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1、Prep.,介词,Find prep,举例,at in on before after under from between during over,介词的主要分类:,1. at 10:00 ,in spring, on September 1st _ 2. at the cinema, in the north of China _ 3. go by bus ,write with a pen _ 4. by the way, at last, in the end _,地点,方位介词,方式介词,时间介词,固定搭配,介词 (prep.),之时间介词,时间介词举例,1.We will have

2、 a party _8:30_night. 2.He often goes to the park _Sundays. 3._June 27th, we went to a park. 4.I always go swimming _summer. 5. He went to school late _the morning. 6.She works in the garden _ morning_ evening. 7.Dont get up too late _ Monday morning.,at,at,On,in,on,in,from,to,on,时间介词(二),时间介词(二)举例,H

3、e has worked here since 1989.自从1989年他就在这工作了。 Well stay here for ten minutes.我们将在这待10分钟。 They have studied English for 3years.他们已经学了3年英语了。 We work for 8 hours every day.我们每天工作8小时。 We worked for 10 hours in the past.过去我们每天工作10小时。,时间介词(二)举例,They worked from 7:00 to 12:00 last year.去年他们从早上7点工作到12点。 They

4、 work from 7:00 to 12:00 every day.他们每天从7点工作到12点。 They will work from 7:00 to 12:00 from tomorrow.从明天起他们将从7点工作到12点。,练习一:单项选择,1. A terrible earthquake happened in Japan_March,2011.A. to B. on C. in D. at,C,2. A terrible earthquake happened in Japan_ the afternoon of March 11th,2011A. to B. on C. in D

5、. at,B,3. -When were you born?-I was born_ June 2nd,1998.A. to B. on C. in D. at,B,练习一:单项选择,4. -When were you born?-I was born_ a hot summer afternoon_1998.A. on at B. at inC. in on D. on in,5. -Peter, when will the lesson begin?-We should come_ eight oclock.A. at B. in C. on D. to,A,D,练习一:单项选择,6. I

6、 often hear a noise_ night.A. on B. in C. at D. by,C,7. We never go hiking _winter.A. on B. in C. at D. by,B,8.-What do you do _ Mothers Day?-I often buy some flowers for my mum.A. on B. in C. at D. by,A,练习一:单项选择,9. Li Na won the tennis match in France_ June 4th,2011.A. in B. on C. at D. for,B,10. M

7、y favorite film is The Sound of Music. It takes place in Australia_ 1938.A. in B. on C. at D. for,A,方位介词,Sing a song about it,on的用法,on: 在上,例如: The doll is_ the box。,on,点击鼠标填空,继续,in的用法,In:在里面,例如:The cat is _ the box。,in,点击鼠标填空,继续,under的用法,under: 在下面,The cat is _the box.,under,点击鼠标填空,继续,between 的用法,be

8、tween: 在中间,例如: The book is _ the two boxes.,between,点击鼠标填空,返回,next to 的用法,The doll is next to the box.,Where is the basketball/clock? Its _ the desk.Where are the pencils/balls? They are _,on,1、where is the cat? Its _ the bus。 2、where is the white cat? Its _ the house.,点击鼠标填空,继续,practice,on,between,

9、The man is standing _the two women.,Miss Li is standing _ the students.,3. between 和 among,between,among,在两者之间,在三者或者三者以上之间,The boy is _ (在树上),in the tree,on the tree,There is a red apple_ (在树上),树上长出来的东西 ,用 on,不属于树本身的东西,用 in,1. in 和 on,4. in front of 和 in the front of,The man is _ the car.,in front o

10、f,The girl is _the car.,in the front of,在(外部的)前面,在(内部的)前面,5. 表方位 in ,on, to 1) Chongzuo lies _the southwest of China. ( ) 2) Guangxi lies _the west of Guangdong.( ) 3) Japan lies _the east of China.( ),in,to,on,在中国范围内,两地无接壤,两地有接壤,1.在广州 _ Guangzhou 2.在电影院 _ the cinema 3.树上的苹果 apples _ the tree 4.树上的小

11、鸟 birds _ the tree 5.在农场上 _ the farm,地点介词练一练,in,at,on,in,on,三.方式介词 之 in的用法,1.We talk in English._,(使)用某种语言,用汉语: in Chinese,2. You can solve this problem in this way._,in this way,用这种方式,in different ways,用不同的方式, 用的方式,3. My sister is in red.The woman in a yellow dress is my mother._,in +服装,颜色 表示,穿什么颜色

12、的衣服,用日语: in Japanese,3. With the money, they built some schoolsin the poor area. _,三.方式介词,之 with 的用法,“使用”的意思,1.We see with our eyes and hear with our ears._, 使用人体器官做某事,2.Chinese usually eat with chopsticks ._,使用某一工具,使用(利用)某材料(金钱等),三.方式介词,之 by 的用法,We go to school by bike/bus/car/ ship/plane_,by常接 ,表示通过某种方式做某事.,I talk with my friends by sending e-mail._,通过某种手段或方式,注意: 步行是 _.在表达”乘”时,还可用介词on/in.,on foot,by bus=,on a/the bus,by bike =,on a/ the/ ones bike,by plane=,on a /the plane,by car=,in a /the /ones car,交通工具,The end,


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