威尼斯商人 英语版

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1、,威尼斯商人(英文:The Merchant of Venice)又名威尼斯的犹太人是莎士比亚的喜剧作品。可能写于1596年至1598年,出版于1600年,首演于1598年。而它也是最早在中国演出的莎剧(1913年)。,English poet、playwriter、dramatist. tragedies and comedies and histories,About auther,William Shakespear,莎士比亚(英国) 15641616年,简介: The Merchant of Venice is the important early works of Shakespe

2、are,is a comedy with a great satirical 。Its about to make in 1596 1597 威尼斯商人 是莎士比亚早期的重要作品,是一部具有极大讽刺性的喜剧。大约作于15961597年。 Play praises of love, friendship and love, but also reflects the early commercial capitalism, the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the usurer, the performance of the author

3、 of bourgeois society, money, legal and religious issues of Humanism. This plays an important literary achievement, the mercenary is shaped Shylock, the typical image of a ruthless loan shark. 剧本歌颂仁爱、友谊和爱情,同时也反映了资本主义早期商业资产阶级与高利贷者之间的矛盾,表现了作者对资产阶级社会中金钱、法律和宗教等问题的人文主义思想。这部剧作的一个重要文学成就,就是塑造了夏洛克这一惟利是图、冷酷无情

4、的高利贷者的典型形象。,The main characters,Main characters: Antonio a merchant of Venice Bassanio Antonios friend; suitor(求婚者) to Portia Portia a rich heiress Shylock a rich Jew, moneylender, father of Jessica Jessica daughter of Shylock, Lorenzos girlfriend Lorenzo friend of Antonio and Bassanio, in love with

5、 Jessica Nerissa Portias waiting maid- in love with Gratiano Gratiano- Bassanio and Antonios friend,The main characters,安东尼奥 (Antonio):威尼斯的大商人,他经营海外贸易并拥有巨 资,与落魄的贵族子弟巴萨尼奥结为生死之交,甚至不惜为他押下自己身上的一磅肉。 巴萨尼奥 (Bassanio):将家产挥霍一空的落魄贵族,后娶波西亚。 波西亚 (Portia):才貌双全的富家女嗣。 夏洛克 (Shylock):以放高利贷致富的犹太人。 洁西卡 (Jessica):夏洛克的女

6、儿,后袭卷父亲财产与罗伦佐私奔。 罗伦佐 (Lorenzo):安东尼奥与巴萨尼奥的朋友,洁西卡的情人。 奈莉莎 (Nerissa):波西亚的贴身女侍。 葛莱西安诺 (Gratiano):安东尼奥和巴萨尼奥之友,后娶奈莉莎。,plot,In 1596, in the liberal Venice, Bassanio asks for a large amount to his friend, the merchant Antonio, to travel to Belmont (贝尔蒙特,美国)and propose the gorgeous PortiaAntonio has invested

7、 all his money in his ships and borrows from the usurer Shylock, who proposes an unusual bond: if Antonio does not pay the money without any interest three months later, he might receive one pound of his flesh instead, at his choice. When Shylocks daughter Jessica runaway from home with all his mone

8、y and jewels, he becomes furious(狂怒的). Meanwhile, the load of Antonio sinks with three different vessels(船只) and he is not able to pay his debts with Shylock, and the Jew goes to court of Venice claiming the execution(实施) of his deal. To save Antonios life, Portia posing counsel, she agreed to Shylo

9、cks request, but demands a pound of meat must be cut by just a pound of flesh, no more and no less, but are not allowed to bleed. Shylock can not be performed due to the lost, evil without even losing the property.,Analysis of main characters Shylock,He earned a living by usury charge highinterest,

10、on the surface, he is mercenary,cunning, rvengeful, greedy,stubborn, and very unpopular in the city.However, Shylock is the most vivid and memorable character in The Merchant of Venice, and the character of Shylock also reflects humanity and has also been the subject of much critical debate,Being a

11、pagan who lives in Christian society he has strong emotion on racial constriction and the passion of raising Jewish peoples status. Living in this society, he suffers too much public humiliation and oppression.,Antonio,Antonio is the rich merchant of Venice and generous inaiding needy people. So he

12、obtains much good praise. Antonio hates Shylock being selfish, curtly(草率的), and often abuses (辱骂)him.,Antonio shows his affections to Bassanio.Throughout the play, Antonio offers and risks everything he has for Bassanio even his own life and never regrets it.One of the plays great ironies is that An

13、tonio ends up alone.Antonio is ultimately left outside. In the clearest sense, Antonio is excluded from marriage, but hes also being an outsider in Bassanios life as a friend.if all the world is a stage where every man has his part, then Antonios role is surely a sad one.,Portia,As a wealth young gi

14、rl, she is resourceful and humorous; wealthy and beautiful ;gentle and tender; graceful and full of stratagems(策略). She represents the virtues that are typical for Shakespeares heroines.,Portia not only has the female self-consciousness, but also understands clearly what is the status and role woman

15、 obtains in male society. To her husband, she is an angle: tender and obedient. But at the same time she knows profoundly that man dislikes woman who is more sensible and prior than men themselves. So she pretended to be a judge to help Antonio,The climax(in the court),Shalock insisted take one poun

16、d flesh from Antonio Portia showed as a judge to verdict(裁决) the case People around are anger and heartbroken One pound flesh but no blood,鲍西娅,以仁慈方式结案,照约执行处罚,以三倍于本金的钱偿还,只等着执行原约,请外科医生为他堵住伤口,约上没有这一条,不准流一滴血,不准超过或不足一磅,照约书上的三倍数目还,不能接受其他赔偿,把我的本钱还我,履行原约,不打这场官司了,财产充公,性命听公爵发落,夏洛克,戏 剧 冲 突 设 计 巧 妙,步步得势,节节败退,(转

17、折),Theme,Money is important, but in this world there are many things far more important than money, do not be fooled by the surface. In our real lives, you can not because of his superior and discrimination against any person, but also to learn to do color vision to look at other people; while also as intelligent as Portia, do not be intimidated by unexpected difficulties. Understanding how to face the difficulties. 金钱固然重要,可是在这个世界上有许多远远比金钱重要的东西,不要被表面的现象所迷惑;在我们现实的生活当中你不能因为自己的优越而歧视任何人,更要学会不用有色眼光去看待别人;同时也要像鲍西亚一样聪慧,不被突如其来的困难所吓倒。懂得怎么样的面对困难。,


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