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1、Unit 4 Then and now 知识点梳理知识点梳理四会单词四会单词ago 以前 office 办公室 newspaper 报纸 news 新闻 watch 观看e-book 电子书 with 用 yesterday 昨天三会单词三会单词then and now 过去和现在 use 使用,利用 telephone 电话 mobile phone 移动电话,手机 anywhere 随处,到处 radio 收音机 make friends 交朋 友 all over the world 全世界 do shopping 购物 TV 电视 look out of朝外看 still 仍然 go

2、on 继续 spell 拼读,拼写 make a sentence 造句重点短语重点短语1、 then and now 过去和现在2、 six years ago 六年前3、 can -could 能,会,可以(过去式)4、 could not-couldnt 不能5、 read 读-reads(三单)-read(过去式)6、 draw 画画-draws(三单)-drew(过去式)7、 write 写-writes(三单)-wrote(过去式)8、 can do many things 能做许多事情9、 twentythirty years ago 2030 年前10、 write lette

3、rs to his friends 写信给他的朋友11、 use 用,使用-uses(三单)-used(过去式)12、 use the telephone to call people 用电话给人们打电话13、 use sth to do sth 使用某物做某事14、 at home 在家15、 in the office 在办公室16、 a mobile phone 一部手机17、 call people anywhere 随处打电话18、 write emails 写电子邮件19、 He also writes emails.=He writes emails too.他也写电子邮件。20

4、、 listen to the radio 听收音机21、 read newspapers 看报纸22、 read and watch news on the Internet 在网上读看新闻23、 read e-books 读电子书24、 an e-book 一个电子书25、 a newspaper 一张报纸26、 a radio 一台收音机27、 a telephone 一部电话28、 make friends 交朋友29、 make 制作-makes(三单)-made(过去式)30、 buy 买-buys(三单)-bought(过去式)31、 buy things from shops

5、从商店购物32、 from all over the world 来自全世界33、 do shopping on the Internet 在网上购物34、 do 做- -does(三单)-did(过去式)35、 have 有-has(三单)-had(过去式)36、 teach 教-teaches(三单)-taught(过去式)37、 work hard 工作努力38、 on holiday 度假39、 teach 教-teacher 教师(名词)40、 work 工作-worker 工人(名词)41、 invent the aeroplanetrain 发明飞机、火车42、 an Engli

6、sh lesson 一节英语课43、 look out of朝外看44、 look out of the window 朝窗外看45、 listen to me 听我说46、 go on 继续47、 What day is it today? Its Wednesday.今天星期几?星期三。48、 Can you spell it? 你能拼写它吗?49、 get angry 生气50、 make a sentence with egg 用“egg”造句51、 wait for the answer 等待答案52、 twelve years old 十二岁重点句子重点句子1、Six years

7、ago, Mike could read and draw ,but he could not write.六年前,迈克会看书画画,但是他不会写字。2、Now he can do many things.现在他能做许多事。3、Twenty years ago, Mr Brown wrote letters to his friends.二十年前,布朗先生写信给他们的朋友们。4、He used the telephone at home and in the office to call people.他在家和办公室用电话打给人们。5、Now he has a mobile phone and

8、he can call people anywhere.现在他有了一部手机并能到处打电话给人们。6、Thirty years ago,Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read newspapers for news.三十年前,迈克的爷爷听收音机看报纸读新闻。7、Now he can read and watch news on the Internet.现在他能在网上看新闻。8、Twenty years ago,Mrs Brown made friends at school.二十年前,布朗夫人在学校交朋友。9、She bought things

9、 from shops.她从商店买东西。10、Now she has e-friends from all over the world.现在她有来自全世界的网友。11、She does shopping on the Internet too.她也在网上购物。重点语法:重点语法:本单元在前三个单元的基础上,对一般过去时做进一步呈现,同时也呈现了一 般现在时的句型,两种时态放在一起,有利于学生区分比较。下面就他们的几 种句式举例对比呈现:1、肯定句:He wrote letters to his friends twenty years ago.He writes emails to his

10、friends on the Internet now.2、一般疑问句:Did he write letters to his friends twenty years ago?Yes,he did. No, he didnt.Does he write emails to his friends on the Internet now?Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.3、否定句:He didnt write letters to his friends twenty years ago.He doesnt write emails to his friends on the Internet now.4、特殊疑问句:What did he do twenty years ago?What does he do on the Internet now?



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