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1、小学英语小学英语whataretheydoing?whataretheydoing?教学教学 设计设计一.教学内容:新标准英语(三年级起始)第三册 Moudle 4 In the park Unit 1 what are they doing ?二.教学目标:1.知识与技能:理解并灵活运用下列句型 :what are they doing ? Theyre doing taijiquan . What are they doing ? Theyre rowing a boat .What are they doing ? Theyre playing chess .学习单词:lets ,int

2、eresting , thing , people , park , lake , row , boat , men , chess , drink , hungry .学习短语: get on , lots of , look at .do taijiquan , row a boat , play chess . in the park , on the lake , under the tree .2.过程与方法: 情景交流及对话表演3.情感态度: 学会细心观察,与他人合作和关心他人.三.教学重点:理解课文并能够熟练使用下面的句型What are they doing ? Theyre

3、doing taijiquan in the park .What are they doing ? Theyre rowing a boat on the lake .What are they doing ? Theyre playing chess under the tree .四.教学难点:能够熟练使用句型:What are they drinking ? Theyre drinking soybean milk.五.教具:录音机和磁带,图片,贴画,小礼品等六.教学过程:Step 1: Warming up .1. Greeting and introduce .Hello , Bo

4、ys and girls . First , let me introduce myself .My name is Zhang Jing . You can call me Ms Zhang . 教师与学生互动交流。进行简单的口语交际.2. T: lets play a game . I do and you say. 师作动作,生说短语,Play football , play table tennis , take pictures . watch TV and so on .师适时做出评价。Step 2: Presentation .1. Today , Im very happy .

5、 I can see lots of girls . 教学 lots of . lots of means “许多” 。I can see lots of girls ,I can see lots of boys. I can see lots of people .教学 people 并操练。I can see lots of people in my class , so Im very happy .2. Today ,Ive got a present for you .look , whats this ?(师拿出一杯豆浆) Its soybean milk . look at t

6、he soybean milk , Im hungry .(师抱腹,弯腰,做出饥饿的样子) ,教学并操练 hungry,师拿出吸管喝豆浆。问生,what am I doing ? Im drinking . 教学并操练单词 drink,句子 Im drinking .Im drinking soybean milk .3. look at the blackboard . 教学并操练 look at.在 look 的两个字母 oo 上画出眼睛和眼睫毛的样子。 师用简笔画在黑板上画小船,问生, “whats this ?”Its a boat ,教学并操练 boat。师做划船的动作, 问学生:“

7、what am I doing ?”Im rowing a boat . 教学并操作动词短语 row a boat .4.师叫两名学生表演,让他们做划船的动作。 问其余学生, what are they doing ? 引导生回答 They are rowing a boat .并操练。5.师拿出人们划龙舟的图画,指着龙舟问学生, whats this ? Its a dragon boat . There is a dragon boat on the lake . 教学单词 lake,短语 on the lake 并操练。师:“Look at the people on the lake

8、. what are they doing ?”引导生回答 Theyre rowing a dragon boat on the lake .并操练.5.叫几名学生上台做打太极拳的动作,问学生: “what are they doing ?引导生回答, “Theyre doing taijiaquan.6.拿出图片(人们在公园里打太极拳).T: look at the people in the park .教学并操练单词 park,短语 in the park. 问生: “look at the people in the park ,what are they doing ?引导生回答并操

9、练句子 “Theyre doing taijiquan in the park .”7.T: Ive got another present for you . Guess , whats this ? Its chess .教学并操练chess.老师做下棋的动作,问生: what am I doing ? Im play ing chess .教学并操练 play chess .老师拿出图片(两个男人在树下下棋), “look at the people under the tree .”教学并操练 under the tree . 问生: what are they doing ?引导生回

10、答 They re playing chess .并操练.Step 3: leading on .Today , our good friend , Daming and Amy , They are going to go to the park .lets follow them , get on the bus . we can see lots of interesting things .Step 4: learn the text .Now, please open your book , turn to page 16 , look at these pictures and t

11、alk about them . Think about , what can we see and what happened .1、 listen to the tape and point to the pictures .2、 Follow the tape .3、 Follow the teacher .Answer questions :1.What are the people doing in the park ?2.What are the people doing on the lake ?3.What are the people doing under the tree

12、?Step 5: 巩固。1. play a game .四人小组活动, 两人做动作, 另两人作问答。For example :What are they doing ?Theyre doing taijiquan /rowing a boat /playing chess .四组之间展开竞赛.师以 “正”字记分,评选出优胜组.2.游戏:幸运包,抽图说句子。包里放很多图片,老师拿着包在班内走动,让学生从中抽取图片,然后看图说句子,师给予适时评价.For example :Theyre doing taijiquan /playing football /playing basketball / swimming and so on .教学设计What are they doing ?姓名:张静职务:教师职称:小教一级单位:宁夏灵武市二小手机:邮编:



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