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1、小学英语小学英语 peppep 第七册第三单元第七册第三单元 WhatareyougoingtodoWhatareyougoingtodo 教学设计教学设计第一课时一、教学目标与要求1能够听、说、认读句型:What are you going to do this evening? Im going to the cinema并能对其中的动词和时间短语进行替换操练。2能够听、说、认读动词短语:take a trip,go to the cinema,read a magazine3能够听、说、读、写时间短语:next week,this morningafternoonevening;并能够听

2、、说、认读时间短语:tomorrow,tonight4能够在 Pair work 中合理布置自身的活动时间并与他人进行交流。二、教学重、难点分析1本课时的教学重点是能够听、说、读、写 Lets learn 局部的四会短语;并能替换 going to do 句型中的动词和时间短语对将来的活动进行表述。2本课时的教学难点也是四会词汇的听、说、读、写以和对 be going to do 句型了解和替换操练。三、课前准备1 教师准备动词短语卡片,如:take a trip,go to the cinema 等。2 教师准备 Lets start 局部的教学挂图。3 教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。四、

3、教学步骤和建议1 热身(Warm-up)(1)教师课前放本单元歌曲What Are You Going to Do?同学初步感知 be to do 句型。(2)师生进行日常会话,可将重点放在动词短语的问答上,如:丁:What day is it today ?S:Its Tuesday 丁:What day is it tomorrow ?S:Its Wednesday 丁:What do you usually do On Wednesdaysin the evening?S:I usually read books2预习(Preview)(1)教师出示课前准备好的课程表,说Look! We

4、 have so many classes in a 指着 Monday 说:What classes do we have on Mondays?协助同学一起说On Mondays,we have English,Chinese,math再请同学回答其他几个的课布置。(2)教师出示当天的日历,师生进行如下问答:丁:What day is it today ?S:Its MondayTuesday丁:What time is it now ?s:Its 9 oclock(根据实际时间)丁:What are you doing now ?tomorrow aflemoon?等。3 新课出现(Pr

5、esentation)tomorrow,next week,师生拼读其中的四会短语。 蠕(3)演一演、猜一猜活动教师准备好动词短语卡片,如:play spots,go hiking,dO morning exercisesgOthe cinema,take a trip,read a magazine 等以和相关道具,如电影票、杂志、背包、太阳帽等。¥生抽出一张卡片,根据上面的图片或文字,用动作表示出来,其他同学猜什么短语。当有同学抽到新短语 read a magazine时,教师可引尋他借助道月(杂志)来进行扮演,其他同学由此可能会猜:read a book,教师借机引入词 magazine

6、。教师可将 take a trip 留到最后自身扮演,借助背包、太阳帽,蟲发生可能会猜出是 go hiking,教师说:No,Im going tO take a trip ,引出新噹短语 take atrip。 教师可设立最佳扮演奖来鼓励同学进行发明性扮演,也可设立;心有灵 犀奖来鼓励同学踊跃竞猜。(4)教师放课文的录音,同学静听一遍后跟读,(教师可对Im going to the cinema加以解释,语法规则见教学参考资料库。)随后同学两人一组进行练习,教师引导他们主动替换对话中的时间和动词短语,进行更为广泛的操练。Pair work教师出示 Pair work 局部的表格,说:Look

7、!Here are some activities that are good for youPlease decide when you are going to do them and tell your partnerPay attention:You can do them in two weeks同学先在表格中填人时间短语,然后进行结对操练。教师请几组同学演示对话。4 巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)(1)同学誊写本课时的四会词汇。(2)同学以表格形式布置自身第二天的活动并向朋友或家人介绍。(3)同学跟录音学唱歌曲What Are You Goin

8、g to Do?(4)同学做本局部活动手册的配套练习。第二课时一、教学目标与要求1.能够听、说、读、写句型:What are you going to do on the weekend? Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend2.能在 Group work 局部合理布置周末的旅游项目。3.能够完成 Lets try 局部听录音判断对错的练习。4.能够听懂、会唱歌曲What Are You Going to Do?二、教学重、难点分析1.本课时的教学重点是同学能准确、自如地运用(并会书写)be going to do 句型描述自身的活动计划

9、与他人进行交流。2本课时的教学难点是听、说、读、写四会掌握句型:What are you going to do onthe weekend ?Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend三、课前准备1教师准备一张简明地图,图中标有 ZOO,theme park,cinema,school,bookstore,post office,pet shop 等场所。2教师准备一张当地的简明旅游图。3同学以四人为一小组准备当地的简明旅游图。4教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。四、教学步骤和建议1 热身(Warm-up)(1) 教师课前放歌曲What Are

10、 You Going to Do?(2)同学根据自身设计的表格向其他同学介绍自身一天的活动布置,如:Today is FridayIm going to have some classes this morningIm going to read some books this afternoon and visit my grandparents this eveningIm going to have a good day!2 预习PreviewLet try教师说:The National Day is comingI have a friend in ShanghaiWhat is s

11、he goingto do? Lets listen to the tape and find out教师可分三次放录音,并根据同学的际情况有针对性地提问。同学听录音、回答问题并完成判断正误的练习。可供考的问题如下(!)Where is she going How is she going there? Who is she going with? Is she happy? What is she going to buy?3 新课出现(Presentation)Lets sing教师接着 Lets try 局部说:The girl is going to Be doing on the N

12、ational DayShes very happyNow lets listen to a song and find out what the children are going to do on Saturday. OK?教师放 C 局部的歌曲,同学跟唱两遍后分师生、男女生或在小组间展开对唱。Lets talk(1)对唱结束后,教师出示标有动物园、电影院等地点的简明地图,并圈出动 园所在位置,说:The boygirl(根据歌曲录音中的声音)is going to ZOOHisher home is here(教师指着地图中离动物园较远的某一地点)Is it far from the

13、zoo?同学回答:Yes,it is far from the zoo教师再问:How can heshe get to the zoo?引导同学回答:By bikebustaxi等。然后教师与同学进行如下对话:T:What are you going to do on the weekendtomorrow morningthis Sunday?s:Im going to the zooT:Is it far ?S:Yes,it is(教师引导同学继续说:So Im going by buscarsubway)T:Have a nice daymorning!师生间可调换角色进行会话,以使同

14、学更加全面地熟悉句型。(2)教师放 Lets talk 局部的录音,同学跟读并分角色朗读。同学开展组与组之间的朗读竞赛,教师鼓励同学对对话中的时间和地点进行替换。(3)教师出示打乱顺序的单词卡片,如:what ,do,going,are, the,to,you,weekend. 又如:I,going,visit,to,am,my,this,grandparents,weekend。要求同学在最快时间内组合成句。师生一起拼读其中较难的单词如:weekend,grandparents,visit。(4)教师引导同学书写四会句型。Group work教师出示当地旅游图,师生可先就旅游景点自由会话,如:Where is it ? How do you go there?等。然后教师安排任务 Now you are a tour guidePlease write a schedule for this weekendSee who can design the best schedule



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