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1、我为祖国骄傲英语演讲稿我为祖国骄傲英语演讲稿篇一:我骄傲我是中国人英语演讲稿I am proud of being a ChineseI am proud of being a Chinese, because China has run a long history since nearly 5000 years ago. The most magnificent peak-Mount Zhumulangma stands here; the surgent river, our mother river-Yangtze River runs here; the earthy loess p

2、lateau takes its root here; one of the worlds most famous eight wonders-The Great Wall hovers on this huge territory.I am proud of being a Chinese, for we constantly strive to become stronger and bravely climb to the higher peak. In aerospace field, the successful launch of Shenzhou and the landing

3、of Chang e mark that China has set foot on a high attitude in manned space flight area and moon exploration project in the whole world. In the art field, China has appeared a winner of Nobel Prize in literature. In sports field, China builds its reputation by consistently innovating and developing i

4、ts lands ball-table tennis.I am proud of being a Chinese since we are a united nation. Wenchuan earthquake failed to defeat us, we use the fastest time to build our warm family on the heap of ruin. Zhouqu debris flow made no sense, we united to face it bravely.Chinese is a powerful nation. When the

5、five continents listen attentively to the east, I am proud of being a Chinese.I am a Chinese, I am proud; I am proud, for I am a Chinese.篇二:我和祖国英语演讲稿我和祖国英语演讲稿i love you, chinagood morning, ladies and gentlemen, im very glad to make a speech here. today my topic is “i love you, china.”since the day i

6、 was born, i began to have a proud namechinese.since the day i began to talk, the most beautiful sentence ive ever learnt has been “i love you, china!”i love you, china, and im so proud of being a chinese. im proud that ive got the beautiful yellow skin, black eyes and black hair. im also proud that

7、 i speak the most beautiful language in the worldchinese.i love you, china, for i can feel the deep love you give me every day, every minute. last year, i got an opportunity to visit the united states of america. during my staying there, my fathers boss once invited my family to dinner. while at tab

8、le, he looked at me and asked: “little boy, how long have you been in america” “about a month,” i answered, “how lucky you are!” he said, “if you were living in china, how could you learn such perfect english” i smiled and told him proudly that all the students in china are able to learn english at

9、school. i saw his surprised eyes and said to myself, “im proud of you, china. for you are offering us the besteducation.”when i came back from the usa, my friends asked me: “how do you feel about your staying there” “wonderful” i said. “then why do you come back” hearing this, i told them there were

10、 lots of beautiful countries in the world, but none of them can compare with our own countrychina. how true the saying is: “theres no place like home!”i love you, china. as a young student, all we should do is to studyhard and devote ourselves whole-heartedly in the future, to the great cause of bui

11、lding you into an even stronger and greater country in the world. i love you, my dear motherland! i love you, china! thank you for your listening !篇三:我为祖国自豪演讲稿锦集大家好!今天我演讲的题目是祖国,你是我的骄傲 。为什么人们总是把祖国比作母亲?有人说:“祖国用她那江河的乳汁喂养了我们。 ”有人说:“祖国用她那宽广的胸怀抱大了我们。 ”这当然都是对的。因为只有“母亲”这个词才能表达我们对祖国最忠诚、最纯洁、最真挚、最深厚、最伟大的感情。是啊,

12、当祖国贫穷的时候,她的人民就挨饿受冻;当祖国弱小的时候,她的人民就备受凌辱;当祖国强大富裕的时候,她的人民就昂首挺胸!历史早已证明了这一点。当侵略者的铁蹄践踏祖国身躯之时,上海公园的门口就竖起了“华人与狗不得入内”的招牌;当帝国主义的大炮轰开了祖国的大门,无数人民群众就惨遭杀戮;而当新中国的旗帜高高升起的时候,中华儿女就站起来了;当祖国女排登上世界冠军宝座的时候,海外侨胞也就扬眉吐气。因为,祖国与人民,正如母亲和子女,是命运与命运连在一起,耻辱与耻辱连在一起,痛苦与痛苦连在一起,幸福与幸福连在一起! 鲁迅先生说过:“唯有民族魂是值得宝贵的,唯有它发扬起来,中国才有真进步。 ”鲁迅先生所指的民族

