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1、加工合同加工合同, ,英文英文 篇一:加工合同中英文 加工合同(中英文对照) 编号: 日期: 本合同由 ABC 公司,地址在中国北京(以下称乙 方)与 XYZ 公司,地址在日本东京(以下称甲方)签 订,按照下列条款,甲方委托乙方采用甲方提供的必需零 件和材料在北京生产半导体收音机。 1、 加工的商品及数量 数量:总数是:商品:半导体收单机。 甲方供应或乙方在中国购买的全部所需零件和材料均 按本合同所附清单办理。 2、 每种型号收音机的加工费如下: 3、晶体管收音机每台美元 加工所需要的零件和物料由甲方运到北京,倘若零件 和物料短缺或损坏,甲方负责补齐或更换。 4、零件和材料的损坏率: 零件或材

2、料误发或多发运,乙方应该向甲方退还全部 错发货物(若短缺,甲方应补足零件和材料) ,或退回多发 零件和材料,费用由甲方负担。 5、付款: 在成品装运前一个月,甲方以信用证或电汇支付乙方 全部加工费和乙方在中国购买的物料费用 6、装运: 乙方必须在双方约定的时间内完成晶体管半导体收音 机的加工和交货,但若发生不可抗力事故时除外(关于装 运的详细规定请见附录 1) 。 7、在加工中,零件和材料的损坏率是,此部分零 件和材料由甲方供应。若损坏率超过,则超额部分的 零件和材料由已方提供。 8、乙方必须严格按照甲方规定的设计,使用甲方提供 的零件和材料,加工晶体管收音机。 9、技术服务: 10、若乙方需

3、要,甲方同意随时派遣技术人员到中国 帮助培训乙方技术人员,并同意该技术人员留在乙方检验 成品。此时,乙方同意支付每人月薪美元。其他一切 费用,包括来往旅费由甲方承担。 11、有关本合同的进出口手续由乙方同中华人民共和 国政府办理。 12、乙方根据甲方的指示把全部晶体管收音机发运到 国外买主,甲方承担由此所发生的一切费用。 13、包装:聚乙烯袋包装,然后每一纸盒装一台,10 14、保险: 甲方负责对材料和成品保险。若甲方要求,乙方可代 为保险,甲方负担费用。 15、2 若需要在中国购买零件和材料,其质量必须符合 标准,并须经甲方同意。 15 份,甲、乙双方各执一份。 ABC 公司: XYZ 公司

4、: CONTRACT FOR PROCESSING NO. : Date: Messrs. ABC Co. (hereinafter called PartyB)Address: , Beijing, ChinaandMessrs. XYZ Co.(hereinafter called Party A)Address: Tokyo, Japanhavemutually agreed that Party A entrusts party B with themanufacturingof transistor radios in Beijing with all necessarypartsa

5、nd materials supplied by Party A under the terms and con- ditionsspecified as follows: 1. Commodity and Quantities for Processing:Commodity: Transistor radiosQuantity:_sets in total 2. All necessary parts and materials eithersupplied by Party A orpurchased in China by Party Bare as per the list atta

6、chedhereto. 3. The processing charge for each model isas follows: ll-transistor set: at US . 12-transistor set: at US . 4. Parts and Materials: The parts, consumption articles andmaterials required forprocessing will be sent toBeijing by Party A, and if there isany shortage orbreakage of these parts

7、 and materials, PartyA shallbe held responsible for supplying additional replace-ments. 5. Payments: Party A shall pay Party B by L/C or T/Tcovering the fullamount of processing charges andcosts of consumption arti-cles and of materialspurchased in China by Party B onemonth before theshipment of the

8、 finished products con-cerned. 6. Shipment: Party B must complete the manufacturing ofall transistor ra-dios and effect shipment within thedate mutually agreed bythe two parties without anydelay unless any unforeseen cir-cumstance occurswhich is beyond control. (For details, seeAppendix 1) 7. The da

9、mage rate of parts and materials:The damage rate of parts and materials inprocessing is - %and such a rate of spare parts and materials shall be suppliedfree by Party A. Should the damage rate surpass - %, PartyB shall supplement the additional materialsand parts neces- sary for processing. 8. Shoul

10、d a wrong shipment of materials orparts be sent, orshould an excess of materials orparts be sent be mistaken,Party B shall return toParty A for complete replacement (Incase of shortage, Party A will makeshipment of the shortparts or materials forsupplement. ) or send back the excessmaterials orparts

11、 at the expense of Party A. 9. All parts and materials supplied byParty A for transistor ra-dios shall be processed byParty B strictly according to the de-sign specified by Party A. 10. Technical Service: Party A agrees to dispatch technicians toChina to help trainthe technicians of Party B at there

12、quest of the latter at anytime and allows the said technicians to remain withParty Bfor inspection of finished products. In such acase, Party Bagrees to pay monthly salary of US $_for each per-son. All other expenses including round trip tickets will beborne by Party A. 11. All import and export pro

13、cedures inconnection with this con-tract shall be taken by Party B with the government ofPRC. 12. All transistor radios processed byParty B shall be shipped tothe foreign buyersappointed by Party A according to instruc-tions givenby Party A in due time,and the expenses occurredtherein shall be borne

14、 by Party A. 13. Packing: One set is to be packed in a polybag, and then packed in apaperbox; 10 paper boxes are to be packed in an export car-ton. 14. Insurance: Party A shall insurance both the materialsand finishedproducts. Or upon Party As request,Party B will attend tothe insurance at Party Ase

15、xpenses. 15. Other Terms and Conditions: 15. 1 The trademarks of transistor radioswill be supplied by Par-ty A and should there be anyillegal involvement, Party A isto be held fullyresponsible. 15. 2 All the parts and materials,ifnecessary, purchased in Chinaby Party B for transistorradios, their qu

16、ality must measureup to standards andbe approved by Party A beforehand. 15. 3 Appendix 1 is an integral part ofthis contract. 16. This contract is made in duplicate andParty A and Party Bretain one copy respectively. ABC Co. : XYZ Co. : 篇二:产品加工合同 (中英文) 产品加工合同 (中英文) CONTRACT FOR PROCESSING WORK This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers, whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and



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