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1、unit4whatareyoudoing?unit4whatareyoudoing?教学设计教学设计 与教学反思与教学反思 partBpartB五年级英语五年级英语第四课时 B. Lets learn教学目标:(1)能够听、说、读、写词组:listening to music, washing clothes, cleaning the room, writing a letter, writing an e-mail.(2)理解 Lets chant 局部的内容。教学重点:(1)能够用 What is your father /doing? 询问他人正在干什么,并会用:He/She is 来

2、进行回答。(2)对词组 listening to music, washing clothes, cleaning the room, writing a letter, writing an e-mail.的四会掌握。教学难点:(1) 能够用 What is your father /doing? 询问他人正在干什么,并会用:He/She is 来进行回答。(2) 单词 writing, clothes 的发音。教学准备:词组图片、自制词组卡片、磁带、录音机。教学过程:一、Warm-up1听写四会词组和句子2Lets sing: What are you doing?二、Presentati

3、on1、新授词组:Listening to music1 引出:教师做 A 局部的五个动词词组的动作让同学猜词组,顺势做听音乐的动作,引出新授。2 出示认读:示范认读跟读抽读边做动作边开火车读单词(two by two)3 放入句型中滚动:T: Follow me. What are you doing?B: Im T: What is B doing?2、新授词组:washing clothes1 引出:把图片的一半遮住T: What is mother doing? Can you guess? Is she ?S: 同学 Guess2 出示认读:示范认读跟读抽读边做动作边开火车读单词(o

4、ne by one)3 放入句型中滚动:T: Follow me, What are you doing?B: Im T: What is B doing?S: He/She is 3、新授词组:cleaning the room1 抽一同学上台做打扫房间的动作,让其余同学猜他正在做什么:What is he/she doing?2 出示认读:示范认读跟读抽读边做动作边开火车读单词(eight by eight)3 放入句型中滚动:T: Follow me, What are you doing?B: Im T: What is B doing?S: He/She is 4、巩固 3 个词组:

5、cleaning the room, washing clothes, listening to music1 齐读单词2 看口型猜单词3 做动作猜单词,引出新授5、新授词组:writing a letter1 引出:由前 3 个词组做动作操练顺势引出单词:writing a letter2 出示认读:示范认读跟读抽读边做动作边开火车读单词(two by two)3 放入句型中滚动:T: Follow me, What are you doing?B: Im T: What is B doing?S: He/She is 6、新授词组:writing an e-mail同 5 教学方法。三、P

6、racitce1、 Hanging man 游戏。2、 认读 10 个动词词组集体认读开火车读3、小组竞猜活动四、Lets learn and Lets chant1 听 Lets learn 录音跟读2 听 chant3 跟录音 chant4 齐打节奏齐 chant五、教学后记:同学能够用 What is your father /doing? 询问他人正在干什么,并会用:He/She is 来进行回答,但是有时难免搞错 he 与 she。第五课时 B. Lets talk教学目标:1理解 Lets talk 局部的内容。2理解 Lets find out 的内容并按要求完成任务。教学重点:

7、使同学熟练掌握 What do you do on the weekend? I often/usually play football/并能在实际情景中自如运用。教学难点: 单词 usually, often, sometimes 的异同和灵活运用。教学准备:磁带,录音机,单词卡片,课文图片。教学过程:一、Warm-up1复习词组:do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have English class, play sports, eat dinner,climb mountains, go shopping, play the piano, visit

8、 grandparents, go hiking。齐读抽读开火车读抽背2Lets chant: Every weekend I climb mountains.同学跟录音一起 chant3 师生对话,复习句型:What do you do on the weekend? I often T: Every weekend I usually go shopping. What do you do on the weekend?S:I usually/often 二、Presentation and Practice1、 Lets try1 讲解题意。2 让同学听录音独立完成。3 一起校对。2、L

9、ets talk1让同学合拢课本,听 Lets talk 录音。抽个别同学 repeat,跟读。2板书:What do you do on the weekend? I often/usually Sometimes I 3认读板书句型。4跟读教师。5分角色朗读。6Group work。7戴头饰扮演。3、 Lets play:新龟兔赛跑三、Lets Find out1 讲解题意, 找志同道合的朋友。2 示范: T: What do you usually do on the weekend?S1: I usually play football.T: Me, too. Lets play fo

10、otball together next weekend.S1: OK.TS1: What do you usually do on the weekend?S2: I often play football.TS1: Lets play football together next weekend.S2: OK.3 让同学自身找朋友。4 比一比谁找到的朋友最多。四、Homework:五、教学后记:本堂课内容较为简单,大局部同学熟练掌握 What do you do on the weekend? I often/usually play football/并能在实际情景中自如运用。第六课时:

11、 B. Read and Write教学目标:1听、说、读、写四会句子:What do you do on the weekend? Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.2理解对话内容。3理解 Let s play 局部的内容教学重点:掌握四会句子: What do you do on the weekend? Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes

12、 I visit my grandparents. I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.要求同学能在相似的情景中正确使用。强调这些四会句子的规范书写。教学难点:四会句子的规范书写。教学准备:磁带,录音机。教学过程:一、Warm-up1复习词组:do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have English class, play sports, eat dinner,climb mountains, go shopping, play the piano, visit grandparents, go h

13、iking。齐读抽背单词2复习 Lets talk3Lets chant:二 Presentation and Practice1让同学自身阅读课文并完成课后填空。2抽 2 个同学上黑板写出填空答案: Zoom: play football, go hikingZip: watch TV, go shopping, visit grandparents.3校对答案。5 跟读课文录音。6 跟读教师。7 同学提问,教师答疑。三、Activity Book1 同学听录音完成 B 局部2 上交四、Lets sing: Weekend1 跟录音唱。2 男女生分段唱。3 齐唱。五、Homework:六、教学后记:对于四会句子和单词的听写还要努力。



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