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1、Americans use a flashlight, while for the British, its a torch.美国人把手电筒称为flashlight,而英国人却叫它torch。 while为并列连词,意为“而,然而”,连接一个并列句,表示前后意义上的对比或转折。 Theres plenty of rain in the southeast, while theres little in the northwest.东南部雨量充足,而西北部则很少降雨。 另外,当其意为“当的时候,和同时;只要”时,所引导的从句主语与主句的主语相同,且while从句的动词为be动词时,while从句

2、的主语和be动词有时被省略。 Youll want for anything while I am alive. 只要我活着,你就不会缺少任何东西。 He watched TV while (he was) eating. 他边吃边看电视。 while为名词时,意为“一点时间,一会儿”,常与a, the, this, that等词连用。 We had to wait a little while for the bus. 我们只好等了一会儿公共汽车。,A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow tha

3、n understanding a New Yorker. 伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人说话比听懂纽约人说话更难。 have difficulty (in) doing sth.意为“做某事有困难”,difficulty前面也可以加上some, much, more, great, no, little, a little等词语来修饰,表示困难的不同程度。 Because of your coming, I think there is no difficulty (in) finishing the task on time. 由于你的到来,我想按时完成这项任务没有什么困难了。 联想拓

4、展 have trouble/a hard time (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难 there is some/much difficulty (in) doing sth./with sth. 在(做)某事上有些/很多困难 sth. be difficult to do ./It is difficult to do sth. 做是困难的 It is difficult for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是困难的 without difficulty/trouble 毫不费力地 Many boys think English is difficult to

5、 learn. 许多男孩子认为英语很难学。,Prefer相关短语和句型回顾:,I prefer Pop music to classical music.prefer A to B 与B相比更喜欢A I prefer going/to go by bus. prefer to do=prefer doing I prefer horse-riding to shooting.prefer doing A to doing B She preferred to go with us rahter than Stay behind. prefer to do. rather than do 宁愿做

6、而不做,The other two areasare spelling and pronunciation.,in which the,two varieties differ,在两种英语中,另外两个领域 的区别是拼写和发音。,从句:,in which the two varieties differ,它是一个“介词+关系代词”引导的定语 从句,修饰的先行词为 the other two areas. in which 可以换成where.,翻译:,导学案之2:,Suggest用法回顾:,Suggest,He suggested going out to eat . He suggested

7、us that we (should) go out to eat. His pale face sugggested that he wasill.,doing sth 建议做某事 that sb/sth. should do 建议某人/物应该做(虚拟),that 从句(非虚拟) “暗示,表明”,导学案之5:,总结:Phrases: 1,havein common; 2,make a difference; 3,hundreds of; 4,fill up; 5,preferto; 6,get around; 7,queue up;,8,differ in; 9,be similar to;

8、 10,after all; 11,as much as; 12,have difficulty (in) doing; 13,at the flick of switch; 14,lead to;,1.It is spoken by more than a billion people one fifth of the worlds population .世界人口的五分之一十亿多人说汉语。 More than “多于”, “不仅仅” 竹子不仅仅用来搞建筑。 Bamboo is used for more than building. 2.Combinations of letters (l

9、ike ough)may be pronounced in a number of ways.字母的结合,像ough,可能以许多种方式被发音. Combinations:名词,联合,结合; in combination with 与联合在一起 combine ;combine with:使与结合;同时具有 3.For Americans things are a little bit easier,thanks to the work of Noah Webster.对于美国人来说,事情变得稍微容易一点,多亏了Noah Webster的工作。 a little bit 修饰比较级easier,

10、修饰比较级的词和短语有:much,any,rather,no,not,far,by far,a little,a bit,a lot,a great deal等。 他比以前胖多了。 He is much fatter than before.,4.自从20世纪80年代以来,随着卫星电视和因特网的使用,非常便捷地听到英式英语和美式英语已经成为可能. Since the 1980s,with satellite TV and the Internet,it has been possible to listen to British and American English at the flic

11、k of a switch. 5.专家们认为,这种不间断的交流使英国人和美国人更容易互相理解 This non-stop communication,the expert think ,has made it easier for British people and Americans to understand each other. 6.这种国际化的广泛使用表明,将来会有许多种英语,而不仅仅是两种. This international dimension suggests that in the future ,there are going to be many “Englishes

12、”,not just two main varieties. 7.但这导致了大量的美语单词和结构进入了英国英语. But it has also led to lots of American words and structures passing into British English.,8.介词的用法也可能存在差异,对比一下词组: on the team. in the team on the weekend,at the weekend . Preposition ,too,can be different:compare on the team.on the weekend(Ame

13、rican),with in the team ,at the weekend (British) 9.在两种英语中另外两个领域的区别是拼写和发音. The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation. 10.毕竟,两个国家各自内部的差异和两国之间的语音差异可能是一样多的. After all,there is probably as much variation of pronunciation within the two countries as between them

14、. 11.一个伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人的话比理解一个纽约人的话更困难. . A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.,1)Suggest+sth/doing sth 2)做“建议”讲时, 用虚拟语气. 主语+ suggest+that+(should)+do sth 3)做 “表明,暗示”讲时, 不用虚拟语气. 1.他向老板建议另一项计划. He suggested another plan to his boss. 2.我

15、可以建议大家步行去那儿吗? May I suggest going there on foot? 3.他建议我们至少每天进行半小时的户外活动. He suggested that we should walk outfor half an hour at least every day. 4.他苍白的脸表明他病了. His pale face suggested that he was ill.,1.except:除了外(不包括); besides:除了外,还有; except for :整体中除去细节; except that/when+从句 but:习惯上只用于no /nothing/no

16、body/nowhere/not anything /who等词后. Except:除与上述词连用外,还多与不定代词everything /everybody/everyone/always/usually/”every+n”连用 1.)你除了努力工作别无选择. You have no choice but to work hard. 2.)除了杰克外,还有三个学生迟到了. Three more students were late besides Jack. 3.)除了下雨时以外,他一般步行上学. He usually walks to school except when it rains. 4.)这件衣服很适合(fit)他,除了颜色有点亮. The coat fitted him well except that the color was a little brighter 5.)除几处拼写错误外,他的作文(composition)是好的. His composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. 1.我除了知道他来自德国外,对其他情况一无所知. 1.I know nothing about him except that he is from Germany.,



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