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1、Unit 5 First aid,基础知识自测,1._ vt.& n.帮助,救助,支援 2._n.伤害;损害 3._vi.出血,流血 4._ vt. 使窒息;哽住 5._adj. 血污的;流血的 6._ v.& n.发热,燃烧,burn,aid,injury,bleed,choke,bloody,7._ n.& vt.毒药;使中毒 8._ n.对待;论述 9._ n. 救护车 10._ adj. 温和的,温柔的 11.iron n.&vt. _ 12.electric adj. _ 13.swell v. _,poison,treatment,ambulance,mild,铁,熨斗,烫平,电的

2、;发电的,肿起,使增长,14.damage n.& vt. _ 15.jewellery n. _ 16.damage v.& n. _ 17.symptom n. _ 18.ceremony n. _ 19.bravery n. _ 20.pressure n. _,压;按;榨,压迫,损害;损失,毁坏,珠宝;首饰,损害,加害于;损失,损毁,症状,征候,征兆,仪式,典礼,礼仪,勇敢,勇气,壮观,1.injure vt.伤害,损害_n.伤,伤口;伤害,损害_adj.受伤的_adj.伤害的,中伤的;不公正的,injurious,injury,injured, He _ (injure) in an

3、 accident. He escaped from the train wreck without _ (injure).,was injured,injury, The_ (injure) passengers were rushed to the hospital. Smoking is_ (injure) to the lungs.,injured,injurious,2.blood n. 血,血液;血统,家族_v.(使)出血,抽血;榨取_adj. 血污的,流血的;残忍的,bloody,bleed, Jack came home with a_ (blood) nose. She _

4、(blood) a lot soon after the baby was born. The government calls on the youth _ (献血) voluntarily.,to donate their blood,bloody,bled,3.poison n. 毒药,毒害;vt.毒害;放毒于_ adj.有毒的,有害的 Its time that_ (poison) TV plays should be forbidden to play. He tried to kill himself by_ (服毒). Gases from cars_ (正在污染) the ai

5、r of our cities.,poisonous,poisonous,taking poison,are poisoning,1.生病 _ 2.榨出,挤出 _ 3.在适当的位置,在通常的位置_ 4.找到,得到 _ 5.许多,大量(只修饰可数名词_ 6.受伤 _,fall ill,squeeze out,in place,put ones hand on,a number of,get injured,7.被烧伤 _ 8.保护免于 _ 9.触电 _ 10. 轻微的红肿 _ 11.be proud of _ 12.carry out _ 13.close to _ 14.depend on _

6、,be burned,protect. from,electric shock,mildly swollen,为自豪,实施,执行,接近,依靠,15.first aid _ 16.hang up _ 17.in honour of _ 18.in hospital _ 19.in place _ 20.make a difference _,急救,挂断电话,向表示敬意,住院,在适当或通常的位置,有作用,1.Tom 以他是一名医生而自豪。(be proud of)2.他的工作就是保护很多病人,使他们免受严重伤害。(a number of,protect. from;),2.His work is

7、to protect a number of patients from getting badly injured.,1.Tom is proud of his being a doctor.,3.一天,Tom接到一个电话说一个工厂里有人触电受伤。(electric shock,get injured)4.一挂断电话,Tom马上出发到工厂去实施急救。(hang up,carry out,first aid),3.One day,Tom received a call,saying that a worker got an electric shock in a factory.,4.Afte

8、r hanging up,Tom set out to the factory to carry out the first aid.,5.到达工厂后,他马上接近伤者。(close to)6.伤者除受到电击外,而且还被烧伤,已有轻微的红肿。(be burned,mildly swollen),5.He got close to the injured worker as soon as he arrived at the factory.,6.Besides the electric shock,the injured worker also got burned and the burn w

9、as mildly swollen.,7.Tom立刻用他所能找到的设备进行急救。(put ones hand on)8.他的急救很快有了效果,病人情况有了好转。(make a difference),7.Immediately,Tom gave first aid to the injured worker,using anything he could put his hands on.,8.His first aid soon made a difference,and the worker became better.,9.周围的人群用热烈的掌声表达他们对Tom的敬意。(in honou

10、r of),9.The crowd gave Tom a warm applause in honour of his efforts.,Tom is proud of his being a doctor,for his work is to protect a number of patients from getting badly injured.One day,Tom received a call,saying that a worker got an electric shock in a factory.After hanging up,Tom set out to the f

11、actory to carry out the first aid and got close to the injured worker as soon as he arrived at the factory.,Finding besides the electric shock,the injured worker also got burned and the burng was mildly swollen,Tom gave first aid to the injured worker immediately,using anything he could put his hand

12、s on. His first aid soon made a difference,and the worker became better,so the crowd gave Tom a warm applause in honour of his efforts.,There are three types of burns. Burns 1 _ (call) first,second or third degree burns,depending on 2 _ layers of the skin are burned.First degree burnsThese affect on

13、ly 3_ top layer of the skin.These burns are not serious and should feel better 4_ a day or two.Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by 5 _ (touch)a hot pan,stove or iron for a moment.,are called,which,the,within,touching,Second degree burnsThese affect 6_ the top and the second layer of the skin. These burns are serious and take a few weeks 7_ (heal). Examples include severe sunburn and burns caused by hot liquids.,



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