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1、Revision of Junior English 初三英语复习,介词,1.介词是历年中考必考语言点之一。通常以单项选择出现。考察面涉及表示时间、表示地点的介词、含有介词的固定搭配及介词的一些特有的用法等。 2.从近两年的中考试题来看,on表示确定时间与其他时间介词的区别;between 与among;及含有介词的固定短语的特殊用法是考察热点。,命题趋势,Lucy,Lily,Mary,Sunny,Kitty,between,next to,Tommy,in front of,behind,词汇大阅兵-让我们先来把耳朵和眼睛唤醒,on the right,on the left,A,B,C,o

2、n,under,between,D,near,behind,E,in front of,F,One,Two,in the front of,go through the forest,through,(11) across (从物体表面)跨越, 越过 through (从物体中间)穿透, 穿越over (从物体上面)跃过,over,above,on,in,under,below,fall off/down from the tree,Michaels neighborhood,Fifth Ave,Pine Street,Supermarket,House,Hotel,go (straight)

3、 along go down,Michaels neighborhood,Fifth Ave,Pine Street,Supermarket,House,Hotel,Turn right,Michaels neighborhood,Fifth Ave,Pine Street,Supermarket,House,Hotel,Turn left,介词的主要分类:,1. in summer, on September 1st _ 2. at the cinema, in the hospital _ 3. Write with a pen, go by bus _ 4. by the way, at

4、 last, in the end _,时间介词,地点介词,方式介词,固定搭配,一.时间介词,1.at six oclock, at noon, at that time, at half past three, at mid-night _ 2.on Sunday, on New Years Day, on March 21st, on my birthday _ 3. in three days, in a week, in a month, in May,in a season, in 1998, in a century_ 4. in the morning, in the after

5、noon , in the evening _,表示点钟或具体一点时间用 at,表示在某一天用 on,表示大于一天的时间用 in,在早上/下午/傍晚 用 in,一、in, on at 表示时间1、 in 表示在年、月、季节和在上午、下午或晚上等。in 2005, in June, in spring, in the morning / afternoon / evening2、on 表示在某一天或在某一天的上午、下午或晚上等。on May 1st, on Tuesday, on Sunday morning, on a cold evening 3、at 表示在某一时刻和在夜里、中午。at 1

6、2:00 , at night, at noon,I was born _ June 1,1992. I was born _ Childrens Day.,I was born _ June,1992.,I was born _ 1992.,in,in,on,on,一、after, in的区别1、 in 表示的一段时间后,用于将来时。2、after表示过去的一段时间后,用于过去式。如果after后跟将来的某一个时刻,也可以用于将来时。,二.地点介词,表示小地方用at,表示大地方用in,表示不同地方用具体不同的介词,1.at the village , at home, at the corn

7、er of the street_,2.in Shanghai , in the country, in Asia, in the world, in space _,3. in the box, on the chair, under the desk, next to Kate, on the right of Lucy, in front of the house, behind the door _,1.at(在小地方)/ in(在大地方)/ on(在表面之上),总结方位介词,2.between and (两者) among (三者以上),3.in(范围内)/ to(范围外) / on

8、(相邻),4.above(之上,高于)/ over(垂直上方) / on 在上面,5.by就在旁边/beside 近旁紧靠=next to / near 附近,6.across(从表面穿过)/through(从内部穿过),7.in/into (强调运动变化) on/ onto(表示位置改变),填上正确的地方介词:,1.在广州 _ Guangzhou 2.在电影院 _ the cinema 3.在湖边 _ the lake 4.在海里 _ the sea 5.树上的苹果 apples _ the tree 6.书上的小鸟 birds _ the tree 7.在天空上 _ the sky 8.在

9、教室外 _ the classroom 9.在农场上 _ the farm 10.在街道上 _ the street,in,at,by,in,on,in,in,outside,on,in,三.方式介词,1.write with a pen, cut with a knife, lock with a key _,使用工具用介词 with,2. see with our eyes, do with our hands, smell with our noses, eat with our mouths_,使用器官用介词 with,3. in English , in French , in yo

10、ur own words, in three languages _ 4. in a loud voice, in a low voice_ 5. in this way, in these ways , by this means_,使用语言用介词 in,使用声音用介词 in,使用方法用介词 in 或 by,6.by bike, by bus, by train, by plane, by ship, by car (on foot) by land 陆路, by road 陆路 by sea 水路,by air 空运 _,使用交通工具用 by,但:on the bike, on a bus

11、, on a train, on the plane, on the ship, in the car,7. Shanghai lies _the east of China.( )Japan lies _the east of China.( )Hubei lies _the north of Hunan.( ),8.in a red coat, the girl in yellow, the boy in white_9.lie in bed, after a while, in the sun ( ),in,to,on,在中国内部,在中国外部,两地接壤,表示穿衣服用 in,固定搭配,热身

12、练习 1. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive _Paris_the morning of July 9. A. at, in B. in, on C. in, in D. at, on 2. Guangzhou is _ the south of China. Japan is _ the east of China. A. toin B. inin C. toin D. into,3. -Do you like some coffee? -Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer

13、 coffee _milk. A. to B. with C. than D. of 4. He wanted to ask some books science.A. forin B. aboutof C. foron D. aboutabout,(2) betweenand在和之间 among在中间(三者以上),(3) in 在里面(表示静止的位置) into 进入,表示运动方向,常用在表示动作的动词之后,如 go, come, walk, jump, run 等 into的反义词是out of,其它介词辨析,(7) by “在前” 多和完成时态连用till “直到才” Ill wait here till you come back.until “不到就不” 常和not连用 Ill not leave until you come back.,(9) since + 过去的一个时间点 (表示时间段, 从开始到现在)for + 一段时间,



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