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1、,新 生 儿 黄 疸 Neonatal Jaundice,母 得 志 教授/主任医师四川大学华西第二医院儿科华西儿童医学中心,概述 Introduction,黄疸 (jaundice):新生儿期常见 足月儿(full term infants): 早产儿(preterm infants):,50%,80%,概述 Introduction continued,时间 (When):多发生在出生后1周内 部位 (Where):巩膜、皮肤发黄 血中胆红素浓度 (What):胆红素超过5mg/dl,概述 Introduction continued,Why Jaundice occurred?,生 成

2、(Producing) 排 泄 (Excreting),Hemoglobin Globin + Heme,Heme,Bilirubin,Bilirubin Metablism,1. Bilirubin,Bilirubin Metablism,Y,Z,Z,Y,UDPGT,-glucuronidase,Fecal bilirubin,Urobilinogen,Reticuloendothelial,2. Bilirubin-Albumin Complex,Cytoplasmic,3.Conjugated bilirubin,4. Intestine,ENTEROHEPATIC CIRC,Bacte

3、ria,SER,新生儿胆红素代谢特点,1、胆红素生成 (Bilirubin production) 8.8mg/kg/d in newborns 3.8mg/kg/d in adults 2、与白蛋白结合 (Bilirubin - albumin complex)a. 早产儿b. 酸中毒(Acidosis),Bilirubin Metablism,新生儿胆红素代谢特点 continued,3、肝细胞胆红素代谢(Bilirubin metabolism) 肝细胞摄入(Hepatic uptake, Y, Z protein) 结合胆红素(UDPGT) 4、肠肝循环(Enterohepatic c

4、irculation),Bilirubin Metablism,胆红素的毒性作用 Bilirubin toxicity,结合胆红素(Conjugated bilirubin ):水溶性 未结合胆红素(Unconjugated bilirubin):脂溶性(Lipid-soluble) 胆红素脑病(Bilirubin-encephalopathy),Bilirubin Metablism,临床表现 Clinical Manifestations,黄疸(Jaundice appears) 时间(when):新生儿期 部位(where):面部 胸部 腹部 肢端,Clinical Manifestat

5、ions,临床表现 Clinical Manifestations continued,评估(Evaluation of jaundice) 肉眼:面部:5mg/dl; 腹部:10-15mg/dl; 肢端:15-20mg/dl 经皮测胆红素:筛查 血清胆红素: 标准,Clinical Manifestations,颜 面,躯 干,肢 端,新生儿黄疸 皮肤黄染顺序,8.1mg/dl,14.3mg/dl,22.5mg/dl,临床表现 Clinical Manifestations continued,分类 (Classification)生理性黄疸 (Physiological Jaundice)

6、病理性黄疸 (Pathological Jaundice),Clinical Manifestations,生理性黄疸 (Physiological Jaundice) 原 因:与新生儿胆红素代谢有关 出现时间:生后23天 高峰时间:生后45天 持续时间:足月儿2周,临床表现 Clinical Manifestations continued,Clinical Manifestations,早产儿4周,生理性黄疸 (Physiological Jaundice) 胆红素峰值: 足月儿12.9 mg/dl早产儿15 mg/dl 进 展 情 况: 每日增加2周,早产儿4周或退而复现,临床表现 Cl

7、inical Manifestations continued,Clinical Manifestations,病理性黄疸 (Pathological Jaundice) 胆红素峰值:足月儿12.9mg/dl早产儿15mg/dl 进 展 情 况: 每日增加 5mg/dl 全 身 情 况: 原发病症状体征 治 疗: 治疗原发病,临床表现 Clinical Manifestations continued,Clinical Manifestations,新 生 儿 溶 血 病 (Hemolytic disease of newborn, HDN),概述 Introduction,同族免疫性溶血 2

8、6个血型:ABO: 85.3%Rh: 14.6%MN: 0.1%,病因及发病机制 Pathogenesis,ABO incompatibilitythe mother: type O the infant: type A or B Rh incompatibilitythe mother: Rh(-)the infant: Rh(+)D, E, C, c, e,临床表现 Clinical Manifestations,ABO Rh1.黄疸: mild severe2-3 day 24 h 2.贫血: mild severe(3-6 weeks) heart failure 3.肝脾大: rar

9、e common,胆红素脑病或核黄疸 Bilirubin Encephalopathy & Kernicterus,警告期 (warning stage) 痉挛期 (convulsion stage) 恢复期 (recovery stage) 后遗症期 (sequelae stage),Clinical Manifestations,并发症 Complications,胆红素脑病或核黄疸 Bilirubin Encephalopathy & Kernicterus,Clinical Manifestations,并发症 Complications continued,角弓反张 Opisthot

10、onus,实验室检查 Laboratory tests,母子血型:血型不合 高胆红素血症:未结合胆红素 溶血检查 血红蛋白 : 网织RBC: 有核RBC:,实验室检查 Laboratory tests continued,血型抗体检查(antibody test) 1. 直接抗人球蛋白试验 (+) confirm (Direct Coombs test) 2. 抗体释放试验 (+) confirm(Antibody release test) 3. 游离抗体试验 (+) judge(Free antibody test),Laboratory tests,治 疗 Treatment,光照疗法

11、(Phototherapy) 换血疗法 (Exchange transfusion)药物治疗 (Drug therapy),光照疗法 Phototherapy continued,光源 (Light source):波长425475的蓝光,Treatment,光照疗法 Phototherapy continued,适应症 (Indications) 高未结合胆红素血症 胆红素 12mg/dl 有核黄疸高危因素放宽指针 换血前,Treatment,光照疗法 Phototherapy continued,Treatment,副作用 (Side effects ) 腹泻 (Diarrhea) 发热

12、(Fever) 皮疹 (Skin rash) 青铜症 (Bronze baby syndrome) (Conjugated bilirubin4mg/dl),Treatment,光照疗法 Phototherapy continued,光疗的副作用 (Side effects of phototherapy),皮 疹,青铜症,Treatment,换血疗法 Change transfusion continued,目的 (Aims of transfusions) 换出抗体和致敏RBC,减少溶血 换出胆红素,防止核黄疸 纠正贫血,Treatment,适应症 (Indications) 严重溶血病

13、光疗效果差,Treatment,换血疗法 Change transfusion continued,指针 ( Indications )1)出生时Hb0.7mg/dl/h4)有核黄疸,Treatment,换血疗法 Change transfusion continued,血型的选择 ( Source of the blood )mother newbornsRh 溶血: Rh ABOABO 溶血: “AB” plasma and “O” cells,Treatment,换血疗法 Change transfusion continued,换血量 (Volume) 150180ml/kg ( 二倍

14、于新生儿血容积 ) 方法 (Method) 外周血管同步换血,Treatment,换血疗法 Change transfusion continued,Treatment,血清胆红素 22.7mg/dl,换血疗法 Change transfusion continued,换血疗法 Change transfusion continued,Treatment,外周血管 同步换血 足背动脉 头静脉,药物治疗 Drug therapy,苯巴比妥 (phenobarbital)Effects:Uptake,Conjugation 白蛋白 (Albumin):减少游离胆红素 IVIG:阻止溶血 微生态制剂:减少肠肝循环,Treatment,预 防 Preventions,ABO溶血 (ABO incompatibility): No Rh溶血 (Rh incompatibility)300 g of human anti-D globulin within 72h after delivery,



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