量当于发展中国家人均日用水量;当粗心的你没有拧紧水龙头,它一个晚上流失的水,相当于非洲或亚洲缺水地区一个村庄的居民日饮用水量这些事例决不是耸人听闻,而是联合国有关机构多年调查得来的结论。大家都知道,我国是一个贫水国家,人均淡水只有2240 立方米,不到世界人均水平的四分之一,居世界第 109 位,被列为世界 13 个严重缺水的国家之一。由于缺水,我国农村粮食产量减少,西北沙漠化严重,沙尘暴频繁发生。节约用水对于我们每一个中国人来说,已是当务之急。但是,环顾四周,破坏水资源,污染水资源的现象屡见不鲜,就拿外面的溆水河来说吧!据老人们说:很久以前,我们的溆水河是那么清澈,那么美丽,犹如一块碧绿的翡翠,河里,鱼虾快活的游动,岸边,人们愉快地生活。大家喜欢直接饮用那干净的河水,品尝肥美的鱼虾,夏天,河里满是尽情嬉戏的人们。几十年过去了,我们的溆水河变了,河水不再清澈,鱼虾不


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