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1、英语考试总结大二下英语考试总结大二下Unit Nine A Fable for Tomorrow一、. 汉译英1) 想象中的城市 7) 高级的布料 the super material an imagined town 2)成年人 the grown-ups 3) 云,雾,烟clouds, fog, smoke 4) 病因 the causes of illness 5)一群鸟 a flood of birds 6) 很细的沙粒 fine grains of sand 7)结果 bear fruit 8) 野花 wild flowers 9)金色的海滩 a golden ocean 10) 几

2、个小时之内 within a few hours 1)治某人的病 cure ones illness 2) 地址 ones address 3) 毫不迟疑 without delay 4) 遗嘱 ones will 5) 诚实的 honest 6) 亲戚 relation 7) 信教的人religious people 8) 低声地说 say in a low voice 1)特别需要钱 badly need money 2) 公共图书馆 a public library 3) 我们的未来 our future 4) 别怨我 Dont blame 5)感激的眼光 a grateful look

3、 6)一天晚上 one night 7)她自己的事情 her own affairs 8) 总量the total amount 9)第二天 the next day 10)生我的气 angry with me 1)非洲黑人的相貌 the appearance of a black African 2) 在飞机上 on the plane 3) 对.不友善 be hostile to 4) 瞥了她一眼 give her a glance 5)完全忽视我的建议 completely ignore my suggestion 6) 昂贵的进口材料 expensive imported materi

4、als1) 主要的工业之一 one of major industries 2)满足那些愿望 to satisfy those desires 3) 全美国across the United States 4) 成千上万 millions upon millions 5) 纯洁的境地 pure states 6)用相同的语言 in the same terms 7) 人为的困难 man-made difficulties 8)取消一切规则 to cast away all the rules 9)天知道 Heaven knows 10) 一个基本事实 a basic fact 1) 在月球上

5、on the moon 2) 问同样的问题 to ask the same question 3) 高中毕业 to graduate from high school 4) 与别人竞争 to compete with others 5)分数较差的学生 students with poor grades 6) 更高的要求 higher demands 7) 同等资格 the same qualifications 8) 浪费时间 a waste of time 9) 进行重要的科学研究 to conduct important research 1)名牌大学 well-known univers

6、ities 2)求职艺术 the art of job-hunting 3) 人事经理 a personnel manager 4)填补职位 to fill the position 5) 三周以内 within three weeks 6) 重新考虑某项决定 reconsider ones decision 7)在今后的努力中 in ones future efforts 8)祝你叫好运 I wish you well.二、一词多义 feel1 Are you feeling all right now? Yes, I am feeling all right now but a littl

7、e bit hungry.你现在感到舒服些吗? 是的,我现在感到很舒服,但是有点饿。2 He felt his way forward in the dark. 3 How does it feel? It feels soft.摸起来感觉如何?摸起来很软。4 He could feel the warm blood pouring down his face 淌 。 Suppose1 Are you coming tonight ? I suppose so. I suppose not. 你今晚来吗? 我可能来。我可能不来。2 No one suppose that the evil id

8、eas are going to be swept away overnight. 谁也无法想像能在一个晚上消除这些邪恶的想法。 3 I suppose the answer is that he was not trying hard. 我猜想其答案是他并未尽力。4 I suppose it is too late to see the doctor now. 我想现在去看医生太迟了。 attend1 He is going to attend a meeting. 他将参加一个会议。2 The school was attended entirely by local children.

9、在这个学校上学的全部是当地儿童。3 If we do not attend to the problem ,it will certainly grow. 如果我们不注意这个问题,它就会越来越严重。 4 “Are you being attend to? ”said the man in the shop. “有人在侍候您吗?”商店的那个人说。lie1 I lay fiat on the bed trying to remember what he looked like. 我平躺在床上努力回忆起他的模样。2 I use to lie awake at night watching the m

10、oon. 我晚上常常睡不着,躺在那里看月亮。3 When I entered his room I saw several good dictionaries lying on the table. 当我走进他的房间时,我看见桌上放着儿本好词典。 4 there was a book lying open before him. 他面前放着一本打开着的书。 call1. She had a boy friend called David. 她有一个名叫大卫的男朋友。2 Was it good book? Well I would not call it terrible ,but it was

11、 not well written. 这是本书好吗? 嗯,我虽不称之为很槽,但它确实写得不太好。 3 I heard a call for help from the lake . 我听见湖上传来呼救声。 4 Call me when you get home 到家就给我打电话。time1 What is the time ? It is almost six. 现在是什么时间?大约六点钟。2 She seems to be spending most of her time sunbathing. 她似乎大部分时间都花在日光浴上。3 The plan would take quite a l

12、ong time to discuss. 这计划要花长时间讨论。4 This is one of the best films I have seen for some time. 这是我这段时间里所看到的最好的影片之一。 wonder1 I wonder what she will look like. 我不知她是什么模样?2 I wonder if you would mind closing the window. 不知你是否介意关上窗户。3 I do not wonder that she did not come ; you did not invite her. 她没来,我并不奇怪

13、; 你并未邀请他。4 Have you ever visited one of the seven wonders of the world. 你去看过世界七大奇迹中的某一个吗?。三、句子汉译英1) 一切有生命的东西似乎和平相处 All life seemed to live in peace. 2)她不知什么时候走了 She left without my notice.3)春天,白云慢慢飘过绿色的原野。In spring, white clouds moved slowly above the green fields. 4)所有的鱼都死了,池塘成了一潭死水The ponds were n

14、ow lifeless, for all the fish died. 5)你知道这些植物为什么只开花不结果吗 Do you know why the plants come into flowers but bear no fruits?6)她面色苍白,显得吃了许多苦头似的 She looked very pale, as if she had suffered a great deal.7)去年冬天无数的鸟飞到了我的家乡,不过谁也不知道这些鸟是从什么地方飞来的Last winter countless birds flew to my hometown but nobody knew wh

15、ere they came from.8) 羊主要以草为食物,而草在这是非常充裕的 Sheep mainly feed on grass, which is plenty here.1) In my opinion you should start for Beijing at once. 在我看来你应该马上动身去北京2)What medicine can cure her illness? 有什么药可以治她的病3)I suppose you must have had a good time. 我猜想你过得一定很愉快 4)It delayed me three hours. 那件事耽误我了我

16、三个小时 1)他根本不愿意来。He did not want to come at all. 2)我们马上派人去请老师。We will soon send for the teacher. 3) 你应该去看看她 You ought to see her.4)他们相信他,因为他很有经验。They trusted him because he was an experienced man.1) 难道他没有意识到我们是中国人? Didnt he realize that we were all Chinese? 2)这些人一直受到另一部落的管辖These people have been subjected to the rule of another tribe. 3) 你最好还是去征求你父母的意见Youd better go and ask your parents for advice. 4


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