13、魂是什么呢?就是“重大义,轻生死”的生死观,就是“国家兴亡,匹夫有责”的使命感,就是“我以我血荐轩辕”的大无畏精神。请同学们记住:不管母亲还要经历多少磨难,我们永远都要陪伴在她的身边;不管未来的路有多么艰险,我们都将立志,为祖国的繁荣昌盛,做儿女最大的贡献!同学们为了祖国美好的明天,努力吧! 谢谢大家!每个黄皮肤黑头发的中国人都有着炎黄的血脉;每个华夏子孙都把龙看作自己永恒的图腾;每个中华儿女,无论身在何方,心中都有一件让他永远搁舍不下的东西,那就是让他永远为之自豪的祖国! 当世界笼罩于原始与愚昧的混沌之中,古老的东方燃起了文明的火种;当欧洲处于中世纪教会神权统治之下时,中国的四大发明迸出了科

14、技的火花;当世人习惯于不知所踪的世界奇迹时,他们却要为东方古国的兵马俑倍感惊叹! 站在这面火红的旗帜下,感受火热的生活,我的心中翻腾起巨大的波澜,任凭那思想的战马把我带回那战火纷飞的年代。抛头颅,洒热血,多少仁人志士,付出了宝贵的生命。从瑞金到遵义,从遵义到延安,从延安到北京,终于,我们有了这面光辉的旗帜。 这鲜艳的国旗,不正是凝聚了亿万炎黄子孙对祖国的热情和期望吗为了她,钱学森不顾美政府的阻挠,义无反顾的回来了;为了她,一位中国男孩三度与美国校长交涉要求悬挂中国的国旗;为了她,十六岁的桑兰不幸颈椎骨折然而他们没有丝毫怨言,他们唯一的心愿就是让祖国变得更加富强、更加美好!历史滚滚的车轮把中国载

15、入了新的纪元我们不再只有原始的火药,腾飞的火箭将中国人飞天的梦想载上了寰宇;我们不再只有古老的长城,横截大江, “高峡出平湖”的情景在眼前出现;我们也不再只有贫穷落后,公元 XX 年10 月 1 日,我们又将举国欢庆。55 年了,我们的记忆却清新如初。55 年了,祖国啊,我为你骄傲。 1949 年 10 月 1 日,当无数的先烈用鲜血染红的五星红旗在天安门广场冉冉升起的时候,一个强者的声音也随之传遍了整个世界,你的人民从此站起来了!1964 年,祖国啊,我看见你的上空腾起一股巨大的蘑菇云,听见你那震撼天宇的爆炸声,你开始逐渐走向强盛; 1978 年,你打开改革开放的胸襟,把世界的目光深深吸引;

16、 难忘 1997,紫金花张开了笑脸,香港投入到你的怀中,你的人民是多么欢欣; 难忘 1999,我们深情地传唱着七子之歌 ,漂泊海外的游子又重新回到了你的怀抱,历尽百年艰辛;XX 年,你成为世界贸易组织的一员,你的人民精神振奋; XX 年,你的优秀儿子杨立伟乘坐神州五号飞船,成功飞向太空,吸引了全世界的眼睛; 雅典奥运,你的体育健儿勇夺 32 金。 再过四年,世界所有的目光,又会集中在我们的首都北京! 祖国啊,我为你骄傲,为你的博大精深、光辉灿烂;祖国啊,我为你骄傲,为你的过去、现在和将来;祖国啊,我为你骄傲,为你拥有了我,拥有了育才一小的一千多名师生。 在老师的引导下,我们正意气风发,知难而进。我知道,祖国,是我的母亲,也 是我的责任。今天,我在你的怀抱里成长,明天,我是建设你的主人。祖国啊,我为你骄傲,为了你的笑容永驻,我们要为你而发愤!提问者评价谢了!虽然其他人也写得很好,但是我还是觉得你最真实、最动人。祖国,我为你骄傲 母亲,对于任何人来说,都是那么神圣,那么亲切。我知道祖国是我们的伟大母亲,因为我们每个人的生命、欢乐和幸福都


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