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1、Unit 3 Travel Journal,journal 杂志;日记 travel journal,transort v运送;运输,The transort of goods by air is very exensive 空运货物费用十分昂贵。,transort n运输 (交通工具),The goods will be transorted to America这些货物将会运送到美国。,refer 更喜欢,I refer to take a bus rather than ta,refer A to B 喜欢A,不喜欢B I refer tea to coffee 我喜欢茶,不喜欢咖啡 I

2、 refer singing to actingrefer to do A rather than do B I refer to sing rather than dance 我宁愿唱歌也不愿跳舞。,refer (referred, referred),disadvantage of online shoing,advantage 好处,有利地位,fare 费用,票价,He gave the ta fare to the driver before he got off 他下车之前给了出租车司机车费。,train fare Air fare Ta fare,Fee /charge,Fee 会

3、费,医生律师费,学费,小费(ti) Membershi fee Charge 动词 要价 名词零钱 Charge for要价,route of Mekong River,II re-reading,China Laos Myanmar Thailand Cambodia Vietnam,Can you list the countries that the Mekong flows through?,flow 流动,流出,The river flows into the sea这条河流入了大海 A stream flowed down into the valley,ever since 多用

4、于完成时态 from then on 多用于一般过去时态,I have known him ever since he was a child,From then on, the boy didnt make the same mistake any more,ersuade,The teacher ersuaded him to study harder,ersuade sb to do sth 说服某人做某事 ersuade sb into doingersuade sb not to do sth 说服某人不做 ersuade sb out of doing ersuade of,cyc

5、le 骑自行车bicycle/tricycle,She cycles to school every day,graduate 毕业,He graduated from college last year,finally 最后,最终at last/in the end,He finally came to school他最终来了学校。,final (adj) 最后的final exam 期末考试,schedule 时间表 be scheduled for预定 be scheduled to do预定做某事 on schedule 按时间表 ahead of schedule提前,The tea

6、cher osted the schedule of classes 教师把课程表公布出来了。,be fond of 喜欢,He is strict with us, but we are fond of him虽然他对我们要求严格,但我们都很喜欢他。,He was fond of drawing when he was a child,当他还是个小孩的时候就喜欢画画。,shortcoming 缺点advantage优点,Laziness is his greatest shortcoming 懒惰是他最大的缺点。,stubborn 顽固/,_ He never listens to my a

7、dvice,他很顽固。他从来不听我的建议。,He is stubborn,as stubborn as donkey,organize a sorts meeting 组织,Organization/organizer/ organized,The Red Cross is an _, Whose _ hel eole in trouble Their work is well_,care about 关心/I dont care,She doesnt care about the rice,她不在乎价钱。,Care for喜爱、照顾,The man doesnt care _ the son

8、gs on the radio Who will care _the old woman Jim cares _nobody but himself,detail 细节in details,不要在意这些细节。,Dont care about the details,the source of the river (水源),determine 决定,下定决心,She determined to study all night ,a determined look 坚定的表情,make u ones mind,She cant make u her mind about what to wear

9、她拿不定主意穿什么。,我下定决心帮助学生学习英语。,I made u my mind to hel my students to learn English well,决心做某事,Make u ones mind Make a determination Make a decision Determine to do sth Decide to do sth,change ones mind 改变主意,I tried to change his mind, but failed at last 我试图改变他的看法,但最终失败了。,give in 投降;屈服,He would rather di

10、e than give in 他宁死不屈。,Give in 让步 Give off放出、散发气味、热量,能量光,声 Give out分发,筋疲力尽,用完 Give u放弃, Give away赠送,泄露,give in 投降;屈服,He would rather die than give in 他宁死不屈。,1 Though he was right, he _to the old man at last 2 After a month,their food sulies gave_ 3 He gave _large amounts of money to the eole in need,

11、journey to the west 旅行,他打算去一次长途旅行。,He is going to make a long journey,altitude 海拔,at an altitude of 3 km,atlas 地图,glacier,raids 急流,valley 山谷,河流穿过深谷。,The river asses through dee valley,waterfall 瀑布,1、bend n弯;拐角,2、bend v 弯曲;弯腰,There is a bend in the road 路上有个拐角。,I bent and icked u the en,meander 蜿蜒缓慢,

12、delta,三角洲,bend,lain,the river delta,attitude 态度,His attitude makes me angry,态度决定高度。,Attitude determines altitude,boil,The boiling water沸水 The boiled water白开水,weather forecast,arcel,insurance comany,wool coat,rely on each other reliable,风景(从某个地点观赏),观点,把 视为,考虑,View In view在视线之内(从某个地点观赏) Come into view

13、映入眼帘 In ones view在某人观点看来 View sb as把视为 In view of this,we will start earlier 考虑到这点,我们将提前开始。,view 从具体某个地点观赏到的景色,scenery自然风光 Guilin scenery is the best of the world,scene一幕景,长指戏剧,电影,小说场景,布景,sight人文景观 sightseeing观光 the summer alace,jak,illow,吃了sleeing ills,粘到枕头illow就会slee,at dawn at noon at dusk at night at midnight,temle,the cam flame,



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