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1、,闽教版四年级英语上册,Unit 4 Numbers and Time Part A,执教者:罗源县鉴江中心小学 林芳 指导老师:鉴江中心小学 尤碧香,Listen to the tape.,Listen and answer: 1.When do they begin their competition? 2.Who is the winner?,13 14 15 thirteen fourteen fifteen 30 40 50 thirty forty fifty,Numbers,我是小小侦探家,考 考 你!,教师说首字母,学生猜数字,50,12,60,17,8,19,20,6,11,

2、40,30,时间表达法,1.整点时间表达法: 12:00 : Its twelve oclock. 8:00: Its eight oclock. 2.非整点时间表达法:Its+时+分。 7:15: Its seven fifteen. 9:30: Its nine thirty.,Game: Time,time. Whats the time?,游戏规则: 全班同学一边不停地说:“Time,time. Whats the time?”,一边传时钟,当老师喊“stop”时,拿到时钟的同学根据课件展示的时间做出相应的回答。,2:00,4:10,4:56,11:30,_ is the winner.,_ is the winner.,_ is the winner.,_ is the winner.,Homework:,1.听课文录音并模仿跟读。 2.完成活动手册中本课的练习。 3.试着用英文给爸爸妈妈讲龟兔赛跑的故事。,


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