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1、律师代理合同律师代理合同, ,英文英文篇一:委托代理协议(中英文)委托代理协议Agency Agreement【XX】SKY Min NO.签约地点:中国武汉洪山区 签约时间: 年月日 Date:甲方/Party A:住址/Address:联系方式/Contact:住址:武汉市珞瑜路 716 号华乐商务中心 9 楼, ,027-Address: 9 Floor of Huale Business Center, 716 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, P. R. China, , 027-甲方现就与 关于事宜,委托乙方代理该案。双方经平等协商,订立如下条款,共同遵照履行: Party A

2、 hereby with respect to matters entrusted Party B as the agency of the above case. The two parties through consultation hereby agree upon, and shall be bound by, the following terms:1. 委托及人员指定/Agency 2. To admit, waive or modify claims, to participate in reconciliation or mediation, to file a counte

3、rclaim or an appeal, to apply for execution, to sign or issue legal instruments on Party As behalf.3. 甲方义务/Responsibility of Party A积极配合乙方律师相关工作,提供必要的文件资料,并对所提供文件资料的真实性、合法性、准确性及完整性负责;Party A should cooperate with the work of Party B positively and provide necessary materials. Party A should be respo

4、nsible for the authenticity, legality, accuracy and completeness of the documentation provided;甲方必须如实向乙方律师陈述案情,提供有关本案的证据。乙方接受委托后,发现甲方捏造事实弄虚作假,有权终止法律服务,依约所收费用不予退还;Party A should present its case to Party B truthfully and provide evidence of the case. After accepting the commission, Party B has the ri

5、ght to terminate the legal services if Party A fabricates the facts or frauds. The fees which have been charged according to the contract are non-refundable.根据本协议按时、足额向乙方支付法律服务费。Party A should, in accordance with this contract, pay the legal service fees in full and on time to Party B.4. 乙方义务/Respon

6、sibility of Party B乙方应勤勉尽责、谨慎地执行甲方委托的法律事务,依法维护甲方合法权益;Party B should be positive and responsible for Party A to provide services within the scope of the contract, and to do its utmost to safeguard the interests of Party A;无论何时,乙方对服务过程中获知的甲方任何秘密均负有保密义务,非由法律规定、司法裁决或者甲方同意,不得向任何第三方披露;Whenever, informed o

7、f Party As all information, party B should undertake the duty of confidentiality obligations, and should not disclose them to anythird party without the permission of Party A, laws or judicial decisions;乙方对甲方业务应当单独建档,应当保存完整的工作记录,对涉及甲方的原始证据、法律文件应当妥善保管。Party B shall keep separate files and complete do

8、cuments of the work recordsfor Party A. The original evidence and legal files related to Party A should be kept properly.5. 收费/Charge因本协议工作需要,乙方律师在武汉中心城区(不包括江夏、新洲、汉南、黄陂、蔡甸、东西湖等远城区)内花费的交通费由乙方承担。Due to the needs of the legal work of this contract, party Bs transportation expenses spent in the Wuhan Ce

9、nter City(not including Jiangxia, Xinzhou, Hannan, Huangpi, Caidian, East and West lake and other remote city areas) should be borne by Party B.因本协议工作产生的文印费、翻译费、相关部门收费及武汉中心城区外的交通、食宿等必要费用由甲方承担。Due to the legal work of this contract, the text printed fees, the translation fees, the government fees and

10、 charges, transportation expenses, accommodation, catering and other necessary expenses that may occur outside the Wuhan Center City should be borne by Party A.6. 通知和送达/ Notice and Service甲乙双方因履行本协议而相互发出或者提供的所有通知、文件、资料,均以本协议所列明的地址、传真或电子邮件送达,一方如果迁址或者变更电话、传真、电子邮件的,应当以书面形式通知对方。All notifications, files

11、and data mutually issued by both parties arising from the performance of this Agreement should be served according to the address, fax or e-mail specified in this Agreement; Any party shall notify the other party in writing in the occasion of relocation or changing the phone, fax, or e-mail.使用传真方式的,

12、在发出传真时视为送达;以邮寄方式的,挂号寄出或投邮日视为送达;使用电子邮件方式的,邮件发送成功视为送达。By fax, the fax is deemed served upon the issue; by mail, the mail is deemedserved on the date of posting or registering; by e-mail, the message is deemed served when sent successfully.7. 协议的终止/ Termination of Agreement本协议的双方经协商一致后可终止本协议。Upon the a

13、greement of both parties the contract can be terminated.本代理协议涉及的纠纷各方达成和解,或一审(二审)判决、调解、案外和解及撤回起诉,则属于乙方律师完成代理工作,本协议终止。If the parties of the dispute involved in this Agreement reached a settlement agreement, mediation, reconciliation or got the first trial (second trial) judgment, or withdrew the prose

14、cution, the agency work of Party B is completed and this Agreement is terminated.本协议终止后,双方应进行相应的清理和工作交接。Upon the termination of this Agreement, the parties shall make the appropriate cleanup and transfer of work.8. 争议解决/Dispute Resolution双方在履行本协议过程中发生争议的,由双方协商解决。In the course of performance of this

15、Agreement, disputes should be resolved through friendly consultations.协商不能解决的,可向武汉仲裁委员会申请仲裁。If consensus cant be agreed upon, any party may apply to the Wuhan Arbitration Commission for arbitration.9. 其他/Others本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。This contract has two originals; party A and B each has one. Each

16、one has the equal legal effect.本协议未尽事宜由甲、乙双方另行协商解决。Parties hereto may revise or supplement the matters not mentioned herein through negotiation.甲方(签章):乙 方(盖章):Party A (Seal):Party B (seal):代表人/ Representative: 附/appendixes: 开户行:工商银行东湖开发区支行 账户名:湖北仕科旸律师事务所 账号: 3202 009 009 200 424 955 Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China East Lake Development Zone BranchAccount name: Hubei Thinksunny Law FirmAccount No.: 3202 009 009 200 424 955 代表人/Representative:篇二:委托代理合同,中英文篇一:委托代理协议(中英文)委托代


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