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1、Advertising is part of our life.Language in English Advertising is the cream of the English language. 广告,商战中的新潮! 广告语,打开消费者钱包的金钥匙! 记住,推销商品的同时也在推销自己! 学会做广告,也就学到了做生意的精髓! 学会推销自己,这是出人头地的捷径这也是广告!,把柔媚浇在身上。(香浴乳) 魅力之吻!(梦丹娜唇膏) 温柔多情的夜,甜蜜温馨的梦。(兰薇儿睡衣) 含羞带怯试新衣,活泼俏丽展新姿。(服装) 把“新鲜”直接拉出来。(台湾电冰箱)There are two things t

2、hat last longer than time. Love is one of them. It is a win, win situation. New fragrance. New classic. Live. Laugh. Love.,广告英语课件 Power Point Texts in Advertising English 谭卫国,Session One Introduction In modern society, with the help of mass media, advertising has entered into every aspect of hu- man

3、 life. Every day, people are exposed to a large number of advertisements no matter whether they like them or not. But what is advertising? What are the objectives of advertising? What elements does an advertisement consist of? How are advertise- ments classified? And what significance does a studyof

4、 advertising possess? These are the questions of which we must have a good idea before we proceedto explore the language features or characteristics of English advertising.,1.1 Definition of AdvertisingIn English, the word “advertise” has its origin in“advertere” in Latin, meaning “to inform some- b

5、ody of something”, “to bring into notice” or “to draw attention to something”, etc. Abert Lasker, father of modern advertising, said that advertisingwas“salesmanship in print”(赵静,1992:302). This definition was given a long time before the advent of radio and television. In the past, the na- ture and

6、 scope of advertising were considerably different from those today. The definition indicates that the ultimate objective of advertising is to sell. Obviously,it is not an all-round definition, for it can not cover all advertisements.,Definitions of advertising are many and varied. An advertisement m

7、ay be defined as a public notice designed to spread infor- mation with a view to promoting the sales of marketable goods and services (Harris and Heldon, 1962:40), or defined as a vital marketing tool as well as a powerful com- munication force. It is the action of calling something to peoples atten

8、tion especially by a paid announcement. Advertising con- tains messages designed to make known what we have to sell or what we have to buy (J.S. Chandan, 1990).,Also, advertising can be defined as a kind of paid, non-personal communication through various mass media by business firms, non- profit or

9、ganizations, and individuals who are in some way identified in the message and who hope to inform or persuade members of a particular audience (Bolen, 1984:9). Ameri- can Marketing Association (AMA)(赵静,1992 :1) defines advertising as the non-personal communication of information usually paid forand

10、persuasive in nature about products, services, or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media.,Although advertising can be defined in many different ways, the essential points concerning its definition may be summarized as follows: Advertising is a kind of extensive communication of infor

11、mation usually highly paid for and strongly persuasive by nature. Advertising contains messages or pieces of information about marketable products and services, or ideas, norms and values. Adver- tising messages are designed particularly, ingeniously and meticulously, which are made known through va

12、rious media to the general,public or to particular groups of people, with a view to promoting the sales of the goods and services concerned, or to spreading ideas, norms and values. Contemporary ad- vertising is so commonly ubiquitous and so widely influential that it is considered to be part of mod

13、ern life. If the definitions of adver- tising are too vague and abstract to compre- hend, a few words about its functions will pro- bably help to clarify this crucial term. Broadlyspeaking, advertisements have at least one of two functions: informing or persuading, though overlap may often take plac

14、e in one single piece.,Informative advertisements inform “ custo- mers about goods, services, or ideas and then tell how to get them by means of an identified sponsor” (Bolen, 1984:6). An ad- vertisement of this type supplies basic, fac- tual information and sometimes shows a photo or an illustratio

15、n of the product/serviceto give the target audience a better view about the advertised product. Persuasive advertisements are the instruments used by advertisers “who have defined their tar- get audiences and determined the effect they hope to achieve through persuasive advertisements in the media”

16、(Bolen, 1984: 9) . A persuasive advertisement should try to,persuade the potential customers to buy the new product (Bolen, 1984 :6). The persuasivefunction is not only limited to attracting the po- tential customers into buying a certain commo- dity, but also including the selling of services, idea

17、s, norms and values. 1.2 Elements of AdvertisingAn advertisement is composed of different components, which are either verbal or non- verbal. The verbal components consist of the headline, sub-headline, the body copy, trade- mark (including brand name, corporate or store name and visual symbol) and slogan. The non- verbal elements are made up of illustrations, advertising music, advertising sounds, color and layout. Each element plays a role in suc- cessful advertising.,



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