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1、120132014 学年度第一学期小学六年学年度第一学期小学六年级级英英语语期中期中试试卷卷满分:100 分 考试时间:40 分钟 一、根据图片提示,完成单词。(18 分)1.p_ stc_rd 2.d_ _cing 3.m_ _n c_ke4.st_ mp 5.l_nt_rn 6.b_ k _ 二、用正确的书写格式抄写下列句子。 (10 分)1. can I write to you? you can be my chinese pen friend.2. there is a west lake in hangzhou. i want to go there.三、选择题。 (20 分)(

2、) 1. New York is in the _of America.A. east B. west ( ) 2. Theres a Great Wall in _.A. China B. America( ) 3. _ you got any dolls from China?A. Has B. Have ( ) 4. There _lots of Chinese restaurants in New York.A. is B. are ( ) 5. On _Day, we say “thank you” for our food, family and friends.A. Spring

3、 B .Thanksgiving( )6. Can you tell_more about America.A.me B.I( )7. Do you like collecting _?A.stamp B.stamps ( )8. A:_can Jim be your pen friend?B:Because he can write French.A.Who B.Why ( )9. Amy is sending_email to her friend.( )A.a B.an ( )10. Spring Festival is a_festival.A.Chinese B.English四、根

4、据图片提示完成下列句子,请把序号填入对应的括号内。 (16 分)A. flying kites B. Reading C. the Great Wall D. play basketball E. Chinatown F. The Huangshan Mountain G. famous men and women H.Thanksgiving( ) 1. There is a _in New York.( ) 2. _is my hobby. ( ) 3. I like_ . ( ) 4. Tell me more about_ .( ) 5. _is my favourite festiv

5、al. 成绩学校 年 班 姓名 座号 密 封 装 订 线 2( ) 6._is very beautiful.( ) 7.They are_.( ) 8. I can_.五、请你从 B 栏中选出对应的答句。 (16 分)A ( ) 1.Do you miss China? ( ) 2.Wheres New York? ( ) 3.Have you got a kite? ( ) 4.Can you speak English? ( ) 5.How long is the Great Wall? ( ) 6.Is there a letter for me? ( ) 7.Where are yo

6、u from? ( ) 8.Pleased to meet you. B A. Its in the east.B. No, I havent.C. Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometers.D. Yes, I can speak some English.E. Sometimes.F.Im from ChinaG.Pleased to meet you,too.H .Yes,there is.六、请你根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 (10 分)This is an English boy. His name is Tom. He is e

7、leven. He is in No. 1 Guangming School. Hes in Class 3, Grade 6. He is Number 2. Miss Wu is his Chinese teacher. She is a nice woman. Li Ping is Toms friend. Li Ping is not here. He is at home.( ) 1. The boys name is _.A. Sam B. Tom C. Mike( ) 2. He is in No._ Guangming School.A. 1 B. 2 C. 3( ) 3. Miss Wu is a_ teacher. A. dancing B. English C. Chinese( ) 4. His teacher is a _.A. man B. girl C. woman( ) 5. Li Ping is _now.A. at school B. at home C. at zoo七、写作(10 分)请你模仿例句,根据提示词,写写“我”会做什么(至少 5 句话) 。例:I can speak English.提示词:write emails, sing songs, ride my bicycle, fly kites, read books.



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