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1、中考英语 作文训练孙士平,老师教学目标/学生学习目标,1 培养学生写作兴趣 2 提高学生写作能力 A 基础稍差的学生学会写简单句 B 中等生句子通顺、行文连惯。少量错误。 C 优生学会应用丰富的语言结构和词汇、语法正确。,中考英语作文评分标准,一档1315 分 包含所有要点,应用了较丰富的语言结构和词汇、准确、语法正确、句子通顺、行文连惯、表达清楚,具有较强的语言运用能力(从句,短语等)。 二档1012分 基本包含所有要点,应用了较丰富的语言结构和词汇,句子较通顺,表达较清楚,但有少量错误。 三档79 分 内容包含了多数要点,语言表达过于简单,句子不够通顺,有部分语言错误,基本上不影响总体理解

2、。 四档46 分 只包含了少数要点,语言表达不规范句子无条理,行文不连惯,语言错误严重,影响理解。 五档03 分 只写出与要求的内容相关的一些信息词语,语言错误多。,易错点分析,My favorite subject is English. I good at English ,too. My favorite hobby is playing football. The best student in my class. (佟) I looks tall and thin. Im looks like is very tall and thin.(陈) Im appearance is ve

3、ry tall. Im study English over five years.(范,王)Im must to help he.(陈) I have studyed English over five years .My hobby is reading ,drawing and playing the piano.(曹) Im a outgoing and easygoing boy. Im going to be a English teacher. (闫) There are lots of students want to make friends with me.(史),易错点归

4、纳,1 不一致(主谓 数 时态 代词) 2 修饰语错位。 3 句子不完整。 4 句子的短语与后面句子逻辑关系混乱不清 5 词性误用 6 指代不清 7 间断句子 8 措辞问题 9 累赘 10 不连贯 11综合性语言错误(时态 语态标点符号 大小写等),5. Writing task: 根据表格所提供的信息写一篇短文,描述你的好朋友马小跳,80个左右的单词, 开头已经给出。,开头: Ma Xiaotiao is my good friend. He,10. 例文: Ma Xiaotiao is my good friend. He is 15 years old. He is tall and t

5、hin. He has black hair and he likes wearing shorts and T-shirts. He looks very cute. He likes hamburgers and fried chicken best. His favorite classes are science, art and P.E. He likes little animals. He often plays with his good friends at school and helps others who are in need. He is very polite

6、and kind-hearted. He is a good boy. I like him very much.,描述外貌的单词: short , tall, thin ,of medium height ,strong, good-looking, nice, slim 苗条 描述穿着的短语:wear a T-shirt, wear a pair of glasses 描述性格的单词:lazy, quiet, friendly, shy, kind-hearted 善良的, polite 有礼貌的,strict 严厉的, out-going 外向的 描述爱好的短语:like reading

7、, like to help others, like eating, like playing basketball,3. Word collection:,英语写作中流行的十句作文法是由专家总结一种高分作文方法,考生在经过短期训练之后便可较大程度地提高作文成绩。需要指出的是:所谓十句作文并非一定是10句,很多考生的高分作文(80字以下)的句子数量都在8至10句之间(以句子长短和结构不同而变化)。如按每个句子平均812个单词计算,用710个句子便能完成一篇要求在80词左右的作文。其基本模式为:,十句作文法,第一段为开头,包括两句。第一句为主题句,提出问题并通过问题点明全文主体;第二句为扩展句

8、,进一步说明和支持主题句。另外,也可将两句顺序倒过来,由第一句说明情况,第二句提出问题。第二段为正文,共七句。第一句为主题句,提出本段的主体,它应与第一段的主体相一致。第二句至第七句为扩展句,说明和支持本段的主体。句与句之间要注意运用好过渡词,以使行文流畅。第三段为结尾,简化为一句,是对全文的总结,并说明作者自己的观点。三段之间的衔接要灵活运用“启、承、转、合”的过渡手段。,第二段 (正文),主题句,扩展句,(要视内容而决定扩展句 的多少),扩展句,扩展句,扩展句,扩展句,扩展句,第三段(结尾),第一段(开头),主题句,扩展句, 结尾句,6. 写作步骤,1)审题 2)列纲 3)连句 4)修饰句

9、子组织文章5)检查纠错,(定体裁、人称、格式、时态),(加上主谓宾,把短语连成完整的句子),(适当运用承上启下的过渡词,使 文章更完整更精炼),(字数、内容要点、主谓一致、 习惯用法、单词拼写、大小写 及标点符号),(用单词、短语列出内容要点),Think over,1. What does he / she look like?,thin,heavy/ fat,What does he look like?,short hair,long hair,What does he look like?,2. Pair-work: A: What does xxx look like? B: He/

10、 She is A: What is his / her character? B: He / She is A: What does he/ she like? B: He/ She likes ,4. Write something about this boy. (3-5句话),提示词: tall,thin,black hair; wear shorts and a T-shirt; polite(有礼貌的),happy,8. Lets share some compositions.,你叫林海(英文名叫Joe),你的朋友John发给你的电子邮件中提到了关于学校准备开办英语学习班的消息,

11、你对此事很感兴趣,请给John回一封邮件,询问有关英语学习班的详情。邮件的要点如下: 1对英语学习班很感兴趣。 2希望可以练习英语,结识朋友。 3问英语学习班的上课时间、地点、内容以及费用。 注意: 1邮件要通顺、连贯。 2词数80左右。 3不能在答卷上透露个人的任何信息(例如具体的学校和姓名等)。,11. Write your compositions again after the corrections. Later, hand in your compositions to me.,9. Pair-correction: Exchange your composition with y

12、our partner and correct the mistakes with your partner,Dear John,Thanks very much for the information about the English evening class.(主题句) It sounds very interesting to me. (扩展句) You know I want to practise my English and make some new friends. (扩展句) I think this English evening class will be helpf

13、ul to me. (扩展句) Could you please tell me a little more about the class? (扩展句) When does it begin and how much does it cost? (扩展句) Where will the class be held? (扩展句) Also, do you have any more information about what we will do in class? (扩展句) Im looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. (结尾句) YoursJoe,Thank you!,


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